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34 lines
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const _jsxFileName = "/home/greg/code/bart-tile/src/js/components/root.js";import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import _ from 'lodash';
import { HeaderBar } from "./lib/header-bar.js"
export class Root extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
React.createElement(BrowserRouter, {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 15}}
, React.createElement('div', { className: "absolute h-100 w-100 bg-gray0-d ph4-m ph4-l ph4-xl pb4-m pb4-l pb4-xl" , __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 16}}
, React.createElement(HeaderBar, {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 17}})
, React.createElement(Route, { exact: true, path: "/~barttile", render: () => {
return (
React.createElement('div', { className: "cf w-100 flex flex-column pa4 ba-m ba-l ba-xl b--gray2 br1 h-100 h-100-minus-40-s h-100-minus-40-m h-100-minus-40-l h-100-minus-40-xl f9 white-d overflow-x-hidden" , __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 20}}
, React.createElement('h1', { className: "mt0 f8 fw4" , __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 21}}, "barttile")
, React.createElement('p', { className: "lh-copy measure pt3" , __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 22}}, "Welcome to your Landscape application." )
, React.createElement('p', { className: "lh-copy measure pt3" , __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 23}}, "To get started, edit " , React.createElement('code', {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 23}}, "src/index.js"), ", " , React.createElement('code', {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 23}}, "tile/tile.js"), " or " , React.createElement('code', {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 23}}, "urbit/app/barttile.hoon"), " and " , React.createElement('code', {__self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 23}}, "|commit %home" ), " on your Urbit ship to see your changes." )
, React.createElement('a', { className: "black no-underline db f8 pt3" , href: "https://urbit.org/docs", __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 24}}, "-> Read the docs" )
)}, __self: this, __source: {fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 18}}