use { super::*, clap::{App, AppSettings, Arg, ArgGroup, ArgMatches, ArgSettings}, }; // These three strings should be kept in sync: pub(crate) const CHOOSER_DEFAULT: &str = "fzf"; pub(crate) const CHOOSER_ENVIRONMENT_KEY: &str = "JUST_CHOOSER"; pub(crate) const CHOOSE_HELP: &str = "Select one or more recipes to run using a binary. If \ `--chooser` is not passed the chooser defaults to the value \ of $JUST_CHOOSER, falling back to `fzf`"; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct Config { pub(crate) check: bool, pub(crate) color: Color, pub(crate) dotenv_filename: Option, pub(crate) dotenv_path: Option, pub(crate) dry_run: bool, pub(crate) dump_format: DumpFormat, pub(crate) highlight: bool, pub(crate) invocation_directory: PathBuf, pub(crate) list_heading: String, pub(crate) list_prefix: String, pub(crate) load_dotenv: bool, pub(crate) search_config: SearchConfig, pub(crate) shell: Option, pub(crate) shell_args: Option>, pub(crate) shell_command: bool, pub(crate) subcommand: Subcommand, pub(crate) unsorted: bool, pub(crate) unstable: bool, pub(crate) verbosity: Verbosity, } mod cmd { pub(crate) const CHANGELOG: &str = "CHANGELOG"; pub(crate) const CHOOSE: &str = "CHOOSE"; pub(crate) const COMMAND: &str = "COMMAND"; pub(crate) const COMPLETIONS: &str = "COMPLETIONS"; pub(crate) const DUMP: &str = "DUMP"; pub(crate) const EDIT: &str = "EDIT"; pub(crate) const EVALUATE: &str = "EVALUATE"; pub(crate) const FORMAT: &str = "FORMAT"; pub(crate) const INIT: &str = "INIT"; pub(crate) const LIST: &str = "LIST"; pub(crate) const SHOW: &str = "SHOW"; pub(crate) const SUMMARY: &str = "SUMMARY"; pub(crate) const VARIABLES: &str = "VARIABLES"; pub(crate) const ALL: &[&str] = &[ CHANGELOG, CHOOSE, COMMAND, COMPLETIONS, DUMP, EDIT, EVALUATE, FORMAT, INIT, LIST, SHOW, SUMMARY, VARIABLES, ]; pub(crate) const ARGLESS: &[&str] = &[ CHANGELOG, COMPLETIONS, DUMP, EDIT, FORMAT, INIT, LIST, SHOW, SUMMARY, VARIABLES, ]; } mod arg { pub(crate) const ARGUMENTS: &str = "ARGUMENTS"; pub(crate) const CHECK: &str = "CHECK"; pub(crate) const CHOOSER: &str = "CHOOSER"; pub(crate) const CLEAR_SHELL_ARGS: &str = "CLEAR-SHELL-ARGS"; pub(crate) const COLOR: &str = "COLOR"; pub(crate) const DOTENV_FILENAME: &str = "DOTENV-FILENAME"; pub(crate) const DOTENV_PATH: &str = "DOTENV-PATH"; pub(crate) const DRY_RUN: &str = "DRY-RUN"; pub(crate) const DUMP_FORMAT: &str = "DUMP-FORMAT"; pub(crate) const HIGHLIGHT: &str = "HIGHLIGHT"; pub(crate) const JUSTFILE: &str = "JUSTFILE"; pub(crate) const LIST_HEADING: &str = "LIST-HEADING"; pub(crate) const LIST_PREFIX: &str = "LIST-PREFIX"; pub(crate) const NO_DOTENV: &str = "NO-DOTENV"; pub(crate) const NO_HIGHLIGHT: &str = "NO-HIGHLIGHT"; pub(crate) const QUIET: &str = "QUIET"; pub(crate) const SET: &str = "SET"; pub(crate) const SHELL: &str = "SHELL"; pub(crate) const SHELL_ARG: &str = "SHELL-ARG"; pub(crate) const SHELL_COMMAND: &str = "SHELL-COMMAND"; pub(crate) const UNSORTED: &str = "UNSORTED"; pub(crate) const UNSTABLE: &str = "UNSTABLE"; pub(crate) const VERBOSE: &str = "VERBOSE"; pub(crate) const WORKING_DIRECTORY: &str = "WORKING-DIRECTORY"; pub(crate) const COLOR_ALWAYS: &str = "always"; pub(crate) const COLOR_AUTO: &str = "auto"; pub(crate) const COLOR_NEVER: &str = "never"; pub(crate) const COLOR_VALUES: &[&str] = &[COLOR_AUTO, COLOR_ALWAYS, COLOR_NEVER]; pub(crate) const DUMP_FORMAT_JSON: &str = "json"; pub(crate) const DUMP_FORMAT_JUST: &str = "just"; pub(crate) const DUMP_FORMAT_VALUES: &[&str] = &[DUMP_FORMAT_JUST, DUMP_FORMAT_JSON]; } impl Config { pub(crate) fn app() -> App<'static, 'static> { let app = App::new(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")) .help_message("Print help information") .version_message("Print version information") .setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp) .setting(AppSettings::TrailingVarArg) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::CHECK) .long("check") .requires(cmd::FORMAT) .help("Run `--fmt` in 'check' mode. Exits with 0 if justfile is formatted correctly. Exits with 1 and prints a diff if formatting is required."), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::CHOOSER) .long("chooser") .takes_value(true) .help("Override binary invoked by `--choose`"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::COLOR) .long("color") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(arg::COLOR_VALUES) .default_value(arg::COLOR_AUTO) .help("Print colorful output"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::DRY_RUN) .short("n") .long("dry-run") .help("Print what just would do without doing it") .conflicts_with(arg::QUIET), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::DUMP_FORMAT) .long("dump-format") .takes_value(true) .possible_values(arg::DUMP_FORMAT_VALUES) .default_value(arg::DUMP_FORMAT_JUST) .value_name("FORMAT") .help("Dump justfile as "), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::HIGHLIGHT) .long("highlight") .help("Highlight echoed recipe lines in bold") .overrides_with(arg::NO_HIGHLIGHT), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::LIST_HEADING) .long("list-heading") .help("Print before list") .value_name("TEXT") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::LIST_PREFIX) .long("list-prefix") .help("Print before each list item") .value_name("TEXT") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::NO_DOTENV) .long("no-dotenv") .help("Don't load `.env` file"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::NO_HIGHLIGHT) .long("no-highlight") .help("Don't highlight echoed recipe lines in bold") .overrides_with(arg::HIGHLIGHT), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::JUSTFILE) .short("f") .long("justfile") .takes_value(true) .help("Use as justfile"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::QUIET) .short("q") .long("quiet") .help("Suppress all output") .conflicts_with(arg::DRY_RUN), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::SET) .long("set") .takes_value(true) .number_of_values(2) .value_names(&["VARIABLE", "VALUE"]) .multiple(true) .help("Override with "), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::SHELL) .long("shell") .takes_value(true) .help("Invoke to run recipes"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::SHELL_ARG) .long("shell-arg") .takes_value(true) .multiple(true) .number_of_values(1) .allow_hyphen_values(true) .overrides_with(arg::CLEAR_SHELL_ARGS) .help("Invoke shell with as an argument"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::SHELL_COMMAND) .long("shell-command") .requires(cmd::COMMAND) .help("Invoke with the shell used to run recipe lines and backticks"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::CLEAR_SHELL_ARGS) .long("clear-shell-args") .overrides_with(arg::SHELL_ARG) .help("Clear shell arguments"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::UNSORTED) .long("unsorted") .short("u") .help("Return list and summary entries in source order"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::UNSTABLE) .long("unstable") .help("Enable unstable features"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::VERBOSE) .short("v") .long("verbose") .multiple(true) .help("Use verbose output"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::WORKING_DIRECTORY) .short("d") .long("working-directory") .takes_value(true) .help("Use as working directory. --justfile must also be set") .requires(arg::JUSTFILE), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::CHANGELOG) .long("changelog") .help("Print changelog"), ) .arg(Arg::with_name(cmd::CHOOSE).long("choose").help(CHOOSE_HELP)) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::COMMAND) .long("command") .short("c") .min_values(1) .allow_hyphen_values(true) .help( "Run an arbitrary command with the working directory, `.env`, overrides, and exports \ set", ), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::COMPLETIONS) .long("completions") .takes_value(true) .value_name("SHELL") .possible_values(&clap::Shell::variants()) .set(ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive) .help("Print shell completion script for "), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::DUMP) .long("dump") .help("Print justfile"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::EDIT) .short("e") .long("edit") .help("Edit justfile with editor given by $VISUAL or $EDITOR, falling back to `vim`"), ) .arg(Arg::with_name(cmd::EVALUATE).long("evaluate").help( "Evaluate and print all variables. If a variable name is given as an argument, only print \ that variable's value.", )) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::FORMAT) .long("fmt") .help("Format and overwrite justfile"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::INIT) .long("init") .help("Initialize new justfile in project root"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::LIST) .short("l") .long("list") .help("List available recipes and their arguments"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::SHOW) .short("s") .long("show") .takes_value(true) .value_name("RECIPE") .help("Show information about "), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::SUMMARY) .long("summary") .help("List names of available recipes"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(cmd::VARIABLES) .long("variables") .help("List names of variables"), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::DOTENV_FILENAME) .long("dotenv-filename") .takes_value(true) .help("Search for environment file named instead of `.env`") .conflicts_with(arg::DOTENV_PATH), ) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::DOTENV_PATH) .long("dotenv-path") .help("Load environment file at instead of searching for one") .takes_value(true), ) .group(ArgGroup::with_name("SUBCOMMAND").args(cmd::ALL)) .arg( Arg::with_name(arg::ARGUMENTS) .multiple(true) .help("Overrides and recipe(s) to run, defaulting to the first recipe in the justfile"), ); if cfg!(feature = "help4help2man") { app.version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")).about(concat!( "- Please see ", env!("CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE"), " for more information." )) } else { app .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .author(env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS")) .about(concat!( env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"), " - ", env!("CARGO_PKG_HOMEPAGE") )) } } fn color_from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> ConfigResult { let value = matches .value_of(arg::COLOR) .ok_or_else(|| ConfigError::Internal { message: "`--color` had no value".to_string(), })?; match value { arg::COLOR_AUTO => Ok(Color::auto()), arg::COLOR_ALWAYS => Ok(Color::always()), arg::COLOR_NEVER => Ok(Color::never()), _ => Err(ConfigError::Internal { message: format!("Invalid argument `{value}` to --color."), }), } } fn dump_format_from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> ConfigResult { let value = matches .value_of(arg::DUMP_FORMAT) .ok_or_else(|| ConfigError::Internal { message: "`--dump-format` had no value".to_string(), })?; match value { arg::DUMP_FORMAT_JSON => Ok(DumpFormat::Json), arg::DUMP_FORMAT_JUST => Ok(DumpFormat::Just), _ => Err(ConfigError::Internal { message: format!("Invalid argument `{value}` to --dump-format."), }), } } pub(crate) fn from_matches(matches: &ArgMatches) -> ConfigResult { let invocation_directory = env::current_dir().context(config_error::CurrentDirContext)?; let verbosity = if matches.is_present(arg::QUIET) { Verbosity::Quiet } else { Verbosity::from_flag_occurrences(matches.occurrences_of(arg::VERBOSE)) }; let color = Self::color_from_matches(matches)?; let set_count = matches.occurrences_of(arg::SET); let mut overrides = BTreeMap::new(); if set_count > 0 { let mut values = matches.values_of(arg::SET).unwrap(); for _ in 0..set_count { overrides.insert(,, ); } } let positional = Positional::from_values(matches.values_of(arg::ARGUMENTS)); for (name, value) in positional.overrides { overrides.insert(name.clone(), value.clone()); } let search_config = { let justfile = matches.value_of(arg::JUSTFILE).map(PathBuf::from); let working_directory = matches.value_of(arg::WORKING_DIRECTORY).map(PathBuf::from); if let Some(search_directory) = { if justfile.is_some() || working_directory.is_some() { return Err(ConfigError::SearchDirConflict); } SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory } } else { match (justfile, working_directory) { (None, None) => SearchConfig::FromInvocationDirectory, (Some(justfile), None) => SearchConfig::WithJustfile { justfile }, (Some(justfile), Some(working_directory)) => { SearchConfig::WithJustfileAndWorkingDirectory { justfile, working_directory, } } (None, Some(_)) => { return Err(ConfigError::internal( "--working-directory set without --justfile", )) } } } }; for subcommand in cmd::ARGLESS { if matches.is_present(subcommand) { match (!overrides.is_empty(), !positional.arguments.is_empty()) { (false, false) => {} (true, false) => { return Err(ConfigError::SubcommandOverrides { subcommand, overrides, }); } (false, true) => { return Err(ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { arguments: positional.arguments, subcommand, }); } (true, true) => { return Err(ConfigError::SubcommandOverridesAndArguments { arguments: positional.arguments, subcommand, overrides, }); } } } } let subcommand = if matches.is_present(cmd::CHANGELOG) { Subcommand::Changelog } else if matches.is_present(cmd::CHOOSE) { Subcommand::Choose { chooser: matches.value_of(arg::CHOOSER).map(str::to_owned), overrides, } } else if let Some(values) = matches.values_of_os(cmd::COMMAND) { let mut arguments =>(); Subcommand::Command { binary: arguments.remove(0), arguments, overrides, } } else if let Some(shell) = matches.value_of(cmd::COMPLETIONS) { Subcommand::Completions { shell: shell.to_owned(), } } else if matches.is_present(cmd::EDIT) { Subcommand::Edit } else if matches.is_present(cmd::SUMMARY) { Subcommand::Summary } else if matches.is_present(cmd::DUMP) { Subcommand::Dump } else if matches.is_present(cmd::FORMAT) { Subcommand::Format } else if matches.is_present(cmd::INIT) { Subcommand::Init } else if matches.is_present(cmd::LIST) { Subcommand::List } else if let Some(name) = matches.value_of(cmd::SHOW) { Subcommand::Show { name: name.to_owned(), } } else if matches.is_present(cmd::EVALUATE) { if positional.arguments.len() > 1 { return Err(ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand: cmd::EVALUATE, arguments: positional .arguments .into_iter() .skip(1) .collect::>(), }); } Subcommand::Evaluate { variable: positional.arguments.into_iter().next(), overrides, } } else if matches.is_present(cmd::VARIABLES) { Subcommand::Variables } else { Subcommand::Run { arguments: positional.arguments, overrides, } }; let shell_args = if matches.occurrences_of(arg::SHELL_ARG) > 0 || matches.occurrences_of(arg::CLEAR_SHELL_ARGS) > 0 { Some( matches .values_of(arg::SHELL_ARG) .map_or(Vec::new(), |shell_args| { }), ) } else { None }; Ok(Self { check: matches.is_present(arg::CHECK), dry_run: matches.is_present(arg::DRY_RUN), dump_format: Self::dump_format_from_matches(matches)?, highlight: !matches.is_present(arg::NO_HIGHLIGHT), shell: matches.value_of(arg::SHELL).map(str::to_owned), load_dotenv: !matches.is_present(arg::NO_DOTENV), shell_command: matches.is_present(arg::SHELL_COMMAND), unsorted: matches.is_present(arg::UNSORTED), unstable: matches.is_present(arg::UNSTABLE), list_heading: matches .value_of(arg::LIST_HEADING) .unwrap_or("Available recipes:\n") .to_owned(), list_prefix: matches .value_of(arg::LIST_PREFIX) .unwrap_or(" ") .to_owned(), color, invocation_directory, search_config, shell_args, subcommand, dotenv_filename: matches.value_of(arg::DOTENV_FILENAME).map(str::to_owned), dotenv_path: matches.value_of(arg::DOTENV_PATH).map(PathBuf::from), verbosity, }) } pub(crate) fn require_unstable(&self, message: &str) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { if self.unstable { Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::Unstable { message: message.to_owned(), }) } } pub(crate) fn run(self, loader: &Loader) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Err(error) = InterruptHandler::install(self.verbosity) { warn!("Failed to set CTRL-C handler: {}", error); } self.subcommand.execute(&self, loader) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; macro_rules! test { { name: $name:ident, args: [$($arg:expr),*], $(color: $color:expr,)? $(dry_run: $dry_run:expr,)? $(dump_format: $dump_format:expr,)? $(highlight: $highlight:expr,)? $(search_config: $search_config:expr,)? $(shell: $shell:expr,)? $(shell_args: $shell_args:expr,)? $(subcommand: $subcommand:expr,)? $(unsorted: $unsorted:expr,)? $(verbosity: $verbosity:expr,)? } => { #[test] fn $name() { let arguments = &[ "just", $($arg,)* ]; let want = Config { $(color: $color,)? $(dry_run: $dry_run,)? $(dump_format: $dump_format,)? $(highlight: $highlight,)? $(search_config: $search_config,)? $(shell: $shell,)? $(shell_args: $shell_args,)? $(subcommand: $subcommand,)? $(unsorted: $unsorted,)? $(verbosity: $verbosity,)? ..testing::config(&[]) }; test(arguments, want); } } } fn test(arguments: &[&str], want: Config) { let app = Config::app(); let matches = app .get_matches_from_safe(arguments) .expect("argument parsing failed"); let have = Config::from_matches(&matches).expect("config parsing failed"); assert_eq!(have, want); } macro_rules! error { { name: $name:ident, args: [$($arg:expr),*], } => { #[test] fn $name() { let arguments = &[ "just", $($arg,)* ]; let app = Config::app(); app.get_matches_from_safe(arguments).expect_err("Expected clap error"); } }; { name: $name:ident, args: [$($arg:expr),*], error: $error:pat, $(check: $check:block,)? } => { #[test] fn $name() { let arguments = &[ "just", $($arg,)* ]; let app = Config::app(); let matches = app.get_matches_from_safe(arguments).expect("Matching fails"); match Config::from_matches(&matches).expect_err("config parsing succeeded") { $error => { $($check)? } other => panic!("Unexpected config error: {}", other), } } } } macro_rules! map { {} => { BTreeMap::new() }; { $($key:literal : $value:literal),* $(,)? } => { { let mut map: BTreeMap = BTreeMap::new(); $( map.insert($key.to_owned(), $value.to_owned()); )* map } } } test! { name: default_config, args: [], } test! { name: color_default, args: [], color: Color::auto(), } test! { name: color_never, args: ["--color", "never"], color: Color::never(), } test! { name: color_always, args: ["--color", "always"], color: Color::always(), } test! { name: color_auto, args: ["--color", "auto"], color: Color::auto(), } error! { name: color_bad_value, args: ["--color", "foo"], } test! { name: dry_run_default, args: [], dry_run: false, } test! { name: dry_run_long, args: ["--dry-run"], dry_run: true, } test! { name: dry_run_short, args: ["-n"], dry_run: true, } error! { name: dry_run_quiet, args: ["--dry-run", "--quiet"], } test! { name: highlight_default, args: [], highlight: true, } test! { name: highlight_yes, args: ["--highlight"], highlight: true, } test! { name: highlight_no, args: ["--no-highlight"], highlight: false, } test! { name: highlight_no_yes, args: ["--no-highlight", "--highlight"], highlight: true, } test! { name: highlight_no_yes_no, args: ["--no-highlight", "--highlight", "--no-highlight"], highlight: false, } test! { name: highlight_yes_no, args: ["--highlight", "--no-highlight"], highlight: false, } test! { name: unsorted_default, args: [], unsorted: false, } test! { name: unsorted_long, args: ["--unsorted"], unsorted: true, } test! { name: unsorted_short, args: ["-u"], unsorted: true, } test! { name: quiet_default, args: [], verbosity: Verbosity::Taciturn, } test! { name: quiet_long, args: ["--quiet"], verbosity: Verbosity::Quiet, } test! { name: quiet_short, args: ["-q"], verbosity: Verbosity::Quiet, } error! { name: dotenv_both_filename_and_path, args: ["--dotenv-filename", "foo", "--dotenv-path", "bar"], } test! { name: set_default, args: [], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!(), }, } test! { name: set_one, args: ["--set", "foo", "bar"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "bar"}, }, } test! { name: set_empty, args: ["--set", "foo", ""], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": ""}, }, } test! { name: set_two, args: ["--set", "foo", "bar", "--set", "bar", "baz"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}, }, } test! { name: set_override, args: ["--set", "foo", "bar", "--set", "foo", "baz"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "baz"}, }, } error! { name: set_bad, args: ["--set", "foo"], } test! { name: shell_default, args: [], shell: None, shell_args: None, } test! { name: shell_set, args: ["--shell", "tclsh"], shell: Some("tclsh".to_owned()), } test! { name: shell_args_set, args: ["--shell-arg", "hello"], shell: None, shell_args: Some(vec!["hello".into()]), } test! { name: verbosity_default, args: [], verbosity: Verbosity::Taciturn, } test! { name: verbosity_long, args: ["--verbose"], verbosity: Verbosity::Loquacious, } test! { name: verbosity_loquacious, args: ["-v"], verbosity: Verbosity::Loquacious, } test! { name: verbosity_grandiloquent, args: ["-v", "-v"], verbosity: Verbosity::Grandiloquent, } test! { name: verbosity_great_grandiloquent, args: ["-v", "-v", "-v"], verbosity: Verbosity::Grandiloquent, } test! { name: subcommand_default, args: [], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{}, }, } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_changelog, args: ["--list", "--changelog"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_summary, args: ["--list", "--summary"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_dump, args: ["--list", "--dump"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_fmt, args: ["--list", "--fmt"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_init, args: ["--list", "--init"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_evaluate, args: ["--list", "--evaluate"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_show, args: ["--list", "--show"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_completions, args: ["--list", "--completions"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_variables, args: ["--list", "--variables"], } error! { name: subcommand_conflict_choose, args: ["--list", "--choose"], } test! { name: subcommand_completions, args: ["--completions", "bash"], subcommand: Subcommand::Completions{shell: "bash".to_owned()}, } test! { name: subcommand_completions_uppercase, args: ["--completions", "BASH"], subcommand: Subcommand::Completions{shell: "BASH".to_owned()}, } error! { name: subcommand_completions_invalid, args: ["--completions", "monstersh"], } test! { name: subcommand_dump, args: ["--dump"], subcommand: Subcommand::Dump, } test! { name: dump_format, args: ["--dump-format", "json"], dump_format: DumpFormat::Json, } test! { name: subcommand_edit, args: ["--edit"], subcommand: Subcommand::Edit, } test! { name: subcommand_evaluate, args: ["--evaluate"], subcommand: Subcommand::Evaluate { overrides: map!{}, variable: None, }, } test! { name: subcommand_evaluate_overrides, args: ["--evaluate", "x=y"], subcommand: Subcommand::Evaluate { overrides: map!{"x": "y"}, variable: None, }, } test! { name: subcommand_evaluate_overrides_with_argument, args: ["--evaluate", "x=y", "foo"], subcommand: Subcommand::Evaluate { overrides: map!{"x": "y"}, variable: Some("foo".to_owned()), }, } test! { name: subcommand_list_long, args: ["--list"], subcommand: Subcommand::List, } test! { name: subcommand_list_short, args: ["-l"], subcommand: Subcommand::List, } test! { name: subcommand_show_long, args: ["--show", "build"], subcommand: Subcommand::Show { name: String::from("build") }, } test! { name: subcommand_show_short, args: ["-s", "build"], subcommand: Subcommand::Show { name: String::from("build") }, } error! { name: subcommand_show_no_arg, args: ["--show"], } test! { name: subcommand_summary, args: ["--summary"], subcommand: Subcommand::Summary, } test! { name: arguments, args: ["foo", "bar"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: vec![String::from("foo"), String::from("bar")], overrides: map!{}, }, } test! { name: arguments_leading_equals, args: ["=foo"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: vec!["=foo".to_owned()], overrides: map!{}, }, } test! { name: overrides, args: ["foo=bar", "bar=baz"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}, }, } test! { name: overrides_empty, args: ["foo=", "bar="], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "", "bar": ""}, }, } test! { name: overrides_override_sets, args: ["--set", "foo", "0", "--set", "bar", "1", "foo=bar", "bar=baz"], subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: Vec::new(), overrides: map!{"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}, }, } test! { name: shell_args_default, args: [], } test! { name: shell_args_set_hyphen, args: ["--shell-arg", "--foo"], shell_args: Some(vec!["--foo".to_owned()]), } test! { name: shell_args_set_word, args: ["--shell-arg", "foo"], shell_args: Some(vec!["foo".to_owned()]), } test! { name: shell_args_set_multiple, args: ["--shell-arg", "foo", "--shell-arg", "bar"], shell_args: Some(vec!["foo".to_owned(), "bar".to_owned()]), } test! { name: shell_args_clear, args: ["--clear-shell-args"], shell_args: Some(vec![]), } test! { name: shell_args_clear_and_set, args: ["--clear-shell-args", "--shell-arg", "bar"], shell_args: Some(vec!["bar".to_owned()]), } test! { name: shell_args_set_and_clear, args: ["--shell-arg", "bar", "--clear-shell-args"], shell_args: Some(vec![]), } test! { name: shell_args_set_multiple_and_clear, args: ["--shell-arg", "bar", "--shell-arg", "baz", "--clear-shell-args"], shell_args: Some(vec![]), } test! { name: search_config_default, args: [], search_config: SearchConfig::FromInvocationDirectory, } test! { name: search_config_from_working_directory_and_justfile, args: ["--working-directory", "foo", "--justfile", "bar"], search_config: SearchConfig::WithJustfileAndWorkingDirectory { justfile: PathBuf::from("bar"), working_directory: PathBuf::from("foo"), }, } test! { name: search_config_justfile_long, args: ["--justfile", "foo"], search_config: SearchConfig::WithJustfile { justfile: PathBuf::from("foo"), }, } test! { name: search_config_justfile_short, args: ["-f", "foo"], search_config: SearchConfig::WithJustfile { justfile: PathBuf::from("foo"), }, } test! { name: search_directory_parent, args: ["../"], search_config: SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory: PathBuf::from(".."), }, } test! { name: search_directory_parent_with_recipe, args: ["../build"], search_config: SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory: PathBuf::from(".."), }, subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: vec!["build".to_owned()], overrides: BTreeMap::new() }, } test! { name: search_directory_child, args: ["foo/"], search_config: SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory: PathBuf::from("foo"), }, } test! { name: search_directory_deep, args: ["foo/bar/"], search_config: SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory: PathBuf::from("foo/bar"), }, } test! { name: search_directory_child_with_recipe, args: ["foo/build"], search_config: SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory: PathBuf::from("foo"), }, subcommand: Subcommand::Run { arguments: vec!["build".to_owned()], overrides: BTreeMap::new() }, } error! { name: search_directory_conflict_justfile, args: ["--justfile", "bar", "foo/build"], error: ConfigError::SearchDirConflict, } error! { name: search_directory_conflict_working_directory, args: ["--justfile", "bar", "--working-directory", "baz", "foo/build"], error: ConfigError::SearchDirConflict, } error! { name: completions_arguments, args: ["--completions", "zsh", "foo"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::COMPLETIONS); assert_eq!(arguments, &["foo"]); }, } error! { name: changelog_arguments, args: ["--changelog", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::CHANGELOG); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: list_arguments, args: ["--list", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::LIST); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: dump_arguments, args: ["--dump", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::DUMP); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: edit_arguments, args: ["--edit", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::EDIT); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: fmt_arguments, args: ["--fmt", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::FORMAT); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: init_arguments, args: ["--init", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::INIT); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: show_arguments, args: ["--show", "foo", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::SHOW); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: summary_arguments, args: ["--summary", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandArguments { subcommand, arguments }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::SUMMARY); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: subcommand_overrides_and_arguments, args: ["--summary", "bar=baz", "bar"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandOverridesAndArguments { subcommand, arguments, overrides }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::SUMMARY); assert_eq!(overrides, map!{"bar": "baz"}); assert_eq!(arguments, &["bar"]); }, } error! { name: summary_overrides, args: ["--summary", "bar=baz"], error: ConfigError::SubcommandOverrides { subcommand, overrides }, check: { assert_eq!(subcommand, cmd::SUMMARY); assert_eq!(overrides, map!{"bar": "baz"}); }, } }