use common::*; use CompilationErrorKind::*; use TokenKind::*; fn re(pattern: &str) -> Regex { Regex::new(pattern).unwrap() } fn token(pattern: &str) -> Regex { let mut s = String::new(); s += r"^(?m)([ \t]*)("; s += pattern; s += ")"; re(&s) } fn mixed_whitespace(text: &str) -> bool { !(text.chars().all(|c| c == ' ') || text.chars().all(|c| c == '\t')) } pub struct Lexer<'a> { tokens: Vec>, text: &'a str, rest: &'a str, index: usize, column: usize, line: usize, state: Vec>, } #[derive(PartialEq)] enum State<'a> { Start, Indent(&'a str), Text, Interpolation, } impl<'a> Lexer<'a> { pub fn lex(text: &'a str) -> CompilationResult>> { let lexer = Lexer { tokens: vec![], rest: text, index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, state: vec![State::Start], text, }; lexer.inner() } fn error(&self, kind: CompilationErrorKind<'a>) -> CompilationError<'a> { CompilationError { text: self.text, index: self.index, line: self.line, column: self.column, width: None, kind, } } fn token(&self, prefix: &'a str, lexeme: &'a str, kind: TokenKind) -> Token<'a> { Token { index: self.index, line: self.line, column: self.column, text: self.text, prefix, lexeme, kind, } } fn lex_indent(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, Option>> { lazy_static! { static ref INDENT: Regex = re(r"^([ \t]*)[^ \t\n\r]"); } let indentation = INDENT .captures( .map(|captures| captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str()); if self.column == 0 { if let Some(kind) = match (self.state.last().unwrap(), indentation) { // ignore: was no indentation and there still isn't // or current line is blank (&State::Start, Some("")) | (_, None) => None, // indent: was no indentation, now there is (&State::Start, Some(current)) => { if mixed_whitespace(current) { return Err(self.error(MixedLeadingWhitespace { whitespace: current, })); } //indent = Some(current); self.state.push(State::Indent(current)); Some(Indent) } // dedent: there was indentation and now there isn't (&State::Indent(_), Some("")) => { // indent = None; self.state.pop(); Some(Dedent) } // was indentation and still is, check if the new indentation matches (&State::Indent(previous), Some(current)) => { if !current.starts_with(previous) { return Err(self.error(InconsistentLeadingWhitespace { expected: previous, found: current, })); } None } // at column 0 in some other state: this should never happen (&State::Text, _) | (&State::Interpolation, _) => { return Err(self.error(Internal { message: "unexpected state at column 0".to_string(), })); } } { return Ok(Some(self.token("", "", kind))); } } Ok(None) } pub fn inner(mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, Vec>> { lazy_static! { static ref AT: Regex = token(r"@"); static ref BACKTICK: Regex = token(r"`[^`\n\r]*`"); static ref COLON: Regex = token(r":"); static ref COMMA: Regex = token(r","); static ref COMMENT: Regex = token(r"#([^\n\r][^\n\r]*)?\r?$"); static ref EOF: Regex = token(r"\z"); static ref EOL: Regex = token(r"\n|\r\n"); static ref EQUALS: Regex = token(r"="); static ref INTERPOLATION_END: Regex = token(r"[}][}]"); static ref INTERPOLATION_START_TOKEN: Regex = token(r"[{][{]"); static ref NAME: Regex = token(r"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)"); static ref PAREN_L: Regex = token(r"[(]"); static ref PAREN_R: Regex = token(r"[)]"); static ref PLUS: Regex = token(r"[+]"); static ref RAW_STRING: Regex = token(r#"'[^']*'"#); static ref STRING: Regex = token(r#"["]"#); static ref UNTERMINATED_RAW_STRING: Regex = token(r#"'[^']*"#); static ref INTERPOLATION_START: Regex = re(r"^[{][{]"); static ref LEADING_TEXT: Regex = re(r"^(?m)(.+?)[{][{]"); static ref LINE: Regex = re(r"^(?m)[ \t]+[^ \t\n\r].*$"); static ref TEXT: Regex = re(r"^(?m)(.+)"); } loop { if let Some(token) = self.lex_indent()? { self.tokens.push(token); } // insert a dedent if we're indented and we hit the end of the file if &State::Start != self.state.last().unwrap() && EOF.is_match( { let token = self.token("", "", Dedent); self.tokens.push(token); } let (prefix, lexeme, kind) = if let (0, &State::Indent(indent), Some(captures)) = ( self.column, self.state.last().unwrap(), LINE.captures(, ) { let line = captures.get(0).unwrap().as_str(); if !line.starts_with(indent) { return Err(self.error(Internal { message: "unexpected indent".to_string(), })); } self.state.push(State::Text); (&line[0..indent.len()], "", Line) } else if let Some(captures) = EOF.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Eof, ) } else if let State::Text = *self.state.last().unwrap() { if let Some(captures) = INTERPOLATION_START.captures( { self.state.push(State::Interpolation); ("", captures.get(0).unwrap().as_str(), InterpolationStart) } else if let Some(captures) = LEADING_TEXT.captures( { ("", captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), Text) } else if let Some(captures) = TEXT.captures( { ("", captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), Text) } else if let Some(captures) = EOL.captures( { self.state.pop(); ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Eol, ) } else { return Err(self.error(Internal { message: format!("Could not match token in text state: \"{}\"",, })); } } else if let Some(captures) = INTERPOLATION_START_TOKEN.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), InterpolationStart, ) } else if let Some(captures) = INTERPOLATION_END.captures( { if self.state.last().unwrap() == &State::Interpolation { self.state.pop(); } ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), InterpolationEnd, ) } else if let Some(captures) = NAME.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Name, ) } else if let Some(captures) = EOL.captures( { if self.state.last().unwrap() == &State::Interpolation { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedInterpolation)); } ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Eol, ) } else if let Some(captures) = BACKTICK.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Backtick, ) } else if let Some(captures) = COLON.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Colon, ) } else if let Some(captures) = AT.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), At, ) } else if let Some(captures) = COMMA.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Comma, ) } else if let Some(captures) = PAREN_L.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), ParenL, ) } else if let Some(captures) = PAREN_R.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), ParenR, ) } else if let Some(captures) = PLUS.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Plus, ) } else if let Some(captures) = EQUALS.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Equals, ) } else if let Some(captures) = COMMENT.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), Comment, ) } else if let Some(captures) = RAW_STRING.captures( { ( captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(), captures.get(2).unwrap().as_str(), RawString, ) } else if UNTERMINATED_RAW_STRING.is_match( { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)); } else if let Some(captures) = STRING.captures( { let prefix = captures.get(1).unwrap().as_str(); let contents = &[prefix.len() + 1..]; if contents.is_empty() { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)); } let mut len = 0; let mut escape = false; for c in contents.chars() { if c == '\n' || c == '\r' { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)); } else if !escape && c == '"' { break; } else if !escape && c == '\\' { escape = true; } else if escape { escape = false; } len += c.len_utf8(); } let start = prefix.len(); let content_end = start + len + 1; if escape || content_end >= { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)); } (prefix, &[start..content_end + 1], StringToken) } else { return Err(self.error(UnknownStartOfToken)); }; let token = self.token(prefix, lexeme, kind); self.tokens.push(token); let len = prefix.len() + lexeme.len(); if len == 0 { let last = self.tokens.last().unwrap(); match last.kind { Eof => {} _ => { return Err(last.error(Internal { message: format!("zero length token: {:?}", last), })); } } } match self.tokens.last().unwrap().kind { Eol => { self.line += 1; self.column = 0; } Eof => { break; } RawString => { let lexeme_lines = lexeme.lines().count(); self.line += lexeme_lines - 1; if lexeme_lines == 1 { self.column += len; } else { self.column = lexeme.lines().last().unwrap().len(); } } _ => { self.column += len; } } = &[len..]; self.index += len; } Ok(self.tokens) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; macro_rules! summary_test { ($name:ident, $input:expr, $expected:expr $(,)*) => { #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let expected = $expected; let tokens = ::Lexer::lex(input).unwrap(); let roundtrip = tokens .iter() .map(|t| { let mut s = String::new(); s += t.prefix; s += t.lexeme; s }) .collect::>() .join(""); let actual = token_summary(&tokens); if actual != expected { panic!( "token summary mismatch:\nexpected: {}\ngot: {}\n", expected, actual ); } assert_eq!(input, roundtrip); } }; } fn token_summary(tokens: &[Token]) -> String { tokens .iter() .map(|t| match t.kind { At => "@", Backtick => "`", Colon => ":", Comma => ",", Comment { .. } => "#", Dedent => "<", Eof => ".", Eol => "$", Equals => "=", Indent { .. } => ">", InterpolationEnd => "}", InterpolationStart => "{", Line { .. } => "^", Name => "N", ParenL => "(", ParenR => ")", Plus => "+", RawString => "'", StringToken => "\"", Text => "_", }) .collect::>() .join("") } macro_rules! error_test { ( name: $name:ident, input: $input:expr, index: $index:expr, line: $line:expr, column: $column:expr, width: $width:expr, kind: $kind:expr, ) => { #[test] fn $name() { let input = $input; let expected = CompilationError { text: input, index: $index, line: $line, column: $column, width: $width, kind: $kind, }; if let Err(error) = Lexer::lex(input) { assert_eq!(error.text, expected.text); assert_eq!(error.index, expected.index); assert_eq!(error.line, expected.line); assert_eq!(error.column, expected.column); assert_eq!(error.kind, expected.kind); assert_eq!(error, expected); } else { panic!("tokenize succeeded but expected: {}\n{}", expected, input); } } }; } summary_test! { tokenize_strings, r#"a = "'a'" + '"b"' + "'c'" + '"d"'#echo hello"#, r#"N="+'+"+'#."#, } summary_test! { tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eol, "foo: # some comment {{hello}} ", "N:#$>^{N}$<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eof, "foo: # more comments {{hello}} # another comment ", "N:#$>^{N}$<#$.", } summary_test! { tokenize_recipe_complex_interpolation_expression, "foo: #lol\n {{a + b + \"z\" + blarg}}", "N:#$>^{N+N+\"+N}<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_recipe_multiple_interpolations, "foo:,#ok\n {{a}}0{{b}}1{{c}}", "N:,#$>^{N}_{N}_{N}<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_junk, "bob hello blah blah blah : a b c #whatever ", "N$$NNNN:NNN#$.", } summary_test! { tokenize_empty_lines, " # this does something hello: asdf bsdf csdf dsdf # whatever # yolo ", "$#$N:$>^_$^_$$^_$$^_$$<#$.", } summary_test! { tokenize_comment_before_variable, " # A='1' echo: echo {{A}} ", "$#$N='$N:$>^_{N}$<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_interpolation_backticks, "hello:\n echo {{`echo hello` + `echo goodbye`}}", "N:$>^_{`+`}<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_assignment_backticks, "a = `echo hello` + `echo goodbye`", "N=`+`.", } summary_test! { tokenize_multiple, " hello: a b c d # hello bob: frank ", "$N:$>^_$^_$$^_$$^_$$<#$N:$>^_$<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_comment, "a:=#", "N:=#." } summary_test! { tokenize_comment_with_bang, "a:=#foo!", "N:=#." } summary_test! { tokenize_order, r" b: a @mv a b a: @touch F @touch a d: c @rm c c: b @mv b c", "$N:N$>^_$$^_$^_$$^_$$^_<.", } summary_test! { tokenize_parens, r"((())) )abc(+", "((())))N(+.", } summary_test! { crlf_newline, "#\r\n#asdf\r\n", "#$#$.", } error_test! { name: tokenize_space_then_tab, input: "a: 0 1 \t2 ", index: 9, line: 3, column: 0, width: None, kind: InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: " ", found: "\t"}, } error_test! { name: tokenize_tabs_then_tab_space, input: "a: \t\t0 \t\t 1 \t 2 ", index: 12, line: 3, column: 0, width: None, kind: InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: "\t "}, } error_test! { name: tokenize_unknown, input: "~", index: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: None, kind: UnknownStartOfToken, } error_test! { name: unterminated_string, input: r#"a = ""#, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: None, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: unterminated_string_with_escapes, input: r#"a = "\n\t\r\"\\"#, index: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: None, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: unterminated_raw_string, input: "r a='asdf", index: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: None, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: unterminated_interpolation, input: "foo:\n echo {{ ", index: 13, line: 1, column: 8, width: None, kind: UnterminatedInterpolation, } error_test! { name: mixed_leading_whitespace, input: "a:\n\t echo hello", index: 3, line: 1, column: 0, width: None, kind: MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "}, } }