#![allow(unknown_lints)] #![allow(clippy::unnecessary_wraps)] use { super::*, heck::{ ToKebabCase, ToLowerCamelCase, ToShoutyKebabCase, ToShoutySnakeCase, ToSnakeCase, ToTitleCase, ToUpperCamelCase, }, Function::*, }; pub(crate) enum Function { Nullary(fn(&FunctionContext) -> Result), Unary(fn(&FunctionContext, &str) -> Result), Binary(fn(&FunctionContext, &str, &str) -> Result), BinaryPlus(fn(&FunctionContext, &str, &str, &[String]) -> Result), Ternary(fn(&FunctionContext, &str, &str, &str) -> Result), } pub(crate) fn get(name: &str) -> Option { let function = match name { "absolute_path" => Unary(absolute_path), "arch" => Nullary(arch), "capitalize" => Unary(capitalize), "clean" => Unary(clean), "env_var" => Unary(env_var), "env_var_or_default" => Binary(env_var_or_default), "error" => Unary(error), "extension" => Unary(extension), "file_name" => Unary(file_name), "file_stem" => Unary(file_stem), "invocation_directory" => Nullary(invocation_directory), "invocation_directory_native" => Nullary(invocation_directory_native), "join" => BinaryPlus(join), "just_executable" => Nullary(just_executable), "justfile" => Nullary(justfile), "justfile_directory" => Nullary(justfile_directory), "kebabcase" => Unary(kebabcase), "lowercamelcase" => Unary(lowercamelcase), "lowercase" => Unary(lowercase), "os" => Nullary(os), "os_family" => Nullary(os_family), "parent_directory" => Unary(parent_directory), "path_exists" => Unary(path_exists), "quote" => Unary(quote), "replace" => Ternary(replace), "replace_regex" => Ternary(replace_regex), "sha256" => Unary(sha256), "sha256_file" => Unary(sha256_file), "shoutykebabcase" => Unary(shoutykebabcase), "shoutysnakecase" => Unary(shoutysnakecase), "snakecase" => Unary(snakecase), "titlecase" => Unary(titlecase), "trim" => Unary(trim), "trim_end" => Unary(trim_end), "trim_end_match" => Binary(trim_end_match), "trim_end_matches" => Binary(trim_end_matches), "trim_start" => Unary(trim_start), "trim_start_match" => Binary(trim_start_match), "trim_start_matches" => Binary(trim_start_matches), "uppercamelcase" => Unary(uppercamelcase), "uppercase" => Unary(uppercase), "uuid" => Nullary(uuid), "without_extension" => Unary(without_extension), _ => return None, }; Some(function) } impl Function { pub(crate) fn argc(&self) -> Range { match *self { Nullary(_) => 0..0, Unary(_) => 1..1, Binary(_) => 2..2, BinaryPlus(_) => 2..usize::MAX, Ternary(_) => 3..3, } } } fn absolute_path(context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { let abs_path_unchecked = context.search.working_directory.join(path).lexiclean(); match abs_path_unchecked.to_str() { Some(absolute_path) => Ok(absolute_path.to_owned()), None => Err(format!( "Working directory is not valid unicode: {}", context.search.working_directory.display() )), } } fn arch(_context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { Ok(target::arch().to_owned()) } fn capitalize(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { let mut capitalized = String::new(); for (i, c) in s.chars().enumerate() { if i == 0 { capitalized.extend(c.to_uppercase()); } else { capitalized.extend(c.to_lowercase()); } } Ok(capitalized) } fn clean(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Ok(Path::new(path).lexiclean().to_str().unwrap().to_owned()) } fn env_var(context: &FunctionContext, key: &str) -> Result { use std::env::VarError::*; if let Some(value) = context.dotenv.get(key) { return Ok(value.clone()); } match env::var(key) { Err(NotPresent) => Err(format!("environment variable `{key}` not present")), Err(NotUnicode(os_string)) => Err(format!( "environment variable `{}` not unicode: {:?}", key, os_string )), Ok(value) => Ok(value), } } fn env_var_or_default( context: &FunctionContext, key: &str, default: &str, ) -> Result { use std::env::VarError::*; if let Some(value) = context.dotenv.get(key) { return Ok(value.clone()); } match env::var(key) { Err(NotPresent) => Ok(default.to_owned()), Err(NotUnicode(os_string)) => Err(format!( "environment variable `{}` not unicode: {:?}", key, os_string )), Ok(value) => Ok(value), } } fn error(_context: &FunctionContext, message: &str) -> Result { Err(message.to_owned()) } fn extension(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Utf8Path::new(path) .extension() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract extension from `{path}`")) } fn file_name(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Utf8Path::new(path) .file_name() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract file name from `{path}`")) } fn file_stem(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Utf8Path::new(path) .file_stem() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract file stem from `{path}`")) } fn invocation_directory(context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { Platform::convert_native_path( &context.search.working_directory, context.invocation_directory, ) .map_err(|e| format!("Error getting shell path: {e}")) } fn invocation_directory_native(context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { context .invocation_directory .to_str() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| { format!( "Invocation directory is not valid unicode: {}", context.invocation_directory.display() ) }) } fn join( _context: &FunctionContext, base: &str, with: &str, and: &[String], ) -> Result { let mut result = Utf8Path::new(base).join(with); for arg in and { result.push(arg); } Ok(result.to_string()) } fn just_executable(_context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { let exe_path = std::env::current_exe().map_err(|e| format!("Error getting current executable: {e}"))?; exe_path.to_str().map(str::to_owned).ok_or_else(|| { format!( "Executable path is not valid unicode: {}", exe_path.display() ) }) } fn justfile(context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { context .search .justfile .to_str() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| { format!( "Justfile path is not valid unicode: {}", context.search.justfile.display() ) }) } fn justfile_directory(context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { let justfile_directory = context.search.justfile.parent().ok_or_else(|| { format!( "Could not resolve justfile directory. Justfile `{}` had no parent.", context.search.justfile.display() ) })?; justfile_directory .to_str() .map(str::to_owned) .ok_or_else(|| { format!( "Justfile directory is not valid unicode: {}", justfile_directory.display() ) }) } fn kebabcase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_kebab_case()) } fn lowercamelcase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_lower_camel_case()) } fn lowercase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_lowercase()) } fn os(_context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { Ok(target::os().to_owned()) } fn os_family(_context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { Ok(target::family().to_owned()) } fn parent_directory(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Utf8Path::new(path) .parent() .map(Utf8Path::to_string) .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract parent directory from `{path}`")) } fn path_exists(context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { Ok( context .search .working_directory .join(path) .exists() .to_string(), ) } fn quote(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(format!("'{}'", s.replace('\'', "'\\''"))) } fn replace(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, from: &str, to: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.replace(from, to)) } fn replace_regex( _context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, regex: &str, replacement: &str, ) -> Result { Ok( Regex::new(regex) .map_err(|err| err.to_string())? .replace_all(s, replacement) .to_string(), ) } fn sha256(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); hasher.update(s); let hash = hasher.finalize(); Ok(format!("{hash:x}")) } fn sha256_file(context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; let justpath = context.search.working_directory.join(path); let mut hasher = Sha256::new(); let mut file = std::fs::File::open(&justpath) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to open file at `{:?}`: {err}", &justpath.to_str()))?; std::io::copy(&mut file, &mut hasher) .map_err(|err| format!("Failed to read file at `{:?}`: {err}", &justpath.to_str()))?; let hash = hasher.finalize(); Ok(format!("{hash:x}")) } fn shoutykebabcase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_shouty_kebab_case()) } fn shoutysnakecase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_shouty_snake_case()) } fn snakecase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_snake_case()) } fn titlecase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_title_case()) } fn trim(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.trim().to_owned()) } fn trim_end(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.trim_end().to_owned()) } fn trim_end_match(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, pat: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.strip_suffix(pat).unwrap_or(s).to_owned()) } fn trim_end_matches(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, pat: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.trim_end_matches(pat).to_owned()) } fn trim_start(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.trim_start().to_owned()) } fn trim_start_match(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, pat: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.strip_prefix(pat).unwrap_or(s).to_owned()) } fn trim_start_matches(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str, pat: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.trim_start_matches(pat).to_owned()) } fn uppercamelcase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_upper_camel_case()) } fn uppercase(_context: &FunctionContext, s: &str) -> Result { Ok(s.to_uppercase()) } fn uuid(_context: &FunctionContext) -> Result { Ok(uuid::Uuid::new_v4().to_string()) } fn without_extension(_context: &FunctionContext, path: &str) -> Result { let parent = Utf8Path::new(path) .parent() .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract parent from `{path}`"))?; let file_stem = Utf8Path::new(path) .file_stem() .ok_or_else(|| format!("Could not extract file stem from `{path}`"))?; Ok(parent.join(file_stem).to_string()) }