D868UV: able to print a list of channels.
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ typedef struct {
// Byte 8
uint8_t channel_mode : 2, // Mode: Analog or Digital
#define MODE_ANALOG 0
#define MODE_DIGITAL 1
#define MODE_A_D 2
#define MODE_D_A 3
#define MODE_ANALOG 0 // Analog
#define MODE_DIGITAL 1 // Digital
#define MODE_A_D 2 // A+D, transmit analog
#define MODE_D_A 3 // D+A, transmit digital
power : 2, // Power: Low, Middle, High, Turbo
#define POWER_LOW 0
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define BW_25_KHZ 1
_unused8 : 2, // 0
neg_tx_off : 1; // Negative TX offset?
neg_tx_offset : 1; // Negative TX offset?
// Byte 9
uint8_t rx_ctcss : 1, // CTCSS Decode
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ typedef struct {
tx_ctcss : 1, // CTCSS Encode
tx_dcs : 1, // DCS Encode
reverse : 1, // Reverse
tx_prohibit : 1, // TX Prohibit
rx_only : 1, // TX Prohibit
call_confirm : 1, // Call Confirmation
talkaround : 1; // Talk Around
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t tx_permit : 2, // TX Permit
#define PERMIT_ALWAYS 0 // Always
#define PERMIT_CH_FREE 1 // Channel Free
#define PERMIT_CC_DIF 2 // Different Color Code
#define PERMIT_CC_DIFF 2 // Different Color Code
#define PERMIT_CC_SAME 3 // Same Color Code
_unused26_1 : 2, // 0
@ -262,6 +262,10 @@ typedef struct {
} radioid_t;
static const char *POWER_NAME[] = { "Low", "Mid", "High", "Turbo" };
static const char *ADMIT_NAME[] = { "-", "Free", "DiffCC", "Color" };
static const char *BANDWIDTH[] = { "12.5", "25" };
// Print a generic information about the device.
@ -401,6 +405,231 @@ static void print_intro(FILE *out, int verbose)
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Get channel bank by index.
static channel_t *get_bank(int i)
return (channel_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_BANK1 + i*0x2000];
// Get channel by index.
static channel_t *get_channel(int i)
channel_t *bank = get_bank(i >> 7);
uint8_t *bitmap = &radio_mem[OFFSET_CHAN_BITMAP];
if ((bitmap[i / 8] >> (i & 7)) & 1)
return &bank[i % 128];
return 0;
// Do we have any channels of given mode?
static int have_channels(int mode)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = get_channel(i);
if (!ch)
if (ch->channel_mode == mode)
return 1;
// Treat D+A mode as digital.
if (mode == MODE_DIGITAL && ch->channel_mode == MODE_D_A)
return 1;
// Treat A+D mode as analog.
if (mode == MODE_ANALOG && ch->channel_mode == MODE_A_D)
return 1;
return 0;
// Print base parameters of the channel:
// Name
// RX Frequency
// TX Frequency
// Power
// Scan List
// TOT
// RX Only
// Admit Criteria
static void print_chan_base(FILE *out, channel_t *ch, int cnum)
fprintf(out, "%5d ", cnum);
print_ascii(out, ch->name, 16, 1);
fprintf(out, " ");
print_freq(out, ch->rx_frequency);
fprintf(out, " ");
print_offset_delta(out, ch->rx_frequency, ch->tx_offset);
fprintf(out, "%-4s ", POWER_NAME[ch->power]);
if (ch->scan_list_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", ch->scan_list_index);
// if (ch->tot == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
// else
// fprintf(out, "%-3d ", ch->tot * 15);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->rx_only]);
fprintf(out, "%-6s ", ADMIT_NAME[ch->tx_permit]);
//TODO: Busy Lock for analog channels
static void print_digital_channels(FILE *out, int verbose)
int i;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of digital channels.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Channel number: 1-%d\n", NCHAN);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Receive frequency in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Transmit power: High, Low\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table\n");
fprintf(out, "# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555\n");
fprintf(out, "# 8) Receive only: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color\n");
fprintf(out, "# 10) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15\n");
fprintf(out, "# 11) Time slot: 1 or 2\n");
fprintf(out, "# 12) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table\n");
fprintf(out, "# 13) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Digital Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Color Slot RxGL TxContact");
fprintf(out, "\n");
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = get_channel(i);
if (!ch)
if (ch->channel_mode != MODE_DIGITAL && ch->channel_mode != MODE_D_A) {
// Select digital channels
print_chan_base(out, ch, i+1);
// Print digital parameters of the channel:
// Color Code
// Repeater Slot
// Group List
// Contact Name
fprintf(out, "%-5d %-3d ", ch->color_code, 1 + ch->slot2);
if (ch->group_list_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", ch->group_list_index);
if (ch->contact_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "%-4d", ch->contact_index);
#if 0
// Print contact name as a comment.
if (ch->contact_index > 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(ch->contact_index - 1);
if (VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(out, " # ");
print_ascii(out, ct->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(out, "\n");
static void print_ctcss(FILE *out, unsigned ctcss)
fprintf(out, "0x%02x ", ctcss);
static void print_dcs(FILE *out, unsigned dcs)
fprintf(out, "0x%04x ", dcs);
static void print_analog_channels(FILE *out, int verbose)
int i;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of analog channels.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Channel number: 1-%d\n", NCHAN);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Receive frequency in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Transmit power: High, Low\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) Scan list: - or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555\n");
fprintf(out, "# 8) Receive only: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone\n");
fprintf(out, "# 10) Squelch level: Normal, Tight\n");
fprintf(out, "# 11) Guard tone for receive, or '-' to disable\n");
fprintf(out, "# 12) Guard tone for transmit, or '-' to disable\n");
fprintf(out, "# 13) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 20, 25\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Analog Name Receive Transmit Power Scan AS TOT RO Admit Squelch RxTone TxTone Width");
fprintf(out, "\n");
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = get_channel(i);
if (!ch)
if (ch->channel_mode != MODE_ANALOG && ch->channel_mode != MODE_A_D) {
// Select analog channels
print_chan_base(out, ch, i+1);
// Print analog parameters of the channel:
// Squelch
// Bandwidth
fprintf(out, "%-7s ", "Normal");
if (ch->rx_ctcss)
print_ctcss(out, ch->ctcss_receive);
else if (ch->rx_dcs)
print_dcs(out, ch->dcs_receive);
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, " ");
if (ch->tx_ctcss)
print_ctcss(out, ch->ctcss_transmit);
else if (ch->tx_dcs)
print_dcs(out, ch->dcs_transmit);
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, " %s", BANDWIDTH[ch->bandwidth]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Print full information about the device configuration.
@ -410,6 +639,18 @@ static void d868uv_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
if (verbose)
d868uv_print_version(radio, out);
// Channels.
if (have_channels(MODE_DIGITAL)) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
print_digital_channels(out, verbose);
if (have_channels(MODE_ANALOG)) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
print_analog_channels(out, verbose);
// General settings.
@ -451,28 +692,6 @@ static void d868uv_save_image(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *img)
fwrite(&radio_mem[0], 1, MEMSZ, img);
// Get channel bank by index.
static channel_t *get_bank(int i)
return (channel_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_BANK1 + i*0x2000];
// Get channel by index.
/*static*/ channel_t *get_channel(int i)
channel_t *bank = get_bank(i >> 7);
uint8_t *bitmap = &radio_mem[OFFSET_CHAN_BITMAP];
if ((bitmap[i / 8] >> (i & 7)) & 1)
return &bank[i % 128];
return 0;
// Parse the scalar parameter.
@ -580,9 +799,9 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
// Channels: check references to scanlists, contacts and grouplists.
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
channel_t *ch = get_channel(i);
if (!ch)
@ -591,18 +810,18 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
if (!VALID_SCANLIST(sl)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': scanlist %d not found.\n", ch->scan_list_index);
if (ch->contact_name_index != 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(ch->contact_name_index - 1);
if (ch->contact_index != 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(ch->contact_index - 1);
if (!VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': contact %d not found.\n", ch->contact_name_index);
print_ascii(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': contact %d not found.\n", ch->contact_index);
@ -611,7 +830,7 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': grouplist %d not found.\n", ch->group_list_index);
@ -633,11 +852,11 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
int cnum = z->member_a[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
channel_t *ch = get_channel(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
if (!ch) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %da '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
@ -647,11 +866,11 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
int cnum = zext->ext_a[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
channel_t *ch = get_channel(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
if (!ch) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %da '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
@ -663,11 +882,11 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
int cnum = zext->member_b[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
channel_t *ch = get_channel(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
if (!ch) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %db '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
@ -687,11 +906,11 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
int cnum = sl->member[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
channel_t *ch = get_channel(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
if (!ch) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scanlist %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, sl->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, sl->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
@ -715,7 +934,7 @@ static int d868uv_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
if (!VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Grouplist %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, gl->name, 16, 0);
print_ascii(stderr, gl->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': contact %d not found.\n", cnum);
@ -557,6 +557,30 @@ void print_offset(FILE *out, unsigned rx_bcd, unsigned tx_bcd)
// Print the transmit offset or frequency.
// TX value is a delta.
void print_offset_delta(FILE *out, unsigned rx_bcd, unsigned tx_delta_bcd)
int rx_hz = freq_to_hz(rx_bcd);
int delta = freq_to_hz(tx_delta_bcd);
int tx_hz = rx_hz + delta;
if (delta == 0) {
fprintf(out, "+0 ");
} else if (delta > 0 && delta/50000 <= 255) {
fprintf(out, "+");
print_mhz(out, delta);
} else if (delta < 0 && -delta/50000 <= 255) {
fprintf(out, "-");
print_mhz(out, -delta);
} else {
fprintf(out, " ");
print_mhz(out, tx_hz);
// Compare channel index for qsort().
@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ void print_mhz(FILE *out, unsigned hz);
// Print the transmit offset or frequency.
void print_offset(FILE *out, unsigned rx_bcd, unsigned tx_bcd);
void print_offset_delta(FILE *out, unsigned rx_bcd, unsigned delta_bcd);
// Compare channel index for qsort().
Reference in New Issue
Block a user