set shell := ["sh", "-c"] set windows-shell := ["powershell.exe", "-NoLogo", "-Command"] set allow-duplicate-recipes set positional-arguments set dotenv-load set export alias s := serve bt := '0' export RUST_BACKTRACE_1 := bt log := "warn" export JUST_LOG := (log + "ing" + `grep loop /etc/networks | cut -f2`) tmpdir := `mktemp` version := "0.2.7" tardir := tmpdir / "awesomesauce-" + version foo1 := / "tmp" foo2_3 := "a/" tarball := tardir + ".tar.gz" export RUST_BACKTRACE_2 := "1" string-with-tab := "\t" string-with-newline := "\n" string-with-carriage-return := "\r" string-with-double-quote := "\"" string-with-slash := "\\" string-with-no-newline := "\ " # Newlines in variables single := ' hello ' double := " goodbye " escapes := '\t\n\r\"\\' # this string will evaluate to `foo\nbar\n` x := ''' foo bar ''' # this string will evaluate to `abc\n wuv\nbar\n` y := """ abc wuv xyz """ for: for file in `ls .`; do \ echo $file; \ done serve: touch {{tmpdir}}/file # This backtick evaluates the command `echo foo\necho bar\n`, which produces the value `foo\nbar\n`. stuff := ``` echo foo echo bar ``` an_arch := trim(lowercase(justfile())) + arch() trim_end := trim_end("99.99954% ") home_dir := replace(env_var('HOME') / "yep", 'yep', '') quoted := quote("some things beyond\"$()^%#@!|-+=_*&'`") smartphone := trim_end_match('blah.txt', 'txt') museum := trim_start_match(trim_start(trim_end_matches(' yep_blah.txt.txt', '.txt')), 'yep_') water := trim_start_matches('ssssssoup.txt', 's') congress := uppercase(os()) fam := os_family() path_1 := absolute_path('test') path_2 := '/tmp/subcommittee.txt' ext_z := extension(path_2) exe_name := file_name(just_executable()) a_stem := file_stem(path_2) a_parent := parent_directory(path_2) sans_ext := without_extension(path_2) camera := join('tmp', 'dir1', 'dir2', path_2) cleaned := clean('/tmp/blah/..///thing.txt') id__path := '/tmp' / sha256('blah') / sha256_file(justfile()) _another_var := env_var_or_default("HOME", justfile_directory()) python := `which python` exists := if path_exists(just_executable()) =~ '^/User' { uuid() } else { 'yeah' } foo := if env_var("_") == "/usr/bin/env" { `touch /tmp/a_file` } else { "dummy-value" } foo_b := if "hello" == "goodbye" { "xyz" } else { if "no" == "no" { "yep"} else { error("123") } } foo_c := if "hello" == "goodbye" { "xyz" } else if "a" == "a" { "abc" } else { "123" } bar: @echo {{foo}} bar2 foo_stuff: echo {{ if foo_stuff == "bar" { "hello" } else { "goodbye" } }} executable: @echo The executable is at: {{just_executable()}} rustfmt: find {{invocation_directory()}} -name \*.rs -exec rustfmt {} \; test: echo "{{home_dir}}" linewise: Write-Host "Hello, world!" serve2: @echo "Starting server with database $DATABASE_ADDRESS on port $SERVER_PORT…" shebang := if os() == 'windows' { 'powershell.exe' } else { '/usr/bin/env pwsh' } shebang: #!{{shebang}} $PSV = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | % {"$_" -split "\." } $psver = $PSV[0] + "." + $PSV[1] if ($PSV[2].Length -lt 4) { $psver += "." + $PSV[2] + " Core" } else { $psver += " Desktop" } echo "PowerShell $psver" @foo: echo bar @test5 *args='': bash -c 'while (( "$#" )); do echo - $1; shift; done' -- "$@" test2 $RUST_BACKTRACE="1": # will print a stack trace if it crashes cargo test notify m="": keybase chat send --topic-type "chat" --channel <channel> <team> "upd(<repo>): {{m}}" # Sample project script 2 script2 *ARGS: {{ python }} {{ ARGS }} braces: echo 'I {{{{LOVE}} curly braces!' _braces2: echo '{{'I {{LOVE}} curly braces!'}}' _braces3: echo 'I {{ "{{" }}LOVE}} curly braces!' foo2: -@cat foo echo 'Done!' test3 target tests=path_1: @echo 'Testing {{target}}:{{tests}}…' ./test --tests {{tests}} {{target}} test4 triple=(an_arch + "-unknown-unknown") input=(an_arch / "input.dat"): ./test {{triple}} variadic $VAR1_1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4=("a") +$FLAGS='-q': foo2 braces cargo test {{FLAGS}} time: @-date +"%H:%S" -cat /tmp/nonexistent_file.txt @echo "finished" justwords: grep just \ --text /usr/share/dict/words \ > /tmp/justwords # Subsequent dependencies # # To test, run `$ just -f test-suite.just b` a: echo 'A!' b: a && d echo 'B start!' just -f {{justfile()}} c echo 'B end!' c: echo 'C!' d: echo 'D!'