use crate::common::*; use CompilationErrorKind::*; use TokenKind::*; /// Just language lexer /// /// `` points to the next character to be lexed, and /// the text between `self.token_start` and `self.token_end` contains /// the current token being lexed. pub(crate) struct Lexer<'a> { /// Source text text: &'a str, /// Char iterator chars: Chars<'a>, /// Tokens tokens: Vec>, /// State stack state: Vec>, /// Current token start token_start: Position, /// Current token end token_end: Position, /// Next character next: Option, } impl<'a> Lexer<'a> { /// Lex `text` pub(crate) fn lex(text: &str) -> CompilationResult> { Lexer::new(text).tokenize() } /// Create a new Lexer to lex `text` fn new(text: &'a str) -> Lexer<'a> { let mut chars = text.chars(); let next =; let start = Position { offset: 0, column: 0, line: 0, }; Lexer { state: vec![State::Normal], tokens: Vec::new(), token_start: start, token_end: start, chars, next, text, } } /// Advance over the chracter in ``, updating /// `self.token_end` accordingly. fn advance(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { match { Some(c) => { let len_utf8 = c.len_utf8(); self.token_end.offset += len_utf8; match c { '\n' => { self.token_end.column = 0; self.token_end.line += 1; } _ => { self.token_end.column += len_utf8; } } =; Ok(()) } None => Err(self.internal_error("Lexer advanced past end of text")), } } /// Lexeme of in-progress token fn lexeme(&self) -> &'a str { &self.text[self.token_start.offset..self.token_end.offset] } /// Length of current token fn current_token_length(&self) -> usize { self.token_end.offset - self.token_start.offset } /// Is next character c? fn next_is(&self, c: char) -> bool { == Some(c) } /// Is next character ' ' or '\t'? fn next_is_whitespace(&self) -> bool { self.next_is(' ') || self.next_is('\t') } /// Un-lexed text fn rest(&self) -> &'a str { &self.text[self.token_end.offset..] } /// Check if unlexed text begins with prefix fn rest_starts_with(&self, prefix: &str) -> bool { } /// Does rest start with "\n" or "\r\n"? fn at_eol(&self) -> bool { self.next_is('\n') || self.rest_starts_with("\r\n") } /// Are we at end-of-line or end-of-file? fn at_eol_or_eof(&self) -> bool { self.at_eol() || } /// Get current state fn state(&self) -> CompilationResult<'a, State<'a>> { if self.state.is_empty() { Err(self.internal_error("Lexer state stack empty")) } else { Ok(self.state[self.state.len() - 1]) } } /// Pop current state from stack fn pop_state(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { if self.state.pop().is_none() { Err(self.internal_error("Lexer attempted to pop in start state")) } else { Ok(()) } } /// Create a new token with `kind` whose lexeme /// is between `self.token_start` and `self.token_end` fn token(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) { self.tokens.push(Token { offset: self.token_start.offset, column: self.token_start.column, line: self.token_start.line, text: self.text, length: self.token_end.offset - self.token_start.offset, kind, }); // Set `token_start` to point after the lexed token self.token_start = self.token_end; } /// Create an internal error with `message` fn internal_error(&self, message: impl Into) -> CompilationError<'a> { // Use `self.token_end` as the location of the error CompilationError { text: self.text, offset: self.token_end.offset, line: self.token_end.line, column: self.token_end.column, width: 0, kind: CompilationErrorKind::Internal { message: message.into(), }, } } /// Create a compilation error with `kind` fn error(&self, kind: CompilationErrorKind<'a>) -> CompilationError<'a> { // Use the in-progress token span as the location of the error. // The width of the error site to highlight depends on the kind of error: let width = match kind { // highlight ' or " UnterminatedString => 1, // highlight ` UnterminatedBacktick => 1, // highlight the full token _ => self.lexeme().len(), }; CompilationError { text: self.text, offset: self.token_start.offset, line: self.token_start.line, column: self.token_start.column, width, kind, } } fn unterminated_interpolation_error( &self, interpolation_start: Position, ) -> CompilationError<'a> { CompilationError { text: self.text, offset: interpolation_start.offset, line: interpolation_start.line, column: interpolation_start.column, width: 2, kind: UnterminatedInterpolation, } } /// Consume the text and produce a series of tokens fn tokenize(mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, Vec>> { loop { if self.token_start.column == 0 { self.lex_line_start()?; } match { Some(first) => match self.state()? { State::Normal => self.lex_normal(first)?, State::Interpolation { interpolation_start, } => self.lex_interpolation(interpolation_start, first)?, State::Text => self.lex_text()?, State::Indented { .. } => self.lex_indented()?, }, None => break, } } if let State::Interpolation { interpolation_start, } = self.state()? { return Err(self.unterminated_interpolation_error(interpolation_start)); } if let State::Indented { .. } | State::Text = self.state()? { self.token(Dedent); } self.token(Eof); Ok(self.tokens) } /// Handle blank lines and indentation fn lex_line_start(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { let nonblank_index = self .rest() .char_indices() .skip_while(|&(_, c)| c == ' ' || c == '\t') .map(|(i, _)| i) .next() .unwrap_or_else(||; let rest = &[nonblank_index..]; // Handle blank line if rest.starts_with('\n') || rest.starts_with("\r\n") || rest.is_empty() { while self.next_is_whitespace() { self.advance()?; } // Lex a whitespace token if the blank line was nonempty if self.current_token_length() > 0 { self.token(Whitespace); }; return Ok(()); } // Handle nonblank lines with no leading whitespace if !self.next_is_whitespace() { if let State::Indented { .. } = self.state()? { self.token(Dedent); self.pop_state()?; } return Ok(()); } // Handle continued indentation if let State::Indented { indentation } = self.state()? { if self.rest_starts_with(indentation) { for _ in indentation.chars() { self.advance()?; } // Indentation matches, lex as whitespace self.token(Whitespace); return Ok(()); } // Consume whitespace characters, matching or not, up to the length // of expected indentation for _ in indentation.chars().zip( { if self.next_is_whitespace() { self.advance()?; } else { break; } } // We've either advanced over not enough whitespace or mismatching // whitespace, so return an error return Err(self.error(InconsistentLeadingWhitespace { expected: indentation, found: self.lexeme(), })); } if self.state()? != State::Normal { return Err(self.internal_error(format!( "Lexer::lex_line_start called in unexpected state: {:?}", self.state() ))); } // Handle new indentation while self.next_is_whitespace() { self.advance()?; } let indentation = self.lexeme(); let spaces = indentation.chars().any(|c| c == ' '); let tabs = indentation.chars().any(|c| c == '\t'); if spaces && tabs { return Err(self.error(MixedLeadingWhitespace { whitespace: indentation, })); } self.state.push(State::Indented { indentation }); self.token(Indent); Ok(()) } /// Lex token beginning with `start` in normal state fn lex_normal(&mut self, start: char) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { match start { '@' => self.lex_single(At), '=' => self.lex_single(Equals), ',' => self.lex_single(Comma), ':' => self.lex_colon(), '(' => self.lex_single(ParenL), ')' => self.lex_single(ParenR), '{' => self.lex_brace_l(), '}' => self.lex_brace_r(), '+' => self.lex_single(Plus), '\n' => self.lex_single(Eol), '\r' => self.lex_cr_lf(), '#' => self.lex_comment(), '`' => self.lex_backtick(), ' ' | '\t' => self.lex_whitespace(), '\'' => self.lex_raw_string(), '"' => self.lex_cooked_string(), 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '_' => self.lex_name(), _ => { self.advance()?; Err(self.error(UnknownStartOfToken)) } } } /// Lex token beginning with `start` in interpolation state fn lex_interpolation( &mut self, interpolation_start: Position, start: char, ) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { // Check for end of interpolation if self.rest_starts_with("}}") { // Pop interpolation state self.pop_state()?; // Emit interpolation end token self.lex_double(InterpolationEnd) } else if self.at_eol_or_eof() { // Return unterminated interpolation error that highlights the opening {{ Err(self.unterminated_interpolation_error(interpolation_start)) } else { // Otherwise lex as if we are in normal state self.lex_normal(start) } } /// Lex token beginning with `start` in text state fn lex_text(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { enum Terminator { Newline, NewlineCarriageReturn, Interpolation, EndOfFile, } use Terminator::*; let terminator = loop { if let Some('\n') = { break Newline; } if self.rest_starts_with("\r\n") { break NewlineCarriageReturn; } if self.rest_starts_with("{{") { break Interpolation; } if { break EndOfFile; } self.advance()?; }; // emit text token containing text so far if self.current_token_length() > 0 { self.token(Text); } match terminator { Newline => { self.state.pop(); self.lex_single(Eol) } NewlineCarriageReturn => { self.state.pop(); self.lex_double(Eol) } Interpolation => { self.state.push(State::Interpolation { interpolation_start: self.token_start, }); self.lex_double(InterpolationStart) } EndOfFile => self.pop_state(), } } /// Lex token beginning with `start` in indented state fn lex_indented(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { self.state.push(State::Text); self.token(Line); Ok(()) } /// Lex a single character token fn lex_single(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { self.advance()?; self.token(kind); Ok(()) } /// Lex a double character token fn lex_double(&mut self, kind: TokenKind) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { self.advance()?; self.advance()?; self.token(kind); Ok(()) } /// Lex a token starting with ':' fn lex_colon(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { self.advance()?; if self.next_is('=') { self.advance()?; self.token(ColonEquals); } else { self.token(Colon); } Ok(()) } /// Lex a token starting with '{' fn lex_brace_l(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { if !self.rest_starts_with("{{") { self.advance()?; return Err(self.error(UnknownStartOfToken)); } self.lex_double(InterpolationStart) } /// Lex a token starting with '}' fn lex_brace_r(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { if !self.rest_starts_with("}}") { self.advance()?; return Err(self.error(UnknownStartOfToken)); } self.lex_double(InterpolationEnd) } /// Lex a carriage return and line feed fn lex_cr_lf(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { if !self.rest_starts_with("\r\n") { // advance over \r self.advance()?; return Err(self.error(UnpairedCarriageReturn)); } self.lex_double(Eol) } /// Lex name: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* fn lex_name(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { while self .next .map(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '-' || c == '_') .unwrap_or(false) { self.advance()?; } self.token(Name); Ok(()) } /// Lex comment: #[^\r\n] fn lex_comment(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { // advance over # self.advance()?; while !self.at_eol_or_eof() { self.advance()?; } self.token(Comment); Ok(()) } /// Lex backtick: `[^\r\n]*` fn lex_backtick(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { // advance over initial ` self.advance()?; while !self.next_is('`') { if self.at_eol_or_eof() { return Err(self.error(UnterminatedBacktick)); } self.advance()?; } self.advance()?; self.token(Backtick); Ok(()) } /// Lex whitespace: [ \t]+ fn lex_whitespace(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { while self.next_is_whitespace() { self.advance()? } self.token(Whitespace); Ok(()) } /// Lex raw string: '[^']*' fn lex_raw_string(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { // advance over opening ' self.advance()?; loop { match { Some('\'') => break, None => return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)), _ => {} } self.advance()?; } // advance over closing ' self.advance()?; self.token(StringRaw); Ok(()) } /// Lex cooked string: "[^"\n\r]*" (also processes escape sequences) fn lex_cooked_string(&mut self) -> CompilationResult<'a, ()> { // advance over opening " self.advance()?; let mut escape = false; loop { match { Some('\r') | Some('\n') | None => return Err(self.error(UnterminatedString)), Some('"') if !escape => break, Some('\\') if !escape => escape = true, _ => escape = false, } self.advance()?; } // advance over closing " self.advance()?; self.token(StringCooked); Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; macro_rules! test { { name: $name:ident, text: $text:expr, tokens: ($($kind:ident $(: $lexeme:literal)?),* $(,)?)$(,)? } => { #[test] fn $name() { let kinds: &[TokenKind] = &[$($kind,)* Eof]; let lexemes: &[&str] = &[$(lexeme!($kind $(, $lexeme)?),)* ""]; test($text, kinds, lexemes); } } } macro_rules! lexeme { { $kind:ident, $lexeme:literal } => { $lexeme }; { $kind:ident } => { default_lexeme($kind) } } fn test(text: &str, want_kinds: &[TokenKind], want_lexemes: &[&str]) { let text = testing::unindent(text); let have = Lexer::lex(&text).unwrap(); let have_kinds = have .iter() .map(|token| token.kind) .collect::>(); let have_lexemes = have .iter() .map(|token| token.lexeme()) .collect::>(); assert_eq!(have_kinds, want_kinds, "Token kind mismatch"); assert_eq!(have_lexemes, want_lexemes, "Token lexeme mismatch"); let mut roundtrip = String::new(); for lexeme in have_lexemes { roundtrip.push_str(lexeme); } assert_eq!(roundtrip, text, "Roundtrip mismatch"); let mut offset = 0; let mut line = 0; let mut column = 0; for token in have { assert_eq!(token.offset, offset); assert_eq!(token.line, line); assert_eq!(token.lexeme().len(), token.length); assert_eq!(token.column, column); for c in token.lexeme().chars() { if c == '\n' { line += 1; column = 0; } else { column += c.len_utf8(); } } offset += token.length; } } fn default_lexeme(kind: TokenKind) -> &'static str { match kind { // Fixed lexemes At => "@", Colon => ":", ColonEquals => ":=", Comma => ",", Eol => "\n", Equals => "=", Indent => " ", InterpolationEnd => "}}", InterpolationStart => "{{", ParenL => "(", ParenR => ")", Plus => "+", Whitespace => " ", // Empty lexemes Line | Dedent | Eof => "", // Variable lexemes Text | StringCooked | StringRaw | Name | Comment | Backtick => { panic!("Token {:?} has no default lexeme", kind) } } } test! { name: name_new, text: "foo", tokens: (Name:"foo"), } test! { name: comment, text: "# hello", tokens: (Comment:"# hello"), } test! { name: backtick, text: "`echo`", tokens: (Backtick:"`echo`"), } test! { name: raw_string, text: "'hello'", tokens: (StringRaw:"'hello'"), } test! { name: cooked_string, text: "\"hello\"", tokens: (StringCooked:"\"hello\""), } test! { name: export_concatination, text: "export foo = 'foo' + 'bar'", tokens: ( Name:"export", Whitespace, Name:"foo", Whitespace, Equals, Whitespace, StringRaw:"'foo'", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringRaw:"'bar'", ) } test! { name: export_complex, text: "export foo = ('foo' + 'bar') + `baz`", tokens: ( Name:"export", Whitespace, Name:"foo", Whitespace, Equals, Whitespace, ParenL, StringRaw:"'foo'", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringRaw:"'bar'", ParenR, Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Backtick:"`baz`", ), } test! { name: eol_linefeed, text: "\n", tokens: (Eol), } test! { name: eol_carriage_return_linefeed, text: "\r\n", tokens: (Eol:"\r\n"), } test! { name: indented_line, text: "foo:\n a", tokens: (Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"a", Dedent), } test! { name: indented_block, text: " foo: a b c ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"a", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"b", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"c", Eol, Dedent, ) } test! { name: indented_block_followed_by_item, text: " foo: a b: ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"a", Eol, Dedent, Name:"b", Colon, Eol, ) } test! { name: indented_block_followed_by_blank, text: " foo: a b: ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"a", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"b", Colon, Eol, ), } test! { name: indented_line_containing_unpaired_carriage_return, text: "foo:\n \r \n", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"\r ", Eol, Dedent, ), } test! { name: indented_blocks, text: " b: a @mv a b a: @touch F @touch a d: c @rm c c: b @mv b c ", tokens: ( Name:"b", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"a", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@mv a b", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"a", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@touch F", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"@touch a", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"d", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"c", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@rm c", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"c", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"b", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@mv b c", Eol, Dedent ), } test! { name: interpolation_empty, text: "hello:\n echo {{}}", tokens: ( Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"echo ", InterpolationStart, InterpolationEnd, Dedent, ), } test! { name: interpolation_expression, text: "hello:\n echo {{`echo hello` + `echo goodbye`}}", tokens: ( Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"echo ", InterpolationStart, Backtick:"`echo hello`", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Backtick:"`echo goodbye`", InterpolationEnd, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_names, text: " foo bar-bob b-bob_asdfAAAA test123 ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Eol, Name:"bar-bob", Eol, Name:"b-bob_asdfAAAA", Eol, Name:"test123", Eol, ), } test! { name: tokenize_indented_line, text: "foo:\n a", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"a", Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_indented_block, text: " foo: a b c ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"a", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"b", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"c", Eol, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_strings, text: r#"a = "'a'" + '"b"' + "'c'" + '"d"'#echo hello"#, tokens: ( Name:"a", Whitespace, Equals, Whitespace, StringCooked:"\"'a'\"", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringRaw:"'\"b\"'", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringCooked:"\"'c'\"", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringRaw:"'\"d\"'", Comment:"#echo hello", ) } test! { name: tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eol, text: " foo: # some comment {{hello}} ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Whitespace, Comment:"# some comment", Eol, Indent:" ", Line, InterpolationStart, Name:"hello", InterpolationEnd, Eol, Dedent ), } test! { name: tokenize_recipe_interpolation_eof, text: "foo: # more comments {{hello}} # another comment ", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Whitespace, Comment:"# more comments", Eol, Indent:" ", Line, InterpolationStart, Name:"hello", InterpolationEnd, Eol, Dedent, Comment:"# another comment", Eol, ), } test! { name: tokenize_recipe_complex_interpolation_expression, text: "foo: #lol\n {{a + b + \"z\" + blarg}}", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Whitespace:" ", Comment:"#lol", Eol, Indent:" ", Line, InterpolationStart, Name:"a", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Name:"b", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, StringCooked:"\"z\"", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Name:"blarg", InterpolationEnd, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_recipe_multiple_interpolations, text: "foo:,#ok\n {{a}}0{{b}}1{{c}}", tokens: ( Name:"foo", Colon, Comma, Comment:"#ok", Eol, Indent:" ", Line, InterpolationStart, Name:"a", InterpolationEnd, Text:"0", InterpolationStart, Name:"b", InterpolationEnd, Text:"1", InterpolationStart, Name:"c", InterpolationEnd, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_junk, text: " bob hello blah blah blah : a b c #whatever ", tokens: ( Name:"bob", Eol, Eol, Name:"hello", Whitespace, Name:"blah", Whitespace, Name:"blah", Whitespace, Name:"blah", Whitespace, Colon, Whitespace, Name:"a", Whitespace, Name:"b", Whitespace, Name:"c", Whitespace, Comment:"#whatever", Eol, ) } test! { name: tokenize_empty_lines, text: " # this does something hello: asdf bsdf csdf dsdf # whatever # yolo ", tokens: ( Eol, Comment:"# this does something", Eol, Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"asdf", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"bsdf", Eol, Line, Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"csdf", Eol, Line, Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"dsdf # whatever", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Comment:"# yolo", Eol, ), } test! { name: tokenize_comment_before_variable, text: " # A='1' echo: echo {{A}} ", tokens: ( Comment:"#", Eol, Name:"A", Equals, StringRaw:"'1'", Eol, Name:"echo", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"echo ", InterpolationStart, Name:"A", InterpolationEnd, Eol, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_interpolation_backticks, text: "hello:\n echo {{`echo hello` + `echo goodbye`}}", tokens: ( Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"echo ", InterpolationStart, Backtick:"`echo hello`", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Backtick:"`echo goodbye`", InterpolationEnd, Dedent ), } test! { name: tokenize_empty_interpolation, text: "hello:\n echo {{}}", tokens: ( Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"echo ", InterpolationStart, InterpolationEnd, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_assignment_backticks, text: "a = `echo hello` + `echo goodbye`", tokens: ( Name:"a", Whitespace, Equals, Whitespace, Backtick:"`echo hello`", Whitespace, Plus, Whitespace, Backtick:"`echo goodbye`", ), } test! { name: tokenize_multiple, text: " hello: a b c d # hello bob: frank \t ", tokens: ( Eol, Name:"hello", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"a", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"b", Eol, Line, Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"c", Eol, Line, Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"d", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Comment:"# hello", Eol, Name:"bob", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"frank", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_comment, text: "a:=#", tokens: ( Name:"a", ColonEquals, Comment:"#", ), } test! { name: tokenize_comment_with_bang, text: "a:=#foo!", tokens: ( Name:"a", ColonEquals, Comment:"#foo!", ), } test! { name: tokenize_order, text: " b: a @mv a b a: @touch F @touch a d: c @rm c c: b @mv b c ", tokens: ( Name:"b", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"a", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@mv a b", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"a", Colon, Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@touch F", Eol, Whitespace:" ", Line, Text:"@touch a", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"d", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"c", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@rm c", Eol, Line, Eol, Dedent, Name:"c", Colon, Whitespace, Name:"b", Eol, Indent, Line, Text:"@mv b c", Eol, Dedent, ), } test! { name: tokenize_parens, text: "((())) )abc(+", tokens: ( ParenL, ParenL, ParenL, ParenR, ParenR, ParenR, Whitespace, ParenR, Name:"abc", ParenL, Plus, ), } test! { name: crlf_newline, text: "#\r\n#asdf\r\n", tokens: ( Comment:"#", Eol:"\r\n", Comment:"#asdf", Eol:"\r\n", ), } test! { name: multiple_recipes, text: "a:\n foo\nb:", tokens: ( Name:"a", Colon, Eol, Indent:" ", Line, Text:"foo", Eol, Dedent, Name:"b", Colon, ), } error_test! { name: tokenize_space_then_tab, input: "a: 0 1 \t2 ", offset: 9, line: 3, column: 0, width: 1, kind: InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: " ", found: "\t"}, } error_test! { name: tokenize_tabs_then_tab_space, input: "a: \t\t0 \t\t 1 \t 2 ", offset: 12, line: 3, column: 0, width: 2, kind: InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: "\t "}, } error_test! { name: tokenize_unknown, input: "~", offset: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: 1, kind: UnknownStartOfToken, } error_test! { name: unterminated_string_with_escapes, input: r#"a = "\n\t\r\"\\"#, offset: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: 1, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: unterminated_raw_string, input: "r a='asdf", offset: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: 1, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: unterminated_interpolation, input: "foo:\n echo {{ ", offset: 11, line: 1, column: 6, width: 2, kind: UnterminatedInterpolation, } error_test! { name: unterminated_backtick, input: "`echo", offset: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: 1, kind: UnterminatedBacktick, } error_test! { name: unpaired_carriage_return, input: "foo\rbar", offset: 3, line: 0, column: 3, width: 1, kind: UnpairedCarriageReturn, } error_test! { name: unknown_start_of_token_ampersand, input: " \r\n&", offset: 3, line: 1, column: 0, width: 1, kind: UnknownStartOfToken, } error_test! { name: unknown_start_of_token_tilde, input: "~", offset: 0, line: 0, column: 0, width: 1, kind: UnknownStartOfToken, } error_test! { name: unterminated_string, input: r#"a = ""#, offset: 4, line: 0, column: 4, width: 1, kind: UnterminatedString, } error_test! { name: mixed_leading_whitespace, input: "a:\n\t echo hello", offset: 3, line: 1, column: 0, width: 2, kind: MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "}, } error_test! { name: unclosed_interpolation_delimiter, input: "a:\n echo {{ foo", offset: 9, line: 1, column: 6, width: 2, kind: UnterminatedInterpolation, } }