function __fish_just_complete_recipes just --list 2> /dev/null | tail -n +2 | awk '{ command = $1; args = $0; desc = ""; delim = ""; sub(/^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]*/, "", args); gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", args); if (match(args, /#.*/)) { desc = substr(args, RSTART+2, RLENGTH); args = substr(args, 0, RSTART-1); gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", args); } gsub(/\+|=[`\'"][^`\'"]*[`\'"]/, "", args); gsub(/ /, ",", args); if (args != ""){ args = "Args: " args; } if (args != "" && desc != "") { delim = "; "; } print command "\t" args delim desc }' end # don't suggest files right off complete -c just -n "__fish_is_first_arg" --no-files # complete recipes complete -c just -a '(__fish_just_complete_recipes)' # autogenerated completions complete -c just -l chooser -d 'Override binary invoked by `--choose`' -r complete -c just -l color -d 'Print colorful output' -r -f -a "{auto '',always '',never ''}" complete -c just -l command-color -d 'Echo recipe lines in ' -r -f -a "{black '',blue '',cyan '',green '',purple '',red '',yellow ''}" complete -c just -l dump-format -d 'Dump justfile as ' -r -f -a "{just '',json ''}" complete -c just -l list-heading -d 'Print before list' -r complete -c just -l list-prefix -d 'Print before each list item' -r complete -c just -s f -l justfile -d 'Use as justfile' -r -F complete -c just -l set -d 'Override with ' -r complete -c just -l shell -d 'Invoke to run recipes' -r complete -c just -l shell-arg -d 'Invoke shell with as an argument' -r complete -c just -s d -l working-directory -d 'Use as working directory. --justfile must also be set' -r -F complete -c just -s c -l command -d 'Run an arbitrary command with the working directory, `.env`, overrides, and exports set' -r complete -c just -l completions -d 'Print shell completion script for ' -r -f -a "{bash '',elvish '',fish '',powershell '',zsh ''}" complete -c just -s l -l list -d 'List available recipes' -r complete -c just -s s -l show -d 'Show recipe at ' -r complete -c just -l dotenv-filename -d 'Search for environment file named instead of `.env`' -r complete -c just -s E -l dotenv-path -d 'Load as environment file instead of searching for one' -r -F complete -c just -l timestamp-format -d 'Timestamp format string' -r complete -c just -l check -d 'Run `--fmt` in \'check\' mode. Exits with 0 if justfile is formatted correctly. Exits with 1 and prints a diff if formatting is required.' complete -c just -l yes -d 'Automatically confirm all recipes.' complete -c just -s n -l dry-run -d 'Print what just would do without doing it' complete -c just -l highlight -d 'Highlight echoed recipe lines in bold' complete -c just -l list-submodules -d 'List recipes in submodules' complete -c just -l no-aliases -d 'Don\'t show aliases in list' complete -c just -l no-deps -d 'Don\'t run recipe dependencies' complete -c just -l no-dotenv -d 'Don\'t load `.env` file' complete -c just -l no-highlight -d 'Don\'t highlight echoed recipe lines in bold' complete -c just -s q -l quiet -d 'Suppress all output' complete -c just -l shell-command -d 'Invoke with the shell used to run recipe lines and backticks' complete -c just -l clear-shell-args -d 'Clear shell arguments' complete -c just -s u -l unsorted -d 'Return list and summary entries in source order' complete -c just -l unstable -d 'Enable unstable features' complete -c just -s v -l verbose -d 'Use verbose output' complete -c just -l changelog -d 'Print changelog' complete -c just -l choose -d 'Select one or more recipes to run using a binary chooser. If `--chooser` is not passed the chooser defaults to the value of $JUST_CHOOSER, falling back to `fzf`' complete -c just -l dump -d 'Print justfile' complete -c just -s e -l edit -d 'Edit justfile with editor given by $VISUAL or $EDITOR, falling back to `vim`' complete -c just -l evaluate -d 'Evaluate and print all variables. If a variable name is given as an argument, only print that variable\'s value.' complete -c just -l fmt -d 'Format and overwrite justfile' complete -c just -l init -d 'Initialize new justfile in project root' complete -c just -l groups -d 'List recipe groups' complete -c just -l man -d 'Print man page' complete -c just -l summary -d 'List names of available recipes' complete -c just -l variables -d 'List names of variables' complete -c just -s g -l global-justfile -d 'Use global justfile' complete -c just -l timestamp -d 'Print recipe command timestamps' complete -c just -s h -l help -d 'Print help' complete -c just -s V -l version -d 'Print version'