use {super::*, serde::Serialize}; #[derive(Debug)] struct Invocation<'src: 'run, 'run> { arguments: &'run [&'run str], recipe: &'run Recipe<'src>, settings: &'run Settings<'src>, scope: &'run Scope<'src, 'run>, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize)] pub(crate) struct Justfile<'src> { pub(crate) aliases: Table<'src, Alias<'src>>, pub(crate) assignments: Table<'src, Assignment<'src>>, #[serde(rename = "first", serialize_with = "keyed::serialize_option")] pub(crate) default: Option>>, #[serde(skip)] pub(crate) loaded: Vec, pub(crate) modules: BTreeMap>, pub(crate) recipes: Table<'src, Rc>>, pub(crate) settings: Settings<'src>, pub(crate) warnings: Vec, } impl<'src> Justfile<'src> { pub(crate) fn suggest_recipe(&self, input: &str) -> Option> { let mut suggestions = self .recipes .keys() .map(|name| { ( edit_distance(name, input), Suggestion { name, target: None }, ) }) .chain(self.aliases.iter().map(|(name, alias)| { ( edit_distance(name, input), Suggestion { name, target: Some(, }, ) })) .filter(|(distance, _suggestion)| distance < &3) .collect::>(); suggestions.sort_by_key(|(distance, _suggestion)| *distance); suggestions .into_iter() .map(|(_distance, suggestion)| suggestion) .next() } pub(crate) fn suggest_variable(&self, input: &str) -> Option> { let mut suggestions = self .assignments .keys() .map(|name| { ( edit_distance(name, input), Suggestion { name, target: None }, ) }) .filter(|(distance, _suggestion)| distance < &3) .collect::>(); suggestions.sort_by_key(|(distance, _suggestion)| *distance); suggestions .into_iter() .map(|(_distance, suggestion)| suggestion) .next() } fn scope<'run>( &'run self, config: &'run Config, dotenv: &'run BTreeMap, search: &'run Search, overrides: &BTreeMap, parent: &'run Scope<'src, 'run>, ) -> RunResult<'src, Scope<'src, 'run>> where 'src: 'run, { let mut scope = parent.child(); let mut unknown_overrides = Vec::new(); for (name, value) in overrides { if let Some(assignment) = self.assignments.get(name) { scope.bind(assignment.export,, value.clone()); } else { unknown_overrides.push(name.clone()); } } if !unknown_overrides.is_empty() { return Err(Error::UnknownOverrides { overrides: unknown_overrides, }); } Evaluator::evaluate_assignments( &self.assignments, config, dotenv, scope, &self.settings, search, ) } pub(crate) fn run( &self, config: &Config, search: &Search, overrides: &BTreeMap, arguments: &[String], ) -> RunResult<'src> { let unknown_overrides = overrides .keys() .filter(|name| !self.assignments.contains_key(name.as_str())) .cloned() .collect::>(); if !unknown_overrides.is_empty() { return Err(Error::UnknownOverrides { overrides: unknown_overrides, }); } let dotenv = if config.load_dotenv { load_dotenv(config, &self.settings, &search.working_directory)? } else { BTreeMap::new() }; let root = Scope::new(); let scope = self.scope(config, &dotenv, search, overrides, &root)?; match &config.subcommand { Subcommand::Command { binary, arguments, .. } => { let mut command = if config.shell_command { let mut command = self.settings.shell_command(config); command.arg(binary); command } else { Command::new(binary) }; command.args(arguments); command.current_dir(&search.working_directory); let scope = scope.child(); command.export(&self.settings, &dotenv, &scope); let status = InterruptHandler::guard(|| command.status()).map_err(|io_error| { Error::CommandInvoke { binary: binary.clone(), arguments: arguments.clone(), io_error, } })?; if !status.success() { return Err(Error::CommandStatus { binary: binary.clone(), arguments: arguments.clone(), status, }); }; return Ok(()); } Subcommand::Evaluate { variable, .. } => { if let Some(variable) = variable { if let Some(value) = scope.value(variable) { print!("{value}"); } else { return Err(Error::EvalUnknownVariable { suggestion: self.suggest_variable(variable), variable: variable.clone(), }); } } else { let mut width = 0; for name in scope.names() { width = cmp::max(name.len(), width); } for binding in scope.bindings() { println!( "{0:1$} := \"{2}\"",, width, binding.value ); } } return Ok(()); } _ => {} } let argvec: Vec<&str> = if !arguments.is_empty() { arguments.iter().map(String::as_str).collect() } else if let Some(recipe) = &self.default { recipe.check_can_be_default_recipe()?; vec![] } else if { return Err(Error::NoRecipes); } else { return Err(Error::NoDefaultRecipe); }; let arguments = argvec.as_slice(); let mut missing = Vec::new(); let mut invocations = Vec::new(); let mut remaining = arguments; let mut scopes = BTreeMap::new(); let arena: Arena = Arena::new(); while let Some((first, mut rest)) = remaining.split_first() { if let Some((invocation, consumed)) = self.invocation( 0, &mut Vec::new(), &arena, &mut scopes, config, &dotenv, search, &scope, first, rest, )? { rest = &rest[consumed..]; invocations.push(invocation); } else { missing.push((*first).to_owned()); } remaining = rest; } if !missing.is_empty() { let suggestion = if missing.len() == 1 { self.suggest_recipe(missing.first().unwrap()) } else { None }; return Err(Error::UnknownRecipes { recipes: missing, suggestion, }); } let mut ran = BTreeSet::new(); for invocation in invocations { let context = RecipeContext { settings: invocation.settings, config, scope: invocation.scope, search, }; Self::run_recipe( &context, invocation.recipe, invocation.arguments, &dotenv, search, &mut ran, )?; } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn get_alias(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Alias<'src>> { self.aliases.get(name) } pub(crate) fn get_recipe(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Recipe<'src>> { self .recipes .get(name) .map(Rc::as_ref) .or_else(|| self.aliases.get(name).map(|alias| } fn invocation<'run>( &'run self, depth: usize, path: &mut Vec<&'run str>, arena: &'run Arena>, scopes: &mut BTreeMap, &'run Scope<'src, 'run>>, config: &'run Config, dotenv: &'run BTreeMap, search: &'run Search, parent: &'run Scope<'src, 'run>, first: &'run str, rest: &'run [&'run str], ) -> RunResult<'src, Option<(Invocation<'src, 'run>, usize)>> { if let Some(module) = self.modules.get(first) { path.push(first); let scope = if let Some(scope) = scopes.get(path) { scope } else { let scope = module.scope(config, dotenv, search, &BTreeMap::new(), parent)?; let scope = arena.alloc(scope); scopes.insert(path.clone(), scope); scopes.get(path).unwrap() }; if rest.is_empty() { if let Some(recipe) = &module.default { recipe.check_can_be_default_recipe()?; return Ok(Some(( Invocation { settings: &module.settings, recipe, arguments: &[], scope, }, depth, ))); } Err(Error::NoDefaultRecipe) } else { module.invocation( depth + 1, path, arena, scopes, config, dotenv, search, scope, rest[0], &rest[1..], ) } } else if let Some(recipe) = self.get_recipe(first) { if recipe.parameters.is_empty() { Ok(Some(( Invocation { arguments: &[], recipe, scope: parent, settings: &self.settings, }, depth, ))) } else { let argument_range = recipe.argument_range(); let argument_count = cmp::min(rest.len(), recipe.max_arguments()); if !argument_range.range_contains(&argument_count) { return Err(Error::ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe:, parameters: recipe.parameters.clone(), found: rest.len(), min: recipe.min_arguments(), max: recipe.max_arguments(), }); } Ok(Some(( Invocation { arguments: &rest[..argument_count], recipe, scope: parent, settings: &self.settings, }, depth + argument_count, ))) } } else { Ok(None) } } fn run_recipe( context: &RecipeContext<'src, '_>, recipe: &Recipe<'src>, arguments: &[&str], dotenv: &BTreeMap, search: &Search, ran: &mut BTreeSet>, ) -> RunResult<'src> { let mut invocation = vec![]; for argument in arguments { invocation.push((*argument).to_string()); } if ran.contains(&invocation) { return Ok(()); } if !context.config.yes && !recipe.confirm()? { return Err(Error::NotConfirmed { recipe:, }); } let (outer, positional) = Evaluator::evaluate_parameters( context.config, dotenv, &recipe.parameters, arguments, context.scope, context.settings, search, )?; let scope = outer.child(); let mut evaluator = Evaluator::recipe_evaluator(context.config, dotenv, &scope, context.settings, search); for Dependency { recipe, arguments } in recipe.dependencies.iter().take(recipe.priors) { let arguments = arguments .iter() .map(|argument| evaluator.evaluate_expression(argument)) .collect::>>()?; Self::run_recipe( context, recipe, &arguments.iter().map(String::as_ref).collect::>(), dotenv, search, ran, )?; }, dotenv, scope.child(), search, &positional)?; { let mut ran = BTreeSet::new(); for Dependency { recipe, arguments } in recipe.dependencies.iter().skip(recipe.priors) { let mut evaluated = Vec::new(); for argument in arguments { evaluated.push(evaluator.evaluate_expression(argument)?); } Self::run_recipe( context, recipe, &evaluated.iter().map(String::as_ref).collect::>(), dotenv, search, &mut ran, )?; } } ran.insert(invocation); Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn public_recipes(&self, source_order: bool) -> Vec<&Recipe<'src, Dependency>> { let mut recipes = self .recipes .values() .map(AsRef::as_ref) .filter(|recipe| recipe.public()) .collect::>>(); if source_order { recipes.sort_by_key(|recipe| { ( self .loaded .iter() .position(|path| path == .unwrap(),, ) }); } recipes } } impl<'src> ColorDisplay for Justfile<'src> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter, color: Color) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> { let mut items = + self.assignments.len() + self.aliases.len(); for (name, assignment) in &self.assignments { if assignment.export { write!(f, "export ")?; } write!(f, "{name} := {}", assignment.value)?; items -= 1; if items != 0 { write!(f, "\n\n")?; } } for alias in self.aliases.values() { write!(f, "{alias}")?; items -= 1; if items != 0 { write!(f, "\n\n")?; } } for recipe in { write!(f, "{}", recipe.color_display(color))?; items -= 1; if items != 0 { write!(f, "\n\n")?; } } Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use testing::compile; use Error::*; run_error! { name: unknown_recipes, src: "a:\nb:\nc:", args: ["a", "x", "y", "z"], error: UnknownRecipes { recipes, suggestion, }, check: { assert_eq!(recipes, &["x", "y", "z"]); assert_eq!(suggestion, None); } } run_error! { name: unknown_recipes_show_alias_suggestion, src: " foo: echo foo alias z := foo ", args: ["zz"], error: UnknownRecipes { recipes, suggestion, }, check: { assert_eq!(recipes, &["zz"]); assert_eq!(suggestion, Some(Suggestion { name: "z", target: Some("foo"), } )); } } // This test exists to make sure that shebang recipes run correctly. Although // this script is still executed by a shell its behavior depends on the value of // a variable and continuing even though a command fails, whereas in plain // recipes variables are not available in subsequent lines and execution stops // when a line fails. run_error! { name: run_shebang, src: " a: #!/usr/bin/env sh code=200 x() { return $code; } x x ", args: ["a"], error: Code { recipe, line_number, code, print_message, }, check: { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(code, 200); assert_eq!(line_number, None); assert!(print_message); } } run_error! { name: code_error, src: " fail: @exit 100 ", args: ["fail"], error: Code { recipe, line_number, code, print_message, }, check: { assert_eq!(recipe, "fail"); assert_eq!(code, 100); assert_eq!(line_number, Some(2)); assert!(print_message); } } run_error! { name: run_args, src: r#" a return code: @x() { {{return}} {{code + "0"}}; }; x "#, args: ["a", "return", "15"], error: Code { recipe, line_number, code, print_message, }, check: { assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(code, 150); assert_eq!(line_number, Some(2)); assert!(print_message); } } run_error! { name: missing_some_arguments, src: "a b c d:", args: ["a", "b", "c"], error: ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, parameters, found, min, max, }, check: { let param_names = parameters .iter() .map(|p| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(param_names, ["b", "c", "d"]); assert_eq!(found, 2); assert_eq!(min, 3); assert_eq!(max, 3); } } run_error! { name: missing_some_arguments_variadic, src: "a b c +d:", args: ["a", "B", "C"], error: ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, parameters, found, min, max, }, check: { let param_names = parameters .iter() .map(|p| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(param_names, ["b", "c", "d"]); assert_eq!(found, 2); assert_eq!(min, 3); assert_eq!(max, usize::MAX - 1); } } run_error! { name: missing_all_arguments, src: "a b c d:\n echo {{b}}{{c}}{{d}}", args: ["a"], error: ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, parameters, found, min, max, }, check: { let param_names = parameters .iter() .map(|p| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(param_names, ["b", "c", "d"]); assert_eq!(found, 0); assert_eq!(min, 3); assert_eq!(max, 3); } } run_error! { name: missing_some_defaults, src: "a b c d='hello':", args: ["a", "b"], error: ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, parameters, found, min, max, }, check: { let param_names = parameters .iter() .map(|p| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(param_names, ["b", "c", "d"]); assert_eq!(found, 1); assert_eq!(min, 2); assert_eq!(max, 3); } } run_error! { name: missing_all_defaults, src: "a b c='r' d='h':", args: ["a"], error: ArgumentCountMismatch { recipe, parameters, found, min, max, }, check: { let param_names = parameters .iter() .map(|p| .collect::>(); assert_eq!(recipe, "a"); assert_eq!(param_names, ["b", "c", "d"]); assert_eq!(found, 0); assert_eq!(min, 1); assert_eq!(max, 3); } } run_error! { name: unknown_overrides, src: " a: echo {{`f() { return 100; }; f`}} ", args: ["foo=bar", "baz=bob", "a"], error: UnknownOverrides { overrides }, check: { assert_eq!(overrides, &["baz", "foo"]); } } run_error! { name: export_failure, src: r#" export foo := "a" baz := "c" export bar := "b" export abc := foo + bar + baz wut: echo $foo $bar $baz "#, args: ["--quiet", "wut"], error: Code { recipe, line_number, print_message, .. }, check: { assert_eq!(recipe, "wut"); assert_eq!(line_number, Some(7)); assert!(print_message); } } fn case(input: &str, expected: &str) { let justfile = compile(input); let actual = format!("{}", justfile.color_display(Color::never())); assert_eq!(actual, expected); println!("Re-parsing..."); let reparsed = compile(&actual); let redumped = format!("{}", reparsed.color_display(Color::never())); assert_eq!(redumped, actual); } #[test] fn parse_empty() { case( " # hello ", "", ); } #[test] fn parse_string_default() { case( r#" foo a="b\t": "#, r#"foo a="b\t":"#, ); } #[test] fn parse_multiple() { case( r" a: b: ", r"a: b:", ); } #[test] fn parse_variadic() { case( r" foo +a: ", r"foo +a:", ); } #[test] fn parse_variadic_string_default() { case( r#" foo +a="Hello": "#, r#"foo +a="Hello":"#, ); } #[test] fn parse_raw_string_default() { case( r" foo a='b\t': ", r"foo a='b\t':", ); } #[test] fn parse_export() { case( r#" export a := "hello" "#, r#"export a := "hello""#, ); } #[test] fn parse_alias_after_target() { case( r" foo: echo a alias f := foo ", r"alias f := foo foo: echo a", ); } #[test] fn parse_alias_before_target() { case( r" alias f := foo foo: echo a ", r"alias f := foo foo: echo a", ); } #[test] fn parse_alias_with_comment() { case( r" alias f := foo #comment foo: echo a ", r"alias f := foo foo: echo a", ); } #[test] fn parse_complex() { case( " x: y: z: foo := \"xx\" bar := foo goodbye := \"y\" hello a b c : x y z #hello #! blah #blarg {{ foo + bar}}abc{{ goodbye\t + \"x\" }}xyz 1 2 3 ", "bar := foo foo := \"xx\" goodbye := \"y\" hello a b c: x y z #! blah #blarg {{ foo + bar }}abc{{ goodbye + \"x\" }}xyz 1 2 3 x: y: z:", ); } #[test] fn parse_shebang() { case( " practicum := 'hello' install: \t#!/bin/sh \tif [[ -f {{practicum}} ]]; then \t\treturn \tfi ", "practicum := 'hello' install: #!/bin/sh if [[ -f {{ practicum }} ]]; then \treturn fi", ); } #[test] fn parse_simple_shebang() { case("a:\n #!\n print(1)", "a:\n #!\n print(1)"); } #[test] fn parse_assignments() { case( r#"a := "0" c := a + b + a + b b := "1" "#, r#"a := "0" b := "1" c := a + b + a + b"#, ); } #[test] fn parse_assignment_backticks() { case( "a := `echo hello` c := a + b + a + b b := `echo goodbye`", "a := `echo hello` b := `echo goodbye` c := a + b + a + b", ); } #[test] fn parse_interpolation_backticks() { case( r#"a: echo {{ `echo hello` + "blarg" }} {{ `echo bob` }}"#, r#"a: echo {{ `echo hello` + "blarg" }} {{ `echo bob` }}"#, ); } #[test] fn eof_test() { case("x:\ny:\nz:\na b c: x y z", "a b c: x y z\n\nx:\n\ny:\n\nz:"); } #[test] fn string_quote_escape() { case(r#"a := "hello\"""#, r#"a := "hello\"""#); } #[test] fn string_escapes() { case(r#"a := "\n\t\r\"\\""#, r#"a := "\n\t\r\"\\""#); } #[test] fn parameters() { case( "a b c: {{b}} {{c}}", "a b c: {{ b }} {{ c }}", ); } #[test] fn unary_functions() { case( " x := arch() a: {{os()}} {{os_family()}} {{num_cpus()}}", "x := arch() a: {{ os() }} {{ os_family() }} {{ num_cpus() }}", ); } #[test] fn env_functions() { case( r#" x := env_var('foo',) a: {{env_var_or_default('foo' + 'bar', 'baz',)}} {{env_var(env_var("baz"))}}"#, r#"x := env_var('foo') a: {{ env_var_or_default('foo' + 'bar', 'baz') }} {{ env_var(env_var("baz")) }}"#, ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_string() { case( r#" f x="abc": "#, r#"f x="abc":"#, ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_raw_string() { case( r" f x='abc': ", r"f x='abc':", ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_backtick() { case( r" f x=`echo hello`: ", r"f x=`echo hello`:", ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_concatenation_string() { case( r#" f x=(`echo hello` + "foo"): "#, r#"f x=(`echo hello` + "foo"):"#, ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_concatenation_variable() { case( r#" x := "10" f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z="foo": "#, r#"x := "10" f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z="foo":"#, ); } #[test] fn parameter_default_multiple() { case( r#" x := "10" f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z=("foo" + "bar"): "#, r#"x := "10" f y=(`echo hello` + x) +z=("foo" + "bar"):"#, ); } #[test] fn concatenation_in_group() { case("x := ('0' + '1')", "x := ('0' + '1')"); } #[test] fn string_in_group() { case("x := ('0' )", "x := ('0')"); } #[rustfmt::skip] #[test] fn escaped_dos_newlines() { case("@spam:\r \t{ \\\r \t\tfiglet test; \\\r \t\tcargo build --color always 2>&1; \\\r \t\tcargo test --color always -- --color always 2>&1; \\\r \t} | less\r ", "@spam: { \\ \tfiglet test; \\ \tcargo build --color always 2>&1; \\ \tcargo test --color always -- --color always 2>&1; \\ } | less"); } }