# # This configuration was generated 2018/10/27 by dmrconfig, # Version 0.9.155, Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Vakulenko KK6ABQ # Radio: Baofeng RD-5R Last Programmed Date: 2018-05-12 23:16 # Table of digital channels. # 1) Channel number: 1-1024 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Receive frequency in MHz # 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz # 5) Transmit power: High, Low # 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table # 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555 # 8) Receive only: -, + # 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color # 10) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15 # 11) Time slot: 1 or 2 # 12) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table # 13) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table # Digital Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Color Slot RxGL TxContact 1 dWorldwide 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 1 1 # Worldwide 2 dNorAmerica 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 2 2 # NorAmerica 3 dLocal_9 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 3 3 # Local 9 4 dWWEnglish 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 4 4 # WWEnglish 5 dTAC_310 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 5 5 # TAC 310 6 dTAC_311 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 6 6 # TAC 311 7 dFL_state 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 1 7 7 # FL state 8 dSE_Region 442.000 +5 High - - - - 8 2 8 8 # SE Region 9 cWorldwide 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 1 1 # Worldwide 10 cNorAmerica 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 2 2 # NorAmerica 11 cLocal_9 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 3 3 # Local 9 12 cWWEnglish 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 4 4 # WWEnglish 13 cTAC_310 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 5 5 # TAC 310 14 cTAC_311 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 6 6 # TAC 311 15 cFL_state 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 1 7 7 # FL state 16 cSE_Region 442.4125 +5 High - - - - 7 2 8 8 # SE Region # Table of analog channels. # 1) Channel number: 1-1024 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Receive frequency in MHz # 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz # 5) Transmit power: High, Low # 6) Scan list: - or index # 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555 # 8) Receive only: -, + # 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone # 10) Squelch level: Normal, Tight # 11) Guard tone for receive, or '-' to disable # 12) Guard tone for transmit, or '-' to disable # 13) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 20, 25 # Analog Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Squelch RxTone TxTone Width 17 K4PAL_Aventura 147.210 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 18 K4PAL_Aventura 442.250 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 114.8 25 19 K4PAL_Aventura 443.825 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 114.8 25 20 WB4DT_Aventura 443.150 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 94.8 25 21 WR4AYC_Coral_Spr 145.270 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 22 N4RQY_Coral_Spri 146.655 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 23 WR4AYC_Coral_Spr 443.850 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 24 N2DUI_Coral_Spri 444.575 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 25 W6BXQ_Dania_Beac 146.640 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 26 KG4UGK_Dania_Bea 441.525 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 77.0 25 27 N4RQY_Davie 443.675 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 28 N4THW_Fort_Laude 146.730 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 29 W4AB_Ft_Lauderda 146.910 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 30 K4FK_Ft_Lauderda 147.330 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 31 W4BUG_Ft_Lauderd 442.500 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 32 N4RQY_Ft_Lauderd 442.550 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 33 K4BRY_Ft_Lauderd 443.050 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 34 KD4CPG_Ft_Lauder 443.800 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 35 W4AB_Ft_Lauderda 444.825 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 36 AC4XQ_Hollywood 145.210 -0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 107.2 25 37 W4RCC_Hollywood 147.030 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 38 K4ABB_Hollywood 442.900 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 39 N2VNG_Hollywood 443.250 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 40 AC4XQ_Hollywood 444.175 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 107.2 25 41 WF2C_Hollywood 147.180 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 91.5 25 42 WF2C_Hollywood 444.150 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 43 KA4EPS_Margate 444.025 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 107.2 25 44 N2YAG_Miramar 444.100 +5 High 1 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 45 KC4MND_North_Mia 147.135 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 127.3 25 46 K4PAL_North_Miam 147.375 +0.6 High 1 - - - 3 - 118.8 25 47 K2HXC_Pembroke_P 441.900 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 48 KP4BM_Pembroke_P 444.750 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 49 N4RQY_Plantation 147.210 +0.6 High 2 - - - 3 - 131.8 25 50 N4RQY_Plantation 443.200 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 88.5 25 51 W4BUG_Pompano_Be 146.610 -0.6 High 2 - - - 3 - 110.9 25 52 W4BUG_Pompano_Be 444.500 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 151.4 25 53 W4NVU_Princeton 147.000 -0.6 High 2 - - - 3 - 94.8 25 54 N4LJQ_Sunny_Isla 442.950 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 127.3 25 55 W4RCC_Sunshine_R 442.575 +5 High 2 - - - 3 - 103.5 25 56 2M_SIM1 146.520 +0 High - - - - 3 - - 25 57 2M_SIM2 146.550 +0 High - - - - 3 - - 25 58 2M_SIM3 146.580 +0 High - - - - 3 - - 25 59 70C_SM1 446.000 +0 High - - - - 3 - - 25 60 70C_SM2 446.125 +0 High - - - - 3 - - 25 # Table of channel zones. # 1) Zone number: 1-250 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Zone Name Channels 1 N4DES_Boca_Raton 1-8 2 WC3C_Boynton_Bea 9-16 3 Analog_A-E 19,19,19-20,22-23,23-27 4 Analog_F-L 28,30-35,35,37-40,40,42,42 5 Analog_M-Z 43-48,50,50,52,52-55 6 Simplex 56-60 # Table of scan lists. # 1) Scan list number: 1-250 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Priority channel 1 (50% of scans): -, Sel or index # 4) Priority channel 2 (25% of scans): -, Sel or index # 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index # 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Scanlist Name PCh1 PCh2 TxCh Channels 1 Scan1 - - Sel 19,19,19-20,22-23,23-28,30-35,35,37-40,40,42,42-46 2 Scan2 - - Sel 47-48,50,50,52,52-55 # Table of contacts. # 1) Contact number: 1-256 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Call type: Group, Private, All # 4) Call ID: 1...16777215 # 5) Call receive tone: -, + # Contact Name Type ID RxTone 1 Worldwide Group 1 + 2 NorAmerica Group 3 + 3 Local_9 Group 9 + 4 WWEnglish Group 13 + 5 TAC_310 Group 310 + 6 TAC_311 Group 311 + 7 FL_state Group 3112 + 8 SE_Region Group 3174 + # Table of group lists. # 1) Group list number: 1-64 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) List of contacts: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Grouplist Name Contacts 1 Worldwide 1 2 NorAmerica 2 3 Local_9 3 4 WWEnglish 4 5 TAC_310 5 6 TAC_311 6 7 FL_state 7 8 SE_Region 8 # Table of text messages. # 1) Message number: 1-32 # 2) Text: up to 144 characters # Message Text 1 HELLO! # Unique DMR ID and name of this radio. ID: 1234567 Name: Your ID# # Text displayed when the radio powers up. Intro Line 1: Welcome Intro Line 2: RD-5R