use crate::common::*; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] pub(crate) struct CompileError<'src> { pub(crate) token: Token<'src>, pub(crate) kind: CompileErrorKind<'src>, } impl<'src> CompileError<'src> { pub(crate) fn context(&self) -> Token<'src> { self.token } } impl Display for CompileError<'_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { use CompileErrorKind::*; match &self.kind { AliasShadowsRecipe { alias, recipe_line } => { write!( f, "Alias `{}` defined on line {} shadows recipe `{}` defined on line {}", alias, self.token.line.ordinal(), alias, recipe_line.ordinal(), )?; } BacktickShebang => { write!(f, "Backticks may not start with `#!`")?; } CircularRecipeDependency { recipe, ref circle } => { if circle.len() == 2 { write!(f, "Recipe `{}` depends on itself", recipe)?; } else { write!( f, "Recipe `{}` has circular dependency `{}`", recipe, circle.join(" -> ") )?; } } CircularVariableDependency { variable, ref circle, } => { if circle.len() == 2 { write!(f, "Variable `{}` is defined in terms of itself", variable)?; } else { write!( f, "Variable `{}` depends on its own value: `{}`", variable, circle.join(" -> ") )?; } } DependencyArgumentCountMismatch { dependency, found, min, max, } => { write!( f, "Dependency `{}` got {} {} but takes ", dependency, found, Count("argument", *found), )?; if min == max { let expected = min; write!(f, "{} {}", expected, Count("argument", *expected))?; } else if found < min { write!(f, "at least {} {}", min, Count("argument", *min))?; } else { write!(f, "at most {} {}", max, Count("argument", *max))?; } } DuplicateAlias { alias, first } => { write!( f, "Alias `{}` first defined on line {} is redefined on line {}", alias, first.ordinal(), self.token.line.ordinal(), )?; } DuplicateParameter { recipe, parameter } => { write!( f, "Recipe `{}` has duplicate parameter `{}`", recipe, parameter )?; } DuplicateRecipe { recipe, first } => { write!( f, "Recipe `{}` first defined on line {} is redefined on line {}", recipe, first.ordinal(), self.token.line.ordinal() )?; } DuplicateSet { setting, first } => { write!( f, "Setting `{}` first set on line {} is redefined on line {}", setting, first.ordinal(), self.token.line.ordinal(), )?; } DuplicateVariable { variable } => { write!(f, "Variable `{}` has multiple definitions", variable)?; } ExpectedKeyword { expected, found } => write!( f, "Expected keyword {} but found identifier `{}`", List::or_ticked(expected), found )?, ExtraLeadingWhitespace => { write!(f, "Recipe line has extra leading whitespace")?; } FunctionArgumentCountMismatch { function, found, expected, } => { write!( f, "Function `{}` called with {} {} but takes {}", function, found, Count("argument", *found), expected )?; } InconsistentLeadingWhitespace { expected, found } => { write!( f, "Recipe line has inconsistent leading whitespace. Recipe started with `{}` but found \ line with `{}`", ShowWhitespace(expected), ShowWhitespace(found) )?; } Internal { ref message } => { write!( f, "Internal error, this may indicate a bug in just: {}\n\ consider filing an issue:", message )?; } InvalidEscapeSequence { character } => { let representation = match character { '`' => r"\`".to_owned(), '\\' => r"\".to_owned(), '\'' => r"'".to_owned(), '"' => r#"""#.to_owned(), _ => character.escape_default().collect(), }; write!(f, "`\\{}` is not a valid escape sequence", representation)?; } MismatchedClosingDelimiter { open, open_line, close, } => { write!( f, "Mismatched closing delimiter `{}`. (Did you mean to close the `{}` on line {}?)", close.close(),, open_line.ordinal(), )?; } MixedLeadingWhitespace { whitespace } => { write!( f, "Found a mix of tabs and spaces in leading whitespace: `{}`\nLeading whitespace may \ consist of tabs or spaces, but not both", ShowWhitespace(whitespace) )?; } ParameterFollowsVariadicParameter { parameter } => { write!(f, "Parameter `{}` follows variadic parameter", parameter)?; } ParameterShadowsVariable { parameter } => { write!( f, "Parameter `{}` shadows variable of the same name", parameter )?; } RequiredParameterFollowsDefaultParameter { parameter } => { write!( f, "Non-default parameter `{}` follows default parameter", parameter )?; } UndefinedVariable { variable } => { write!(f, "Variable `{}` not defined", variable)?; } UnexpectedCharacter { expected } => { write!(f, "Expected character `{}`", expected)?; } UnexpectedClosingDelimiter { close } => { write!(f, "Unexpected closing delimiter `{}`", close.close())?; } UnexpectedEndOfToken { expected } => { write!(f, "Expected character `{}` but found end-of-file", expected)?; } UnexpectedToken { ref expected, found, } => { write!(f, "Expected {}, but found {}", List::or(expected), found)?; } UnknownAliasTarget { alias, target } => { write!(f, "Alias `{}` has an unknown target `{}`", alias, target)?; } UnknownDependency { recipe, unknown } => { write!( f, "Recipe `{}` has unknown dependency `{}`", recipe, unknown )?; } UnknownFunction { function } => { write!(f, "Call to unknown function `{}`", function)?; } UnknownSetting { setting } => { write!(f, "Unknown setting `{}`", setting)?; } UnknownStartOfToken => { write!(f, "Unknown start of token:")?; } UnpairedCarriageReturn => { write!(f, "Unpaired carriage return")?; } UnterminatedBacktick => { write!(f, "Unterminated backtick")?; } UnterminatedInterpolation => { write!(f, "Unterminated interpolation")?; } UnterminatedString => { write!(f, "Unterminated string")?; } } Ok(()) } }