2018-09-15 17:54:48 -07:00

2297 lines
64 KiB

* Interface to Baofeng RD-5R.
* Copyright (C) 2018 Serge Vakulenko, KK6ABQ
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "radio.h"
#include "util.h"
#define NCHAN 1000 //TODO
#define NCONTACTS 1000 //TODO
#define NZONES 250 //TODO
#define NGLISTS 250 //TODO
#define NSCANL 250 //TODO
#define NMESSAGES 50 //TODO
#define MEMSZ 0x20000
#define OFFSET_TIMESTMP 0x02001 //TODO
#define OFFSET_SETTINGS 0x02040 //TODO
#define OFFSET_MSG 0x02180 //TODO
#define OFFSET_CONTACTS 0x05f80 //TODO
#define OFFSET_GLISTS 0x0ec20 //TODO
#define OFFSET_ZONES 0x149e0 //TODO
#define OFFSET_SCANL 0x18860 //TODO
#define OFFSET_CHANNELS 0x1ee00 //TODO
#define GET_TIMESTAMP() (&radio_mem[OFFSET_TIMESTMP])
#define GET_SETTINGS() ((general_settings_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SETTINGS])
#define GET_CHANNEL(i) ((channel_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_CHANNELS + (i)*64])
#define GET_ZONE(i) ((zone_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONES + (i)*64])
#define GET_ZONEXT(i) ((zone_ext_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_ZONEXT + (i)*224])
#define GET_SCANLIST(i) ((scanlist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_SCANL + (i)*104])
#define GET_CONTACT(i) ((contact_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_CONTACTS + (i)*36])
#define GET_GROUPLIST(i) ((grouplist_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_GLISTS + (i)*96])
#define GET_MESSAGE(i) ((uint16_t*) &radio_mem[OFFSET_MSG + (i)*288])
#define VALID_TEXT(txt) (*(txt) != 0 && *(txt) != 0xffff)
#define VALID_CHANNEL(ch) VALID_TEXT((ch)->name)
#define VALID_ZONE(z) VALID_TEXT((z)->name)
#define VALID_SCANLIST(sl) VALID_TEXT((sl)->name)
#define VALID_GROUPLIST(gl) VALID_TEXT((gl)->name)
#define VALID_CONTACT(ct) ((ct)->type != 0 && VALID_TEXT((ct)->name))
// Channel data.
typedef struct {
// Byte 0
uint8_t channel_mode : 2, // Mode: Analog or Digital
#define MODE_ANALOG 1
#define MODE_DIGITAL 2
bandwidth : 2, // Bandwidth: 12.5 or 20 or 25 kHz
#define BW_12_5_KHZ 0
#define BW_20_KHZ 1
#define BW_25_KHZ 2
autoscan : 1, // Autoscan Enable
squelch : 1, // Squelch
#define SQ_TIGHT 0
#define SQ_NORMAL 1
_unused1 : 1, // 1
lone_worker : 1; // Lone Worker
// Byte 1
uint8_t talkaround : 1, // Allow Talkaround
rx_only : 1, // RX Only Enable
repeater_slot : 2, // Repeater Slot: 1 or 2
colorcode : 4; // Color Code: 0...15
// Byte 2
uint8_t privacy_no : 4, // Privacy No. (+1): 1...16
privacy : 2, // Privacy: None, Basic or Enhanced
#define PRIV_NONE 0
#define PRIV_BASIC 1
private_call_conf : 1, // Private Call Confirmed
data_call_conf : 1; // Data Call Confirmed
// Byte 3
uint8_t rx_ref_frequency : 2, // RX Ref Frequency: Low, Medium or High
#define REF_LOW 0
#define REF_MEDIUM 1
#define REF_HIGH 2
_unused2 : 1, // 0
emergency_alarm_ack : 1, // Emergency Alarm Ack
_unused3 : 2, // 0b10
uncompressed_udp : 1, // Compressed UDP Data header (0) Enable, (1) Disable
display_pttid_dis : 1; // Display PTT ID (inverted)
// Byte 4
uint8_t tx_ref_frequency : 2, // RX Ref Frequency: Low, Medium or High
_unused4 : 2, // 0b01
vox : 1, // VOX Enable
power : 1, // Power: Low, High
#define POWER_HIGH 1
#define POWER_LOW 0
admit_criteria : 2; // Admit Criteria: Always, Channel Free or Correct CTS/DCS
#define ADMIT_ALWAYS 0
#define ADMIT_CH_FREE 1
#define ADMIT_TONE 2
#define ADMIT_COLOR 3
// Byte 5
uint8_t _unused5 : 4, // 0
in_call_criteria : 2, // In Call Criteria: Always, Follow Admit Criteria or TX Interrupt
#define INCALL_ADMIT 1
_unused6 : 2; // 0b11
// Bytes 6-7
uint16_t contact_name_index; // Contact Name: Contact1...
// Bytes 8-9
uint8_t tot : 6, // TOT x 15sec: 0-Infinite, 1=15s... 37=555s
_unused13 : 2; // 0
uint8_t tot_rekey_delay; // TOT Rekey Delay: 0s...255s
// Bytes 10-11
uint8_t emergency_system_index; // Emergency System: None, System1...32
uint8_t scan_list_index; // Scan List: None, ScanList1...250
// Bytes 12-13
uint8_t group_list_index; // Group List: None, GroupList1...250
uint8_t _unused7; // 0
// Bytes 14-15
uint8_t _unused8; // 0
uint8_t _unused9; // 0xff
// Bytes 16-23
uint32_t rx_frequency; // RX Frequency: 8 digits BCD
uint32_t tx_frequency; // TX Frequency: 8 digits BCD
// Bytes 24-27
uint16_t ctcss_dcs_receive; // CTCSS/DCS Dec: 4 digits BCD
uint16_t ctcss_dcs_transmit; // CTCSS/DCS Enc: 4 digits BCD
// Bytes 28-29
uint8_t rx_signaling_syst; // Rx Signaling System: Off, DTMF-1...4
uint8_t tx_signaling_syst; // Tx Signaling System: Off, DTMF-1...4
// Bytes 30-31
uint8_t _unused10; // 0xff
uint8_t _unused11; // 0xff
// Bytes 32-63
uint16_t name[16]; // Channel Name (Unicode)
} channel_t;
// Contact data.
typedef struct {
// Bytes 0-2
uint8_t id[3]; // Call ID: 1...16777215
#define CONTACT_ID(ct) ((ct)->id[0] | ((ct)->id[1] << 8) | ((ct)->id[2] << 16))
// Byte 3
uint8_t type : 5, // Call Type: Group Call, Private Call or All Call
#define CALL_GROUP 1
#define CALL_PRIVATE 2
#define CALL_ALL 3
receive_tone : 1, // Call Receive Tone: No or yes
_unused2 : 2; // 0b11
// Bytes 4-19
uint16_t name[16]; // Contact Name (Unicode)
} contact_t;
// Zone data.
typedef struct {
// Bytes 0-31
uint16_t name[16]; // Zone Name (Unicode)
// Bytes 32-63
uint16_t member[16]; // Member: channels 1...16
} zone_t;
// Group list data.
typedef struct {
// Bytes 0-31
uint16_t name[16]; // Group List Name (Unicode)
// Bytes 32-95
uint16_t member[32]; // Contacts
} grouplist_t;
// Scan list data.
typedef struct {
// Bytes 0-31
uint16_t name[16]; // Scan List Name (Unicode)
// Bytes 32-37
uint16_t priority_ch1; // Priority Channel 1 or ffff
uint16_t priority_ch2; // Priority Channel 2 or ffff
uint16_t tx_designated_ch; // Tx Designated Channel or ffff
// Bytes 38-41
uint8_t _unused1; // 0xf1
uint8_t sign_hold_time; // Signaling Hold Time (x25 = msec)
uint8_t prio_sample_time; // Priority Sample Time (x250 = msec)
uint8_t _unused2; // 0xff
// Bytes 42-103
uint16_t member[31]; // Channels
} scanlist_t;
// General settings.
// TODO: verify the general settings with official CPS
typedef struct {
// Bytes 0-19
uint16_t intro_line1[10];
// Bytes 20-39
uint16_t intro_line2[10];
// Bytes 40-63
uint8_t _unused40[24];
// Byte 64
uint8_t _unused64_0 : 3,
monitor_type : 1,
_unused64_4 : 1,
disable_all_leds : 1,
_unused64_6 : 2;
// Byte 65
uint8_t talk_permit_tone : 2,
pw_and_lock_enable : 1,
ch_free_indication_tone : 1,
_unused65_4 : 1,
disable_all_tones : 1,
save_mode_receive : 1,
save_preamble : 1;
// Byte 66
uint8_t _unused66_0 : 2,
keypad_tones : 1,
intro_picture : 1,
_unused66_4 : 4;
// Byte 67
uint8_t _unused67;
// Bytes 68-71
uint8_t radio_id[3];
uint8_t _unused71;
// Bytes 72-84
uint8_t tx_preamble_duration;
uint8_t group_call_hang_time;
uint8_t private_call_hang_time;
uint8_t vox_sensitivity;
uint8_t _unused76[2];
uint8_t rx_low_battery_interval;
uint8_t call_alert_tone_duration;
uint8_t lone_worker_response_time;
uint8_t lone_worker_reminder_time;
uint8_t _unused82;
uint8_t scan_digital_hang_time;
uint8_t scan_analog_hang_time;
// Byte 85
uint8_t _unused85_0 : 6,
backlight_time : 2;
// Bytes 86-87
uint8_t set_keypad_lock_time;
uint8_t mode;
// Bytes 88-95
uint32_t power_on_password;
uint32_t radio_prog_password;
// Bytes 96-103
uint8_t pc_prog_password[8];
// Bytes 104-111
uint8_t _unused104[8];
// Bytes 112-143
uint16_t radio_name[16];
} general_settings_t;
static const char *POWER_NAME[] = { "Low", "High" };
static const char *SQUELCH_NAME[] = { "Tight", "Normal" };
static const char *BANDWIDTH[] = { "12.5", "20", "25", "25" };
static const char *CONTACT_TYPE[] = { "-", "Group", "Private", "All" };
static const char *ADMIT_NAME[] = { "-", "Free", "Tone", "Color" };
static const char *INCALL_NAME[] = { "-", "Admit", "-", "Admit" };
static const char *REF_FREQUENCY[] = { "Low", "Med", "High" };
static const char *PRIVACY_NAME[] = { "-", "Basic", "Enhanced" };
static const char *SIGNALING_SYSTEM[] = { "-", "DTMF-1", "DTMF-2", "DTMF-3", "DTMF-4" };
// Print a generic information about the device.
static void rd5r_print_version(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out)
unsigned char *timestamp = GET_TIMESTAMP();
static const char charmap[16] = "0123456789:;<=>?";
if (*timestamp != 0xff) {
fprintf(out, "Last Programmed Date: %d%d%d%d-%d%d-%d%d",
timestamp[0] >> 4, timestamp[0] & 15, timestamp[1] >> 4, timestamp[1] & 15,
timestamp[2] >> 4, timestamp[2] & 15, timestamp[3] >> 4, timestamp[3] & 15);
fprintf(out, " %d%d:%d%d:%d%d\n",
timestamp[4] >> 4, timestamp[4] & 15, timestamp[5] >> 4, timestamp[5] & 15,
timestamp[6] >> 4, timestamp[6] & 15);
fprintf(out, "CPS Software Version: V%c%c.%c%c\n",
charmap[timestamp[7] & 15], charmap[timestamp[8] & 15],
charmap[timestamp[9] & 15], charmap[timestamp[10] & 15]);
// Read memory image from the device.
static void rd5r_download(radio_device_t *radio)
int bno;
// Read range 0x80...0x1e29f.
for (bno=1; bno<966; bno++) {
if (bno >= 248 && bno < 256) {
// Skip range 0x7c00...0x8000.
hid_read_block(bno, &radio_mem[bno*128], 128);
if (radio_progress % 32 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "#");
// Add header.
memset(&radio_mem[0], 0xff, 128);
memcpy(&radio_mem[0], "BF-5R", 5);
// Clear footer.
memset(&radio_mem[966*128], 0xff, MEMSZ - 966*128);
memset(&radio_mem[248*128], 0xff, 8*128);
// Write memory image to the device.
static void rd5r_upload(radio_device_t *radio, int cont_flag)
int bno;
// Write range 0x80...0x1e29f.
for (bno=1; bno<966; bno++) {
if (bno >= 248 && bno < 256) {
// Skip range 0x7c00...0x8000.
hid_write_block(bno, &radio_mem[bno*128], 128);
if (radio_progress % 32 == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "#");
// Check whether the memory image is compatible with this device.
static int rd5r_is_compatible(radio_device_t *radio)
return strncmp("BF-5R", (char*)&radio_mem[0], 5) == 0;
// Set name for a given zone.
static void setup_zone(int index, const char *name)
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(index);
utf8_decode(z->name, name, 16);
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int zone_append(int index, int cnum)
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(index);
int i;
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
if (z->member[i] == cnum)
return 1;
if (z->member[i] == 0) {
z->member[i] = cnum;
return 1;
return 0;
static void erase_zone(int index)
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(index);
memset(z, 0, 64);
// Set parameters for a given scan list.
static void setup_scanlist(int index, const char *name,
int prio1, int prio2, int txchan)
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(index);
// Bytes 0-31
utf8_decode(sl->name, name, 16);
// Bytes 32-37
sl->priority_ch1 = prio1;
sl->priority_ch2 = prio2;
sl->tx_designated_ch = txchan;
static void erase_scanlist(int index)
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(index);
memset(sl, 0, 104);
// Bytes 32-37
sl->priority_ch1 = 0xffff;
sl->priority_ch2 = 0xffff;
sl->tx_designated_ch = 0xffff;
// Bytes 38-41
sl->_unused1 = 0xf1;
sl->sign_hold_time = 500 / 25; // 500 msec
sl->prio_sample_time = 2000 / 250; // 2 sec
sl->_unused2 = 0xff;
// Add channel to a zone.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int scanlist_append(int index, int cnum)
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(index);
int i;
for (i=0; i<31; i++) {
if (sl->member[i] == cnum)
return 1;
if (sl->member[i] == 0) {
sl->member[i] = cnum;
return 1;
return 0;
static void erase_contact(int index)
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(index);
memset(ct, 0, 36);
*(uint32_t*)ct = 0xffffffff;
static void setup_contact(int index, const char *name, int type, int id, int rxtone)
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(index);
ct->id[0] = id;
ct->id[1] = id >> 8;
ct->id[2] = id >> 16;
ct->type = type;
ct->receive_tone = rxtone;
utf8_decode(ct->name, name, 16);
static void setup_grouplist(int index, const char *name)
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(index);
utf8_decode(gl->name, name, 16);
// Add contact to a grouplist.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int grouplist_append(int index, int cnum)
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(index);
int i;
for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
if (gl->member[i] == cnum)
return 1;
if (gl->member[i] == 0) {
gl->member[i] = cnum;
return 1;
return 0;
// Set text for a given message.
static void setup_message(int index, const char *text)
uint16_t *msg = GET_MESSAGE(index);
// Skip spaces and tabs.
while (*text == ' ' || *text == '\t')
utf8_decode(msg, text, 144);
// Check that the radio does support this frequency.
static int is_valid_frequency(int mhz)
if (mhz >= 136 && mhz <= 174)
return 1;
if (mhz >= 400 && mhz <= 480)
return 1;
return 0;
// Set the parameters for a given memory channel.
static void setup_channel(int i, int mode, char *name, double rx_mhz, double tx_mhz,
int power, int scanlist, int autoscan, int squelch, int tot, int rxonly,
int admit, int colorcode, int timeslot, int incall, int grouplist, int contact,
int rxtone, int txtone, int width)
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
ch->channel_mode = mode;
ch->bandwidth = width;
ch->autoscan = autoscan;
ch->squelch = squelch;
ch->rx_only = rxonly;
ch->repeater_slot = timeslot;
ch->colorcode = colorcode;
ch->data_call_conf = 1; // Always ask for SMS acknowledge
ch->power = power;
ch->admit_criteria = admit;
ch->in_call_criteria = incall;
ch->contact_name_index = contact;
ch->tot = tot;
ch->scan_list_index = scanlist;
ch->group_list_index = grouplist;
ch->rx_frequency = mhz_to_bcd(rx_mhz);
ch->tx_frequency = mhz_to_bcd(tx_mhz);
ch->ctcss_dcs_receive = rxtone;
ch->ctcss_dcs_transmit = txtone;
utf8_decode(ch->name, name, 16);
// Erase the channel record.
static void erase_channel(int i)
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
// Byte 0
ch->channel_mode = MODE_ANALOG;
ch->bandwidth = BW_12_5_KHZ;
ch->autoscan = 0;
ch->squelch = SQ_NORMAL;
ch->_unused1 = 1;
ch->lone_worker = 0;
// Byte 1
ch->talkaround = 0;
ch->rx_only = 0;
ch->repeater_slot = 1;
ch->colorcode = 1;
// Byte 2
ch->privacy_no = 0;
ch->privacy = PRIV_NONE;
ch->private_call_conf = 0;
ch->data_call_conf = 0;
// Byte 3
ch->rx_ref_frequency = REF_LOW;
ch->_unused2 = 0;
ch->emergency_alarm_ack = 0;
ch->_unused3 = 2;
ch->uncompressed_udp = 1;
ch->display_pttid_dis = 1;
// Byte 4
ch->tx_ref_frequency = REF_LOW;
ch->_unused4 = 1;
ch->vox = 0;
ch->power = POWER_HIGH;
ch->admit_criteria = ADMIT_ALWAYS;
// Byte 5
ch->_unused5 = 0;
ch->in_call_criteria = INCALL_ALWAYS;
ch->_unused6 = 3;
// Bytes 6-7
ch->contact_name_index = 0;
// Bytes 8-9
ch->tot = 60/15;
ch->_unused13 = 0;
ch->tot_rekey_delay = 0;
// Bytes 10-11
ch->emergency_system_index = 0;
ch->scan_list_index = 0;
// Bytes 12-13
ch->group_list_index = 0;
ch->_unused7 = 0;
// Bytes 14-15
ch->_unused8 = 0;
ch->_unused9 = 0xff;
// Bytes 16-23
ch->rx_frequency = 0x40000000;
ch->tx_frequency = 0x40000000;
// Bytes 24-27
ch->ctcss_dcs_receive = 0xffff;
ch->ctcss_dcs_transmit = 0xffff;
// Bytes 28-29
ch->rx_signaling_syst = 0;
ch->tx_signaling_syst = 0;
// Bytes 30-31
ch->_unused10 = 0xff;
ch->_unused11 = 0xff;
// Bytes 32-63
utf8_decode(ch->name, "", 16);
static void print_chanlist(FILE *out, uint16_t *unsorted, int nchan)
int last = -1;
int range = 0;
int n;
uint16_t data[nchan];
// Sort the list before printing.
memcpy(data, unsorted, nchan * sizeof(uint16_t));
qsort(data, nchan, sizeof(uint16_t), compare_index);
for (n=0; n<nchan; n++) {
int cnum = data[n];
if (cnum == 0)
if (cnum == last+1) {
range = 1;
} else {
if (range) {
fprintf(out, "-%d", last);
range = 0;
if (n > 0)
fprintf(out, ",");
fprintf(out, "%d", cnum);
last = cnum;
if (range)
fprintf(out, "-%d", last);
static void print_id(FILE *out, int verbose)
general_settings_t *gs = GET_SETTINGS();
unsigned id = gs->radio_id[0] | (gs->radio_id[1] << 8) | (gs->radio_id[2] << 16);
if (verbose)
fprintf(out, "\n# Unique DMR ID and name of this radio.");
fprintf(out, "\nID: %u\nName: ", id);
if (VALID_TEXT(gs->radio_name)) {
print_unicode(out, gs->radio_name, 16, 0);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\n");
static void print_intro(FILE *out, int verbose)
general_settings_t *gs = GET_SETTINGS();
if (verbose)
fprintf(out, "\n# Text displayed when the radio powers up.\n");
fprintf(out, "Intro Line 1: ");
if (VALID_TEXT(gs->intro_line1)) {
print_unicode(out, gs->intro_line1, 10, 0);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\nIntro Line 2: ");
if (VALID_TEXT(gs->intro_line2)) {
print_unicode(out, gs->intro_line2, 10, 0);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Do we have any channels of given mode?
static int have_channels(int mode)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
if (VALID_CHANNEL(ch) && ch->channel_mode == mode)
return 1;
return 0;
// Print base parameters of the channel:
// Name
// RX Frequency
// TX Frequency
// Power
// Scan List
// Autoscan
// TOT
// RX Only
// Admit Criteria
static void print_chan_base(FILE *out, channel_t *ch, int cnum)
fprintf(out, "%5d ", cnum);
print_unicode(out, ch->name, 16, 1);
fprintf(out, " ");
print_freq(out, ch->rx_frequency);
fprintf(out, " ");
print_offset(out, ch->rx_frequency, ch->tx_frequency);
fprintf(out, "%-4s ", POWER_NAME[ch->power]);
if (ch->scan_list_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", ch->scan_list_index);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->autoscan]);
if (ch->tot == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-3d ", ch->tot * 15);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->rx_only]);
fprintf(out, "%-6s ", ADMIT_NAME[ch->admit_criteria]);
// Print extended parameters of the channel:
// TOT Rekey Delay
// RX Ref Frequency
// RX Ref Frequency
// Lone Worker
// VOX
static void print_chan_ext(FILE *out, channel_t *ch)
fprintf(out, "%-3d ", ch->tot_rekey_delay);
fprintf(out, "%-5s ", REF_FREQUENCY[ch->rx_ref_frequency]);
fprintf(out, "%-5s ", REF_FREQUENCY[ch->tx_ref_frequency]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->lone_worker]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->vox]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->talkaround]);
static void print_digital_channels(FILE *out, int verbose)
int i;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of digital channels.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Channel number: 1-%d\n", NCHAN);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Receive frequency in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Transmit power: High, Low\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) Scan list: - or index in Scanlist table\n");
fprintf(out, "# 7) Autoscan flag: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 8) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555\n");
fprintf(out, "# 9) Receive only: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 10) Admit criteria: -, Free, Color\n");
fprintf(out, "# 11) Color code: 0, 1, 2, 3... 15\n");
fprintf(out, "# 12) Time slot: 1 or 2\n");
fprintf(out, "# 13) In call criteria: -, Admit, TXInt\n");
fprintf(out, "# 14) Receive group list: - or index in Grouplist table\n");
fprintf(out, "# 15) Contact for transmit: - or index in Contacts table\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Digital Name Receive Transmit Power Scan AS TOT RO Admit Color Slot InCall RxGL TxContact");
fprintf(out, " Dly RxRef TxRef LW VOX TA EmSys Privacy PN PCC EAA DCC CU");
fprintf(out, "\n");
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch) || ch->channel_mode != MODE_DIGITAL) {
// Select digital channels
print_chan_base(out, ch, i+1);
// Print digital parameters of the channel:
// Color Code
// Repeater Slot
// In Call Criteria
// Group List
// Contact Name
fprintf(out, "%-5d %-3d ", ch->colorcode, ch->repeater_slot);
fprintf(out, "%-6s ", INCALL_NAME[ch->in_call_criteria]);
if (ch->group_list_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", ch->group_list_index);
if (ch->contact_name_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "%-4d", ch->contact_name_index);
print_chan_ext(out, ch);
// Extended digital parameters of the channel:
// Emergency System
// Privacy
// Privacy No. (+1)
// Private Call Confirmed
// Emergency Alarm Ack
// Data Call Confirmed
// DCDM switch (inverted)
// Leader/MS
if (ch->emergency_system_index == 0)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-5d ", ch->emergency_system_index);
fprintf(out, "%-8s ", PRIVACY_NAME[ch->privacy]);
if (ch->privacy == PRIV_NONE)
fprintf(out, "- ");
fprintf(out, "%-2d ", ch->privacy_no + 1);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->private_call_conf]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->emergency_alarm_ack]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "-+"[ch->data_call_conf]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "+-"[ch->uncompressed_udp]);
// Print contact name as a comment.
if (ch->contact_name_index > 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(ch->contact_name_index - 1);
if (VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(out, " # ");
print_unicode(out, ct->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(out, "\n");
static void print_analog_channels(FILE *out, int verbose)
int i;
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of analog channels.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Channel number: 1-%d\n", NCHAN);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Receive frequency in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Transmit frequency or +/- offset in MHz\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Transmit power: High, Low\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) Scan list: - or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 7) Autoscan flag: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 8) Transmit timeout timer in seconds: 0, 15, 30, 45... 555\n");
fprintf(out, "# 9) Receive only: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "# 10) Admit criteria: -, Free, Tone\n");
fprintf(out, "# 11) Squelch level: Normal, Tight\n");
fprintf(out, "# 12) Guard tone for receive, or '-' to disable\n");
fprintf(out, "# 13) Guard tone for transmit, or '-' to disable\n");
fprintf(out, "# 14) Bandwidth in kHz: 12.5, 20, 25\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Analog Name Receive Transmit Power Scan AS TOT RO Admit Squelch RxTone TxTone Width");
fprintf(out, " Dly RxRef TxRef LW VOX TA RxSign TxSign ID");
fprintf(out, "\n");
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch) || ch->channel_mode != MODE_ANALOG) {
// Select analog channels
print_chan_base(out, ch, i+1);
// Print analog parameters of the channel:
// Squelch
// Bandwidth
fprintf(out, "%-7s ", SQUELCH_NAME[ch->squelch]);
print_tone(out, ch->ctcss_dcs_receive);
fprintf(out, " ");
print_tone(out, ch->ctcss_dcs_transmit);
fprintf(out, " %s", BANDWIDTH[ch->bandwidth]);
print_chan_ext(out, ch);
// Extended analog parameters of the channel:
// Rx Signaling System
// Tx Signaling System
// Display PTT ID (inverted)
// Non-QT/DQT Turn-off Freq.
fprintf(out, "%-6s ", SIGNALING_SYSTEM[ch->rx_signaling_syst]);
fprintf(out, "%-6s ", SIGNALING_SYSTEM[ch->tx_signaling_syst]);
fprintf(out, "%c ", "+-"[ch->display_pttid_dis]);
fprintf(out, "\n");
static int have_zones()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(i);
if (VALID_ZONE(z))
return 1;
return 0;
static int have_scanlists()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(i);
return 1;
return 0;
static int have_contacts()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NCONTACTS; i++) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(i);
return 1;
return 0;
static int have_grouplists()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NGLISTS; i++) {
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(i);
return 1;
return 0;
static int have_messages()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NMESSAGES; i++) {
uint16_t *msg = GET_MESSAGE(i);
if (VALID_TEXT(msg))
return 1;
return 0;
// Print full information about the device configuration.
static void rd5r_print_config(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *out, int verbose)
int i;
fprintf(out, "Radio: %s\n", radio->name);
if (verbose)
rd5r_print_version(radio, out);
// Channels.
if (have_channels(MODE_DIGITAL)) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
print_digital_channels(out, verbose);
if (have_channels(MODE_ANALOG)) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
print_analog_channels(out, verbose);
// Zones.
if (have_zones()) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of channel zones.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Zone number: 1-%d\n", NZONES);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Zone Name Channels\n");
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(i);
if (!VALID_ZONE(z)) {
// Zone is disabled.
fprintf(out, "%4d ", i + 1);
print_unicode(out, z->name, 16, 1);
fprintf(out, " ");
if (z->member[0]) {
print_chanlist(out, z->member, 16);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Scan lists.
if (have_scanlists()) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of scan lists.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Scan list number: 1-%d\n", NSCANL);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Priority channel 1 (50%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Priority channel 2 (25%% of scans): -, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Designated transmit channel: Last, Sel or index\n");
fprintf(out, "# 6) List of channels: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Scanlist Name PCh1 PCh2 TxCh ");
fprintf(out, "Hold Smpl ");
fprintf(out, "Channels\n");
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(i);
if (!VALID_SCANLIST(sl)) {
// Scan list is disabled.
fprintf(out, "%5d ", i + 1);
print_unicode(out, sl->name, 16, 1);
if (sl->priority_ch1 == 0xffff) {
fprintf(out, " - ");
} else if (sl->priority_ch1 == 0) {
fprintf(out, " Sel ");
} else {
fprintf(out, " %-4d ", sl->priority_ch1);
if (sl->priority_ch2 == 0xffff) {
fprintf(out, "- ");
} else if (sl->priority_ch2 == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Sel ");
} else {
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->priority_ch2);
if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0xffff) {
fprintf(out, "Last ");
} else if (sl->tx_designated_ch == 0) {
fprintf(out, "Sel ");
} else {
fprintf(out, "%-4d ", sl->tx_designated_ch);
fprintf(out, "%-4d %-4d ",
sl->sign_hold_time * 25, sl->prio_sample_time * 250);
if (sl->member[0]) {
print_chanlist(out, sl->member, 31);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Contacts.
if (have_contacts()) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of contacts.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Contact number: 1-%d\n", NCONTACTS);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) Call type: Group, Private, All\n");
fprintf(out, "# 4) Call ID: 1...16777215\n");
fprintf(out, "# 5) Call receive tone: -, +\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Contact Name Type ID RxTone\n");
for (i=0; i<NCONTACTS; i++) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(i);
if (!VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
// Contact is disabled
fprintf(out, "%5d ", i+1);
print_unicode(out, ct->name, 16, 1);
fprintf(out, " %-7s %-8d %s\n",
CONTACT_TYPE[ct->type & 3], CONTACT_ID(ct), ct->receive_tone ? "+" : "-");
// Group lists.
if (have_grouplists()) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of group lists.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Group list number: 1-%d\n", NGLISTS);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Name: up to 16 characters, use '_' instead of space\n");
fprintf(out, "# 3) List of contacts: numbers and ranges (N-M) separated by comma\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Grouplist Name Contacts\n");
for (i=0; i<NGLISTS; i++) {
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(i);
// Group list is disabled.
fprintf(out, "%5d ", i + 1);
print_unicode(out, gl->name, 16, 1);
fprintf(out, " ");
if (gl->member[0]) {
print_chanlist(out, gl->member, 32);
} else {
fprintf(out, "-");
fprintf(out, "\n");
// Text messages.
if (have_messages()) {
fprintf(out, "\n");
if (verbose) {
fprintf(out, "# Table of text messages.\n");
fprintf(out, "# 1) Message number: 1-%d\n", NMESSAGES);
fprintf(out, "# 2) Text: up to 144 characters\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "Message Text\n");
for (i=0; i<NMESSAGES; i++) {
uint16_t *msg = GET_MESSAGE(i);
if (!VALID_TEXT(msg)) {
// Message is disabled
fprintf(out, "%5d ", i+1);
print_unicode(out, msg, 144, 0);
fprintf(out, "\n");
// General settings.
print_id(out, verbose);
print_intro(out, verbose);
// Read memory image from the binary file.
static void rd5r_read_image(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *img)
struct stat st;
// Guess device type by file size.
if (fstat(fileno(img), &st) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get file size.\n");
switch (st.st_size) {
case MEMSZ:
// IMG file.
if (fread(&radio_mem[0], 1, MEMSZ, img) != MEMSZ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading image data.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized file size %u bytes.\n", (int) st.st_size);
// Save memory image to the binary file.
static void rd5r_save_image(radio_device_t *radio, FILE *img)
fwrite(&radio_mem[0], 1, MEMSZ, img);
// Erase all channels.
static void erase_channels()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
// Erase all zones.
static void erase_zones()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
// Erase all scanlists.
static void erase_scanlists()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
// Erase all contacts.
static void erase_contacts()
int i;
for (i=0; i<NCONTACTS; i++) {
// Parse the scalar parameter.
static void rd5r_parse_parameter(radio_device_t *radio, char *param, char *value)
general_settings_t *gs = GET_SETTINGS();
if (strcasecmp("Radio", param) == 0) {
if (!radio_is_compatible(value)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Incompatible model: %s\n", value);
if (strcasecmp ("Name", param) == 0) {
utf8_decode(gs->radio_name, value, 16);
if (strcasecmp ("ID", param) == 0) {
uint32_t id = strtoul(value, 0, 0);
gs->radio_id[0] = id;
gs->radio_id[1] = id >> 8;
gs->radio_id[2] = id >> 16;
if (strcasecmp ("Last Programmed Date", param) == 0) {
// Ignore.
if (strcasecmp ("CPS Software Version", param) == 0) {
// Ignore.
if (strcasecmp ("Intro Line 1", param) == 0) {
utf8_decode(gs->intro_line1, value, 10);
if (strcasecmp ("Intro Line 2", param) == 0) {
utf8_decode(gs->intro_line2, value, 10);
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown parameter: %s = %s\n", param, value);
// Parse one line of Digital channel table.
// Start_flag is 1 for the first table row.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_digital_channel(radio_device_t *radio, int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], rxfreq_str[256], offset_str[256];
char power_str[256], scanlist_str[256], autoscan_str[256];
char tot_str[256], rxonly_str[256], admit_str[256], colorcode_str[256];
char slot_str[256], incall_str[256], grouplist_str[256], contact_str[256];
int num, power, scanlist, autoscan, tot, rxonly, admit;
int colorcode, timeslot, incall, grouplist, contact;
double rx_mhz, tx_mhz;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, rxfreq_str, offset_str,
power_str, scanlist_str, autoscan_str,
tot_str, rxonly_str, admit_str, colorcode_str,
slot_str, incall_str, grouplist_str, contact_str) != 15)
return 0;
num = atoi(num_str);
if (num < 1 || num > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad channel number.\n");
return 0;
if (sscanf(rxfreq_str, "%lf", &rx_mhz) != 1 ||
!is_valid_frequency(rx_mhz)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive frequency.\n");
return 0;
if (sscanf(offset_str, "%lf", &tx_mhz) != 1) {
badtx: fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit frequency.\n");
return 0;
if (offset_str[0] == '-' || offset_str[0] == '+')
tx_mhz += rx_mhz;
if (! is_valid_frequency(tx_mhz))
goto badtx;
if (strcasecmp("High", power_str) == 0) {
power = POWER_HIGH;
} else if (strcasecmp("Low", power_str) == 0) {
power = POWER_LOW;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad power level.\n");
return 0;
if (*scanlist_str == '-') {
scanlist = 0;
} else {
scanlist = atoi(scanlist_str);
if (scanlist == 0 || scanlist > NSCANL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad scanlist.\n");
return 0;
if (*autoscan_str == '-') {
autoscan = 0;
} else if (*autoscan_str == '+') {
autoscan = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad autoscan flag.\n");
return 0;
tot = atoi(tot_str);
if (tot > 555 || tot % 15 != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad timeout timer.\n");
return 0;
tot /= 15;
if (*rxonly_str == '-') {
rxonly = 0;
} else if (*rxonly_str == '+') {
rxonly = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive only flag.\n");
return 0;
if (*admit_str == '-' || strcasecmp("Always", admit_str) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp("Free", admit_str) == 0) {
admit = ADMIT_CH_FREE;
} else if (strcasecmp("Color", admit_str) == 0) {
admit = ADMIT_COLOR;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad admit criteria.\n");
return 0;
colorcode = atoi(colorcode_str);
if (colorcode < 0 || colorcode > 15) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad color code.\n");
return 0;
timeslot = atoi(slot_str);
if (timeslot < 1 || timeslot > 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad timeslot.\n");
return 0;
if (*incall_str == '-' || strcasecmp("Always", incall_str) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp("Admit", incall_str) == 0) {
incall = INCALL_ADMIT;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad incall criteria.\n");
return 0;
if (*grouplist_str == '-') {
grouplist = 0;
} else {
grouplist = atoi(grouplist_str);
if (grouplist == 0 || grouplist > NGLISTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive grouplist.\n");
return 0;
if (*contact_str == '-') {
contact = 0;
} else {
contact = atoi(contact_str);
if (contact == 0 || contact > NCONTACTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit contact.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row && radio->channel_count == 0) {
// On first entry, erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
setup_channel(num-1, MODE_DIGITAL, name_str, rx_mhz, tx_mhz,
power, scanlist, autoscan, SQ_NORMAL, tot, rxonly, admit,
colorcode, timeslot, incall, grouplist, contact, 0xffff, 0xffff, BW_12_5_KHZ);
return 1;
// Parse one line of Analog channel table.
// Start_flag is 1 for the first table row.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_analog_channel(radio_device_t *radio, int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], rxfreq_str[256], offset_str[256];
char power_str[256], scanlist_str[256], autoscan_str[256], squelch_str[256];
char tot_str[256], rxonly_str[256], admit_str[256];
char rxtone_str[256], txtone_str[256], width_str[256];
int num, power, scanlist, autoscan, squelch, tot, rxonly, admit;
int rxtone, txtone, width;
double rx_mhz, tx_mhz;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, rxfreq_str, offset_str,
power_str, scanlist_str, autoscan_str,
tot_str, rxonly_str, admit_str, squelch_str,
rxtone_str, txtone_str, width_str) != 14)
return 0;
num = atoi(num_str);
if (num < 1 || num > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad channel number.\n");
return 0;
if (sscanf(rxfreq_str, "%lf", &rx_mhz) != 1 ||
!is_valid_frequency(rx_mhz)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive frequency.\n");
return 0;
if (sscanf(offset_str, "%lf", &tx_mhz) != 1) {
badtx: fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit frequency.\n");
return 0;
if (offset_str[0] == '-' || offset_str[0] == '+')
tx_mhz += rx_mhz;
if (! is_valid_frequency(tx_mhz))
goto badtx;
if (strcasecmp("High", power_str) == 0) {
power = POWER_HIGH;
} else if (strcasecmp("Low", power_str) == 0) {
power = POWER_LOW;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad power level.\n");
return 0;
if (*scanlist_str == '-') {
scanlist = 0;
} else {
scanlist = atoi(scanlist_str);
if (scanlist == 0 || scanlist > NSCANL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad scanlist.\n");
return 0;
if (*autoscan_str == '-') {
autoscan = 0;
} else if (*autoscan_str == '+') {
autoscan = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad autoscan flag.\n");
return 0;
if (strcasecmp ("Normal", squelch_str) == 0) {
squelch = SQ_NORMAL;
} else if (strcasecmp ("Tight", squelch_str) == 0) {
squelch = SQ_TIGHT;
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Bad squelch level.\n");
return 0;
tot = atoi(tot_str);
if (tot > 555 || tot % 15 != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad timeout timer.\n");
return 0;
tot /= 15;
if (*rxonly_str == '-') {
rxonly = 0;
} else if (*rxonly_str == '+') {
rxonly = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive only flag.\n");
return 0;
if (*admit_str == '-' || strcasecmp("Always", admit_str) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp("Free", admit_str) == 0) {
admit = ADMIT_CH_FREE;
} else if (strcasecmp("Tone", admit_str) == 0) {
admit = ADMIT_TONE;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad admit criteria.\n");
return 0;
rxtone = encode_tone(rxtone_str);
if (rxtone < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive tone.\n");
return 0;
txtone = encode_tone(txtone_str);
if (txtone < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit tone.\n");
return 0;
if (strcasecmp ("12.5", width_str) == 0) {
width = BW_12_5_KHZ;
} else if (strcasecmp ("20", width_str) == 0) {
width = BW_20_KHZ;
} else if (strcasecmp ("25", width_str) == 0) {
width = BW_25_KHZ;
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Bad width.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row && radio->channel_count == 0) {
// On first entry, erase all channels, zones and scanlists.
setup_channel(num-1, MODE_ANALOG, name_str, rx_mhz, tx_mhz,
power, scanlist, autoscan, squelch, tot, rxonly, admit,
1, 1, 0, 0, 0, rxtone, txtone, width);
return 1;
// Parse one line of Zones table.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_zones(int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], chan_str[256];
int znum;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s", num_str, name_str, chan_str) != 3)
return 0;
znum = strtoul(num_str, 0, 10);
if (znum < 1 || znum > NZONES) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad zone number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Zones table.
setup_zone(znum-1, name_str);
if (*chan_str != '-') {
char *str = chan_str;
int nchan = 0;
int range = 0;
int last = 0;
// Parse channel list.
for (;;) {
char *eptr;
int cnum = strtoul(str, &eptr, 10);
if (eptr == str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", znum, str);
return 0;
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d: wrong channel number %d.\n", znum, cnum);
return 0;
if (range) {
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last+1; c<=cnum; c++) {
if (!zone_append(znum-1, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d: too many channels.\n", znum);
return 0;
} else {
// Add single channel.
if (!zone_append(znum-1, cnum)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d: too many channels.\n", znum);
return 0;
if (*eptr == 0)
if (*eptr != ',' && *eptr != '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", znum, eptr);
return 0;
range = (*eptr == '-');
last = cnum;
str = eptr + 1;
return 1;
// Parse one line of Scanlist table.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_scanlist(int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], prio1_str[256], prio2_str[256];
char tx_str[256], chan_str[256];
int snum, prio1, prio2, txchan;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, prio1_str, prio2_str, tx_str, chan_str) != 6)
return 0;
snum = atoi(num_str);
if (snum < 1 || snum > NSCANL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad scan list number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Scanlists table.
if (*prio1_str == '-') {
prio1 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio1_str) == 0) {
prio1 = 0;
} else {
prio1 = atoi(prio1_str);
if (prio1 < 1 || prio1 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 1.\n");
return 0;
if (*prio2_str == '-') {
prio2 = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", prio2_str) == 0) {
prio2 = 0;
} else {
prio2 = atoi(prio2_str);
if (prio2 < 1 || prio2 > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad priority channel 2.\n");
return 0;
if (strcasecmp("Last", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0xffff;
} else if (strcasecmp("Sel", tx_str) == 0) {
txchan = 0;
} else {
txchan = atoi(tx_str);
if (txchan < 1 || txchan > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad transmit channel.\n");
return 0;
setup_scanlist(snum-1, name_str, prio1, prio2, txchan);
if (*chan_str != '-') {
char *str = chan_str;
int nchan = 0;
int range = 0;
int last = 0;
// Parse channel list.
for (;;) {
char *eptr;
int cnum = strtoul(str, &eptr, 10);
if (eptr == str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, str);
return 0;
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCHAN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel number %d.\n", snum, cnum);
return 0;
if (range) {
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last+1; c<=cnum; c++) {
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
} else {
// Add single channel.
if (!scanlist_append(snum-1, cnum)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: too many channels.\n", snum);
return 0;
if (*eptr == 0)
if (*eptr != ',' && *eptr != '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Scan list %d: wrong channel list '%s'.\n", snum, eptr);
return 0;
range = (*eptr == '-');
last = cnum;
str = eptr + 1;
return 1;
// Parse one line of Contacts table.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_contact(int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], type_str[256], id_str[256], rxtone_str[256];
int cnum, type, id, rxtone;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %s %s",
num_str, name_str, type_str, id_str, rxtone_str) != 5)
return 0;
cnum = atoi(num_str);
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCONTACTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad contact number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Contacts table.
if (strcasecmp("Group", type_str) == 0) {
type = CALL_GROUP;
} else if (strcasecmp("Private", type_str) == 0) {
} else if (strcasecmp("All", type_str) == 0) {
type = CALL_ALL;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad call type.\n");
return 0;
id = atoi(id_str);
if (id < 1 || id > 0xffffff) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad call ID.\n");
return 0;
if (*rxtone_str == '-' || strcasecmp("No", rxtone_str) == 0) {
rxtone = 0;
} else if (*rxtone_str == '+' || strcasecmp("Yes", rxtone_str) == 0) {
rxtone = 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad receive tone flag.\n");
return 0;
setup_contact(cnum-1, name_str, type, id, rxtone);
return 1;
// Parse one line of Grouplist table.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_grouplist(int first_row, char *line)
char num_str[256], name_str[256], list_str[256];
int glnum;
if (sscanf(line, "%s %s %s", num_str, name_str, list_str) != 3)
return 0;
glnum = strtoul(num_str, 0, 10);
if (glnum < 1 || glnum > NGLISTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad group list number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Grouplists table.
memset(&radio_mem[OFFSET_GLISTS], 0, NGLISTS*96);
setup_grouplist(glnum-1, name_str);
if (*list_str != '-') {
char *str = list_str;
int range = 0;
int last = 0;
// Parse contact list.
for (;;) {
char *eptr;
int cnum = strtoul(str, &eptr, 10);
if (eptr == str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Group list %d: wrong contact list '%s'.\n", glnum, str);
return 0;
if (cnum < 1 || cnum > NCONTACTS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Group list %d: wrong contact number %d.\n", glnum, cnum);
return 0;
if (range) {
// Add range.
int c;
for (c=last+1; c<=cnum; c++) {
if (!grouplist_append(glnum-1, c)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Group list %d: too many contacts.\n", glnum);
return 0;
} else {
// Add single contact.
if (!grouplist_append(glnum-1, cnum)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Group list %d: too many contacts.\n", glnum);
return 0;
if (*eptr == 0)
if (*eptr != ',' && *eptr != '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Group list %d: wrong contact list '%s'.\n", glnum, eptr);
return 0;
range = (*eptr == '-');
last = cnum;
str = eptr + 1;
return 1;
// Parse one line of Messages table.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int parse_messages(int first_row, char *line)
char *text;
int mnum;
mnum = strtoul(line, &text, 10);
if (text == line || mnum < 1 || mnum > NMESSAGES) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad message number.\n");
return 0;
if (first_row) {
// On first entry, erase the Messages table.
memset(&radio_mem[OFFSET_MSG], 0, NMESSAGES*288);
setup_message(mnum-1, text);
return 1;
// Parse table header.
// Return table id, or 0 in case of error.
static int rd5r_parse_header(radio_device_t *radio, char *line)
if (strncasecmp(line, "Digital", 7) == 0)
return 'D';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Analog", 6) == 0)
return 'A';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Zone", 4) == 0)
return 'Z';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Scanlist", 8) == 0)
return 'S';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Contact", 7) == 0)
return 'C';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Grouplist", 9) == 0)
return 'G';
if (strncasecmp(line, "Message", 7) == 0)
return 'M';
return 0;
// Parse one line of table data.
// Return 0 on failure.
static int rd5r_parse_row(radio_device_t *radio, int table_id, int first_row, char *line)
switch (table_id) {
case 'D': return parse_digital_channel(radio, first_row, line);
case 'A': return parse_analog_channel(radio, first_row, line);
case 'Z': return parse_zones(first_row, line);
case 'S': return parse_scanlist(first_row, line);
case 'C': return parse_contact(first_row, line);
case 'G': return parse_grouplist(first_row, line);
case 'M': return parse_messages(first_row, line);
return 0;
// Update timestamp.
static void rd5r_update_timestamp(radio_device_t *radio)
unsigned char *timestamp = GET_TIMESTAMP();
char p[16];
// Last Programmed Date
timestamp[0] = ((p[0] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[1] & 0xf); // year upper
timestamp[1] = ((p[2] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[3] & 0xf); // year lower
timestamp[2] = ((p[4] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[5] & 0xf); // month
timestamp[3] = ((p[6] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[7] & 0xf); // day
timestamp[4] = ((p[8] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[9] & 0xf); // hour
timestamp[5] = ((p[10] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[11] & 0xf); // minute
timestamp[6] = ((p[12] & 0xf) << 4) | (p[13] & 0xf); // second
// CPS Software Version: Vdx.xx
const char *dot = strchr(VERSION, '.');
if (dot) {
timestamp[7] = 0x0d; // Prints as '='
timestamp[8] = dot[-1] & 0x0f;
if (dot[2] == '.') {
timestamp[9] = 0;
timestamp[10] = dot[1] & 0x0f;
} else {
timestamp[9] = dot[1] & 0x0f;
timestamp[10] = dot[2] & 0x0f;
// Check that configuration is correct.
// Return 0 on error.
static int rd5r_verify_config(radio_device_t *radio)
int i, k, nchannels = 0, nzones = 0, nscanlists = 0, ngrouplists = 0;
int ncontacts = 0, nerrors = 0;
// Channels: check references to scanlists, contacts and grouplists.
for (i=0; i<NCHAN; i++) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(i);
if (ch->scan_list_index != 0) {
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(ch->scan_list_index - 1);
if (!VALID_SCANLIST(sl)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': scanlist %d not found.\n", ch->scan_list_index);
if (ch->contact_name_index != 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(ch->contact_name_index - 1);
if (!VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': contact %d not found.\n", ch->contact_name_index);
if (ch->group_list_index != 0) {
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(ch->group_list_index - 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Channel %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, ch->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': grouplist %d not found.\n", ch->group_list_index);
// Zones: check references to channels.
for (i=0; i<NZONES; i++) {
zone_t *z = GET_ZONE(i);
if (!VALID_ZONE(z))
for (k=0; k<16; k++) {
int cnum = z->member[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Zone %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, z->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
// Scanlists: check references to channels.
for (i=0; i<NSCANL; i++) {
scanlist_t *sl = GET_SCANLIST(i);
for (k=0; k<31; k++) {
int cnum = sl->member[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
channel_t *ch = GET_CHANNEL(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CHANNEL(ch)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Scanlist %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, sl->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': channel %d not found.\n", cnum);
// Grouplists: check references to contacts.
for (i=0; i<NGLISTS; i++) {
grouplist_t *gl = GET_GROUPLIST(i);
for (k=0; k<32; k++) {
int cnum = gl->member[k];
if (cnum != 0) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(cnum - 1);
if (!VALID_CONTACT(ct)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Grouplist %d '", i+1);
print_unicode(stderr, gl->name, 16, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "': contact %d not found.\n", cnum);
// Count contacts.
for (i=0; i<NCONTACTS; i++) {
contact_t *ct = GET_CONTACT(i);
if (nerrors > 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Total %d errors.\n", nerrors);
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Total %d channels, %d zones, %d scanlists, %d contacts, %d grouplists.\n",
nchannels, nzones, nscanlists, ncontacts, ngrouplists);
return 1;
// Baofeng RD-5R
radio_device_t radio_rd5r = {
"Baofeng RD-5R",