# # This configuration was generated 2018/09/24 by dmrconfig, # Version 0.7.107, Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Vakulenko KK6ABQ # Radio: Baofeng RD-5R Last Programmed Date: 2018-05-16 14:41 # Table of digital channels. # 1) Channel number: 1-1024 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Receive frequency in MHz # 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz # 5) Transmit power: High, Low # 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table # 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555 # 8) Receive only: -, + # 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color # 10) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15 # 11) Time slot: 1 or 2 # 12) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table # 13) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table # Digital Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Color Slot RxGL TxContact 1 GB7LE-TS1 439.6625 -9 High 1 - - - 2 1 1 89 # BM/D+ UK 2 GB7LE-TS2 439.6625 -9 High 1 - - - 2 2 2 3 # BM/D+Local 3 GB7SR-BM1 439.6375 -9 High 1 - - - 2 1 3 89 # BM/D+ UK 4 GB7SR-BM2 439.6375 -9 High 1 - - - 2 2 4 3 # BM/D+Local 5 2M_DV_Call 145.375 +0 High - - - - 0 1 3 68 # DV Simplex 6 GB7SR-SOTA 439.6375 -9 High 1 - - - 2 1 3 4 # BM SOTA 7 GB7WI-BM1 439.4125 -9 High 1 - - - 1 1 3 89 # BM/D+ UK 8 GB7WI-BM2 439.4125 -9 High 1 - - - 1 2 4 3 # BM/D+Local 9 GB7WI-SOTA 439.4125 -9 High 1 - - - 1 1 1 4 # BM SOTA 10 GB3IN-BM1 145.6375 -0.6 High 4 120 - - 1 1 3 89 # BM/D+ UK 11 GB3IN-BM2 145.6375 -0.6 High 4 120 - - 1 2 2 3 # BM/D+Local 12 GB7HR-TS1 439.450 -9 High 3 180 - - 3 1 1 89 # BM/D+ UK 13 GB7HR-TS2 439.450 -9 High 3 180 - - 3 1 2 3 # BM/D+Local 14 GB3IN-SOTA 145.6375 -0.6 High 4 180 - - 1 1 3 4 # BM SOTA 15 GB7YR-BM1 439.525 -9 High 1 - - - 2 1 3 89 # BM/D+ UK 16 GB7YR-BM2 439.525 -9 High 1 - - - 2 2 4 3 # BM/D+Local 30 EXAMPL-TS1-7SR 439.6375 -9 High 5 - - - 2 1 6 89 # BM/D+ UK 37 GB7YR-SOTA 439.525 -9 High 1 - - - 2 1 3 4 # BM SOTA 45 GB7HX-TS1 439.575 -9 High 1 - - - 1 1 1 89 # BM/D+ UK 46 GB7HX-TS2 439.575 -9 High 1 - - - 1 2 4 3 # BM/D+Local 49 GB7TD-TS1 439.1625 -9 High 1 - - - 1 1 1 89 # BM/D+ UK 50 GB7TD-TS2 439.1625 -9 High 1 - - - 1 2 2 3 # BM/D+Local 125 V-GB3YW 145.7875 -0.6 High 2 - - - 0 1 - - 141 70cm_DV_Call 433.450 +0 High - - - - 0 1 - 68 # DV Simplex # Table of analog channels. # 1) Channel number: 1-1024 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Receive frequency in MHz # 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz # 5) Transmit power: High, Low # 6) Scan list: - or index # 7) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555 # 8) Receive only: -, + # 9) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone # 10) Squelch level: Normal, Tight # 11) Guard tone for receive, or '-' to disable # 12) Guard tone for transmit, or '-' to disable # 13) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 20, 25 # Analog Name Receive Transmit Power Scan TOT RO Admit Squelch RxTone TxTone Width 17 S20_FM 145.500 -0.5 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 18 S19_FM 145.475 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 19 S18_FM 145.450 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 20 S17_FM 145.425 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 21 S16_FM 145.400 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 22 S15_FM 145.375 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 23 S14_FM 145.350 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 24 S13_FM 145.325 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 25 S12_FM 145.300 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 26 S11_FM 145.275 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 27 S10_FM 145.250 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 28 S9_FM 145.225 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 29 S8_FM 145.200 +0 High 7 - - - 5 - - 12.5 126 V-GB3NA 145.6125 -0.6 High 2 - - - 1 - 71.9 25 144 S21_FM 145.525 +0 High 7 - - - 1 - - 25 145 S22_FM 145.550 +0 High 7 - - - 1 - - 25 146 S23_FM 145.575 +0 High 7 - - - 1 - - 25 147 U-GB3DV 433.025 +1.6 High 16 - - - 1 - 71.9 25 148 U-GB3AB 433.175 +1.6 High 16 - - - 1 - 82.5 25 149 U-GB3SY 433.150 +1.6 High 16 - - - 1 - 71.9 25 # Table of channel zones. # 1) Zone number: 1-250 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Zone Name Channels 1 S.YORKS_DV 1-4,6-9,15-16,37,45-46,49-50 2 S.YORKS_2M_DV 10-11,14 3 London_DV 12-13 4 EXAMPLE-ZONE 30 5 70cm_FMrptr 147-149 14 2m_FM_Rptrs 125-126 30 Simplex_2M_FM 17-29,144-146 # Table of scan lists. # 1) Scan list number: 1-250 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Priority channel 1 (50% of scans): -, Sel or index # 4) Priority channel 2 (25% of scans): -, Sel or index # 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index # 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Scanlist Name PCh1 PCh2 TxCh Channels 1 S.YORKS_DV - - Sel 1-4,6-9,15-16,37,45-46,49-50 2 2m_FM_Rptrs - - Sel 125-126 3 London_DV - - Sel 12-13 4 S.YORKS_2M_DV - - Sel 10-11,14 5 EXAMPLE-SCAN - - Sel 30 7 Simplex_2M_FM - - Sel 17-28,144-146 16 70cm_FMrptrs - - Sel 147-149 # Table of contacts. # 1) Contact number: 1-256 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) Call type: Group, Private, All # 4) Call ID: 1...16777215 # 5) Call receive tone: -, + # Contact Name Type ID RxTone 1 D+WW/BMLocal Group 1 + 2 D+EU/BMClust Group 2 + 3 BM/D+Local Group 9 + 4 BM_SOTA Group 973 + 5 D+/BM_Germany Group 262 + 6 D+/BMEcho Group 9990 + 7 D+_D.A.CH Group 20 + 8 BM_Regional Group 8 + 9 D+_DL_WW Group 110 + 10 D+_DL_WW(Res.) Group 120 + 11 BM_WW Group 91 + 12 BM_EUR Group 92 + 13 G4APO-Rowland Private 2345085 - 14 D+_REG_NE_ENGLND Group 860 + # Table of group lists. # 1) Group list number: 1-64 # 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space # 3) List of contacts: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma # Grouplist Name Contacts 1 DMR+_TS1_WW 1-2,5-7,9-10,70-76,89 2 DMR+_TS2_Local 3,14 3 BM_TS1_WW 4-5,11-12,69-75,77,89 4 BM_TS2_Local 3,25 5 BM_Reflectors 28-29,40-42,47,49-50,60-61,67 6 ExamplUKTGonly 89 # Table of text messages. # 1) Message number: 1-32 # 2) Text: up to 144 characters # Message Text 1 TEST # Unique DMR ID and name of this radio. ID: 2349999 Name: CALLSIGN # Text displayed when the radio powers up. Intro Line 1: Baofeng RD-5R Intro Line 2: SYorks CP v3