Greg Shuflin - Software Developer

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About me

I'm an industry programmer with broad expertise across several different disciplines of industry software development, particularly network programming, full-stack web development, and modern devops. I dabble in 3d graphics, programming language design, and mucking about with microcontrollers on the side, which occasionally comes in handy. I've shipped code in Rust, Python, C, C++, Ruby on Rails, Scala, Elm, and Haskell. My educational credentials are a BA in Linguistics, Computer Science and Japanese from the University of California, Berkeley (2007-2012).

I used to have a line here that said "Also if you're hiring for a Rust position I'd love to talk to you.", but since I now have a position where I spend a lot of my time writing Rust, I suppose it worked.

Open-source work

As part of my work at Toolchain Labs, I contribute to the Pants build system. Much of my work on this project has involved porting the codebase from a legacy Python execution engine to a modern and more performant Rust execution engine.

I wrote a simple Rust command line program for for highlighting stderr console output, inspired by Mike Schiraldi's hilite utility, which I used at Meraki for making the actual errors more obvious in lengthy C++ compiler output. It is published on

My professional Github profile is @gshuflin. I have used @neunenak as a personal Github profile in the past, and am in the process of moving my personal code to a self-hosted Gitea instance.

Some personal projects

A few side projects I've worked on that I think are particularly interesting.


I've been interested in programming language implementations since my college compilers class, and interested in type theory ever since I learned about Haskell. Schala is a Rust framework I've been sporadically working on to give me a place to experiment with multiple programming language ideas, and also the name of the language I'm using this framework to implement. Schala is intended to be an expression-based functional-encouraging programming language using ML-style types with Rust-like syntax.

Browser games

These are all open-source collabrations with Alex Nisnevich and several other occasional contributors.

Other projects