Parse scanlists.
This commit is contained in:
@ -390,21 +390,45 @@ static int md380_is_compatible(radio_device_t *radio)
// Set the bitmask of zones for a given channel.
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static void setup_zone(int zone_index, int chan_index)
static void zone_append(int zone_index, int chan_index)
uint8_t *data = &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*0x80 + chan_index/8];
zone_t *z = (zone_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*64];
*data |= 1 << (chan_index & 7);
//TODO: append channel to a zone
static void erase_zone(int zone_index)
uint8_t *data = &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*0x80];
zone_t *z = (zone_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*64];
memset(data, 0, 0x80);
memset(z, 0, 64);
// Set parameters for a given scan list.
static void setup_scanlist(int index, const char *name,
int prio1, int prio2, int txchan)
scanlist_t *sl = (scanlist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SCANL + index*104];
// Bytes 0-31
utf8_decode(sl->name, name, 16);
// Bytes 32-37
sl->priority_ch1 = prio1;
sl->priority_ch2 = prio2;
sl->tx_designated_ch = txchan;
// Bytes 38-41
sl->_unused1 = 0xf1;
sl->sign_hold_time = 500 / 25; // 500 msec
sl->prio_sample_time = 2000 / 250; // 2 sec
sl->_unused2 = 0xff;
static void erase_scanlist(int index)
@ -425,6 +449,24 @@ static void erase_scanlist(int index)
sl->_unused2 = 0xff;
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int scanlist_append(int list_index, int cnum)
scanlist_t *sl = (scanlist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SCANL + list_index*104];
int i;
for (i=0; i<31; i++) {
if (sl->member[i] == 0) {
sl->member[i] = cnum;
return 1;
return 0;
// Check that the radio does support this frequency.
@ -1011,11 +1053,11 @@ static void md380_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of scan lists.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Zone number: 1-%d\n", NSCANL);
fprintf(out, "# 1) Scan list number: 1-%d\n", NSCANL);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Priority channel 1 (50%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Priority channel 2 (25%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Designated transmit channel: -, Last or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
@ -1049,9 +1091,9 @@ static void md380_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->priority_ch2);
if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0xffff) {
fprintf(out, "- ");
} else if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Last ");
} else if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Sel ");
} else {
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->tx_designated_ch);
@ -1199,7 +1241,7 @@ static void md380_save_image(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *img)
// Erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
// Erase all channels.
static void erase_channels()
@ -1208,9 +1250,27 @@ static void erase_channels()
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
// Erase all zones.
static void erase_zones()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
// Erase all scanlists.
static void erase_scanlists()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
@ -1408,6 +1468,8 @@ badtx: fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit frequency.\n");
if (first_row && radio->channel_count == 0) {
// On first entry, erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
setup_channel(num-1, MODE_DIGITAL, name_str, rx_mhz, tx_mhz,
@ -1576,7 +1638,7 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Zones table.
memset(&radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES], 0, NZONES * 0x80);
if (*chan_str == '-')
@ -1605,12 +1667,12 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last; c<cnum; c++) {
setup_zone(bnum-1, c);
zone_append(bnum-1, c);
} else {
// Add single channel.
setup_zone(bnum-1, cnum-1);
zone_append(bnum-1, cnum-1);
@ -1634,12 +1696,115 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
static int parse_scanlist(int first_row, char *line)
//TODO: parse scanlist Name
//TODO: parse scanlist PCh1
//TODO: parse scanlist PCh2
//TODO: parse scanlist TxCh
//TODO: parse scanlist Channels
return 0;
char num_str[256], name_str[256], prio1_str[256], prio2_str[256];
char tx_str[256], chan_str[256];
int snum, prio1, prio2, txchan;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, prio1_str, prio2_str, tx_str, chan_str) != 6)
return 0;
snum = atoi(num_str);
if (snum < 1 || snum > NSCANL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad scan list number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Scanlists table.
if (*prio1_str == '-') {
prio1 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio1_str) == 0) {
prio1 = 0;
} else {
prio1 = atoi(prio1_str);
if (prio1 < 1 || prio1 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 1.\n");
return 0;
if (*prio2_str == '-') {
prio2 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio2_str) == 0) {
prio2 = 0;
} else {
prio2 = atoi(prio2_str);
if (prio2 < 1 || prio2 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 2.\n");
return 0;
if (strcasecmp("Last", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0;
} else {
txchan = atoi(tx_str);
if (txchan < 1 || txchan > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit channel.\n");
return 0;
setup_scanlist(snum-1, name_str, prio1, prio2, txchan);
if (*chan_str != '-') {
char *str = chan_str;
int nchan = 0;
int range = 0;
int last = 0;
// Parse channel list.
for (;;) {
char *eptr;
int cnum = strtoul(str, &eptr, 10);
if (eptr == str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, str);
return 0;
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel number %d.\n", snum, cnum);
return 0;
if (range) {
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last+1; c<=cnum; c++) {
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
} else {
// Add single channel.
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, cnum)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
if (*eptr == 0)
if (*eptr != ',' && *eptr != '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, eptr);
return 0;
range = (*eptr == '-');
last = cnum;
str = eptr + 1;
return 1;
@ -406,21 +406,49 @@ static int uv380_is_compatible(radio_device_t *radio)
// Set the bitmask of zones for a given channel.
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static void setup_zone(int zone_index, int chan_index)
static void zone_append(int zone_index, int chan_index)
uint8_t *data = &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*0x80 + chan_index/8];
zone_t *z = (zone_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*64];
zone_ext_t *zext = (zone_ext_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONEXT + zone_index*224];
*data |= 1 << (chan_index & 7);
//TODO: append channel to a zone
static void erase_zone(int zone_index)
uint8_t *data = &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*0x80];
zone_t *z = (zone_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + zone_index*64];
zone_ext_t *zext = (zone_ext_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONEXT + zone_index*224];
memset(data, 0, 0x80);
memset(z, 0, 64);
memset(zext, 0, 224);
// Set parameters for a given scan list.
static void setup_scanlist(int index, const char *name,
int prio1, int prio2, int txchan)
scanlist_t *sl = (scanlist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SCANL + index*104];
// Bytes 0-31
utf8_decode(sl->name, name, 16);
// Bytes 32-37
sl->priority_ch1 = prio1;
sl->priority_ch2 = prio2;
sl->tx_designated_ch = txchan;
// Bytes 38-41
sl->_unused1 = 0xf1;
sl->sign_hold_time = 500 / 25; // 500 msec
sl->prio_sample_time = 2000 / 250; // 2 sec
sl->_unused2 = 0xff;
static void erase_scanlist(int index)
@ -441,6 +469,24 @@ static void erase_scanlist(int index)
sl->_unused2 = 0xff;
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int scanlist_append(int list_index, int cnum)
scanlist_t *sl = (scanlist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SCANL + list_index*104];
int i;
for (i=0; i<31; i++) {
if (sl->member[i] == 0) {
sl->member[i] = cnum;
return 1;
return 0;
// Check that the radio does support this frequency.
@ -1055,11 +1101,11 @@ static void uv380_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of scan lists.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Zone number: 1-%d\n", NSCANL);
fprintf(out, "# 1) Scan list number: 1-%d\n", NSCANL);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Priority channel 1 (50%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Priority channel 2 (25%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Designated transmit channel: -, Last or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
@ -1093,9 +1139,9 @@ static void uv380_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->priority_ch2);
if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0xffff) {
fprintf(out, "- ");
} else if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Last ");
} else if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Sel ");
} else {
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->tx_designated_ch);
@ -1248,7 +1294,7 @@ static void uv380_save_image(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *img)
// Erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
// Erase all channels.
static void erase_channels()
@ -1257,9 +1303,27 @@ static void erase_channels()
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
// Erase all zones.
static void erase_zones()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
// Erase all scanlists.
static void erase_scanlists()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
@ -1463,6 +1527,8 @@ badtx: fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit frequency.\n");
if (first_row && radio->channel_count == 0) {
// On first entry, erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
setup_channel(num-1, MODE_DIGITAL, name_str, rx_mhz, tx_mhz,
@ -1633,7 +1699,7 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Zones table.
memset(&radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES], 0, NZONES * 0x80);
if (*chan_str == '-')
@ -1662,12 +1728,12 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last; c<cnum; c++) {
setup_zone(bnum-1, c);
zone_append(bnum-1, c);
} else {
// Add single channel.
setup_zone(bnum-1, cnum-1);
zone_append(bnum-1, cnum-1);
@ -1691,12 +1757,115 @@ static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
static int parse_scanlist(int first_row, char *line)
//TODO: parse scanlist Name
//TODO: parse scanlist PCh1
//TODO: parse scanlist PCh2
//TODO: parse scanlist TxCh
//TODO: parse scanlist Channels
return 0;
char num_str[256], name_str[256], prio1_str[256], prio2_str[256];
char tx_str[256], chan_str[256];
int snum, prio1, prio2, txchan;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, prio1_str, prio2_str, tx_str, chan_str) != 6)
return 0;
snum = atoi(num_str);
if (snum < 1 || snum > NSCANL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad scan list number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Scanlists table.
if (*prio1_str == '-') {
prio1 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio1_str) == 0) {
prio1 = 0;
} else {
prio1 = atoi(prio1_str);
if (prio1 < 1 || prio1 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 1.\n");
return 0;
if (*prio2_str == '-') {
prio2 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio2_str) == 0) {
prio2 = 0;
} else {
prio2 = atoi(prio2_str);
if (prio2 < 1 || prio2 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 2.\n");
return 0;
if (strcasecmp("Last", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0;
} else {
txchan = atoi(tx_str);
if (txchan < 1 || txchan > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit channel.\n");
return 0;
setup_scanlist(snum-1, name_str, prio1, prio2, txchan);
if (*chan_str != '-') {
char *str = chan_str;
int nchan = 0;
int range = 0;
int last = 0;
// Parse channel list.
for (;;) {
char *eptr;
int cnum = strtoul(str, &eptr, 10);
if (eptr == str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, str);
return 0;
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel number %d.\n", snum, cnum);
return 0;
if (range) {
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last+1; c<=cnum; c++) {
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
} else {
// Add single channel.
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, cnum)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
if (*eptr == 0)
if (*eptr != ',' && *eptr != '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, eptr);
return 0;
range = (*eptr == '-');
last = cnum;
str = eptr + 1;
return 1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user