use { super::*, clap_mangen::Man, std::io::{Read, Seek}, tempfile::tempfile, }; const INIT_JUSTFILE: &str = "default:\n echo 'Hello, world!'\n"; #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) enum Subcommand { Changelog, Choose { overrides: BTreeMap, chooser: Option, }, Command { arguments: Vec, binary: OsString, overrides: BTreeMap, }, Completions { shell: clap_complete::Shell, }, Dump, Edit, Evaluate { overrides: BTreeMap, variable: Option, }, Format, Groups, Init, List { path: ModulePath, }, Man, Run { arguments: Vec, overrides: BTreeMap, }, Show { path: ModulePath, }, Summary, Variables, } impl Subcommand { pub(crate) fn execute<'src>( &self, config: &Config, loader: &'src Loader, ) -> Result<(), Error<'src>> { use Subcommand::*; match self { Changelog => { Self::changelog(); return Ok(()); } Completions { shell } => return Self::completions(*shell), Init => return Self::init(config), Man => return Self::man(), Run { arguments, overrides, } => return Self::run(config, loader, arguments, overrides), _ => {} } let search = Search::find(&config.search_config, &config.invocation_directory)?; if let Edit = self { return Self::edit(&search); } let compilation = Self::compile(config, loader, &search)?; let justfile = &compilation.justfile; let ast = compilation.root_ast(); let src = compilation.root_src(); match self { Choose { overrides, chooser } => { Self::choose(config, justfile, &search, overrides, chooser.as_deref())?; } Command { overrides, .. } | Evaluate { overrides, .. } => {, &search, overrides, &[])?; } Dump => Self::dump(config, ast, justfile)?, Format => Self::format(config, &search, src, ast)?, Groups => Self::groups(config, justfile), List { path } => Self::list(config, justfile, path)?, Show { path } => Self::show(config, justfile, path)?, Summary => Self::summary(config, justfile), Variables => Self::variables(justfile), Changelog | Completions { .. } | Edit | Init | Man | Run { .. } => unreachable!(), } Ok(()) } fn groups(config: &Config, justfile: &Justfile) { println!("Recipe groups:"); for group in justfile.public_groups() { println!("{}{group}", config.list_prefix); } } fn run<'src>( config: &Config, loader: &'src Loader, arguments: &[String], overrides: &BTreeMap, ) -> Result<(), Error<'src>> { if matches!( config.search_config, SearchConfig::FromInvocationDirectory | SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { .. } ) { let starting_path = match &config.search_config { SearchConfig::FromInvocationDirectory => config.invocation_directory.clone(), SearchConfig::FromSearchDirectory { search_directory } => { env::current_dir().unwrap().join(search_directory) } _ => unreachable!(), }; let mut path = starting_path.clone(); let mut unknown_recipes_errors = None; loop { let search = match Search::find_next(&path) { Err(SearchError::NotFound) => match unknown_recipes_errors { Some(err) => return Err(err), None => return Err(SearchError::NotFound.into()), }, Err(err) => return Err(err.into()), Ok(search) => { if config.verbosity.loquacious() && path != starting_path { eprintln!( "Trying {}", starting_path .strip_prefix(path) .unwrap() .components() .map(|_| path::Component::ParentDir) .collect::() .join(search.justfile.file_name().unwrap()) .display() ); } search } }; match Self::run_inner(config, loader, arguments, overrides, &search) { Err((err @ Error::UnknownRecipes { .. }, true)) => { match search.justfile.parent().unwrap().parent() { Some(parent) => { unknown_recipes_errors.get_or_insert(err); path = parent.into(); } None => return Err(err), } } result => return result.map_err(|(err, _fallback)| err), } } } else { Self::run_inner( config, loader, arguments, overrides, &Search::find(&config.search_config, &config.invocation_directory)?, ) .map_err(|(err, _fallback)| err) } } fn run_inner<'src>( config: &Config, loader: &'src Loader, arguments: &[String], overrides: &BTreeMap, search: &Search, ) -> Result<(), (Error<'src>, bool)> { let compilation = Self::compile(config, loader, search).map_err(|err| (err, false))?; let justfile = &compilation.justfile; justfile .run(config, search, overrides, arguments) .map_err(|err| (err, justfile.settings.fallback)) } fn compile<'src>( config: &Config, loader: &'src Loader, search: &Search, ) -> Result, Error<'src>> { let compilation = Compiler::compile(config.unstable, loader, &search.justfile)?; if config.verbosity.loud() { for warning in &compilation.justfile.warnings { eprintln!("{}", warning.color_display(config.color.stderr())); } } Ok(compilation) } fn changelog() { print!("{}", include_str!("../")); } fn choose<'src>( config: &Config, justfile: &Justfile<'src>, search: &Search, overrides: &BTreeMap, chooser: Option<&str>, ) -> Result<(), Error<'src>> { let mut recipes = Vec::<&Recipe>::new(); let mut stack = vec![justfile]; while let Some(module) = stack.pop() { recipes.extend( module .public_recipes(config) .iter() .filter(|recipe| recipe.min_arguments() == 0), ); stack.extend(module.modules.values()); } if recipes.is_empty() { return Err(Error::NoChoosableRecipes); } let chooser = chooser.map_or_else(|| config::chooser_default(&search.justfile), From::from); let result = justfile .settings .shell_command(config) .arg(&chooser) .current_dir(&search.working_directory) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn(); let mut child = match result { Ok(child) => child, Err(io_error) => { let (shell_binary, shell_arguments) =; return Err(Error::ChooserInvoke { shell_binary: shell_binary.to_owned(), shell_arguments: shell_arguments.join(" "), chooser, io_error, }); } }; for recipe in recipes { if let Err(io_error) = child .stdin .as_mut() .expect("Child was created with piped stdio") .write_all(format!("{}\n", recipe.namepath).as_bytes()) { return Err(Error::ChooserWrite { io_error, chooser }); } } let output = match child.wait_with_output() { Ok(output) => output, Err(io_error) => { return Err(Error::ChooserRead { io_error, chooser }); } }; if !output.status.success() { return Err(Error::ChooserStatus { status: output.status, chooser, }); } let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); let recipes = stdout .split_whitespace() .map(str::to_owned) .collect::>();, search, overrides, &recipes) } fn completions(shell: clap_complete::Shell) -> RunResult<'static, ()> { use clap_complete::Shell; fn replace(haystack: &mut String, needle: &str, replacement: &str) -> RunResult<'static, ()> { if let Some(index) = haystack.find(needle) { haystack.replace_range(index..index + needle.len(), replacement); Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::internal(format!( "Failed to find text:\n{needle}\n…in completion script:\n{haystack}" ))) } } let mut script = { let mut tempfile = tempfile().map_err(|io_error| Error::TempfileIo { io_error })?; clap_complete::generate( shell, &mut crate::config::Config::app(), env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), &mut tempfile, ); tempfile .rewind() .map_err(|io_error| Error::TempfileIo { io_error })?; let mut buffer = String::new(); tempfile .read_to_string(&mut buffer) .map_err(|io_error| Error::TempfileIo { io_error })?; buffer }; match shell { Shell::Bash => { for (needle, replacement) in completions::BASH_COMPLETION_REPLACEMENTS { replace(&mut script, needle, replacement)?; } } Shell::Fish => { script.insert_str(0, completions::FISH_RECIPE_COMPLETIONS); } Shell::PowerShell => { for (needle, replacement) in completions::POWERSHELL_COMPLETION_REPLACEMENTS { replace(&mut script, needle, replacement)?; } } Shell::Zsh => { for (needle, replacement) in completions::ZSH_COMPLETION_REPLACEMENTS { replace(&mut script, needle, replacement)?; } } _ => {} } println!("{}", script.trim()); Ok(()) } fn dump(config: &Config, ast: &Ast, justfile: &Justfile) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { match config.dump_format { DumpFormat::Json => { serde_json::to_writer(io::stdout(), justfile) .map_err(|serde_json_error| Error::DumpJson { serde_json_error })?; println!(); } DumpFormat::Just => print!("{ast}"), } Ok(()) } fn edit(search: &Search) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { let editor = env::var_os("VISUAL") .or_else(|| env::var_os("EDITOR")) .unwrap_or_else(|| "vim".into()); let error = Command::new(&editor) .current_dir(&search.working_directory) .arg(&search.justfile) .status(); let status = match error { Err(io_error) => return Err(Error::EditorInvoke { editor, io_error }), Ok(status) => status, }; if !status.success() { return Err(Error::EditorStatus { editor, status }); } Ok(()) } fn format(config: &Config, search: &Search, src: &str, ast: &Ast) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { config.require_unstable("The `--fmt` command is currently unstable.")?; let formatted = ast.to_string(); if config.check { return if formatted == src { Ok(()) } else { if !config.verbosity.quiet() { use similar::{ChangeTag, TextDiff}; let diff = TextDiff::configure() .algorithm(similar::Algorithm::Patience) .diff_lines(src, &formatted); for op in diff.ops() { for change in diff.iter_changes(op) { let (symbol, color) = match change.tag() { ChangeTag::Delete => ("-", config.color.stdout().diff_deleted()), ChangeTag::Equal => (" ", config.color.stdout()), ChangeTag::Insert => ("+", config.color.stdout().diff_added()), }; print!("{}{symbol}{change}{}", color.prefix(), color.suffix()); } } } Err(Error::FormatCheckFoundDiff) }; } fs::write(&search.justfile, formatted).map_err(|io_error| Error::WriteJustfile { justfile: search.justfile.clone(), io_error, })?; if config.verbosity.loud() { eprintln!("Wrote justfile to `{}`", search.justfile.display()); } Ok(()) } fn init(config: &Config) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { let search = Search::init(&config.search_config, &config.invocation_directory)?; if search.justfile.is_file() { Err(Error::InitExists { justfile: search.justfile, }) } else if let Err(io_error) = fs::write(&search.justfile, INIT_JUSTFILE) { Err(Error::WriteJustfile { justfile: search.justfile, io_error, }) } else { if config.verbosity.loud() { eprintln!("Wrote justfile to `{}`", search.justfile.display()); } Ok(()) } } fn man() -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { let mut buffer = Vec::::new(); Man::new(Config::app()) .render(&mut buffer) .expect("writing to buffer cannot fail"); let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock(); stdout .write_all(&buffer) .map_err(|io_error| Error::StdoutIo { io_error })?; stdout .flush() .map_err(|io_error| Error::StdoutIo { io_error })?; Ok(()) } fn list(config: &Config, mut module: &Justfile, path: &ModulePath) -> Result<(), Error<'static>> { for name in &path.path { module = module .modules .get(name) .ok_or_else(|| Error::UnknownSubmodule { path: path.clone() })?; } let aliases = if config.no_aliases { BTreeMap::new() } else { let mut aliases = BTreeMap::<&str, Vec<&str>>::new(); for alias in module.aliases.values().filter(|alias| !alias.is_private()) { aliases .entry( .or_default() .push(; } aliases }; let signature_widths = { let mut signature_widths: BTreeMap<&str, usize> = BTreeMap::new(); for (name, recipe) in & { if !recipe.is_public() { continue; } for name in iter::once(name).chain(aliases.get(name).unwrap_or(&Vec::new())) { signature_widths.insert( name, UnicodeWidthStr::width( RecipeSignature { name, recipe } .color_display(Color::never()) .to_string() .as_str(), ), ); } } signature_widths }; let max_signature_width = signature_widths .values() .copied() .filter(|width| *width <= 50) .max() .unwrap_or(0); print!("{}", config.list_heading); let groups = { let mut groups = BTreeMap::, Vec<&Recipe>>::new(); for recipe in module.public_recipes(config) { let recipe_groups = recipe.groups(); if recipe_groups.is_empty() { groups.entry(None).or_default().push(recipe); } else { for group in recipe_groups { groups.entry(Some(group)).or_default().push(recipe); } } } groups }; for (i, (group, recipes)) in groups.iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { println!(); } let no_groups = groups.contains_key(&None) && groups.len() == 1; if !no_groups { print!("{}", config.list_prefix); if let Some(group_name) = group { println!("[{group_name}]"); } else { println!("(no group)"); } } for recipe in recipes { for (i, name) in iter::once(& .chain(aliases.get( .enumerate() { let doc = if i == 0 { recipe.doc().map(Cow::Borrowed) } else { Some(Cow::Owned(format!("alias for `{}`", }; if let Some(doc) = &doc { if doc.lines().count() > 1 { for line in doc.lines() { println!( "{}{} {}", config.list_prefix, config.color.stdout().doc().paint("#"), config.color.stdout().doc().paint(line), ); } } } print!( "{}{}", config.list_prefix, RecipeSignature { name, recipe }.color_display(config.color.stdout()) ); if let Some(doc) = doc { if doc.lines().count() <= 1 { print!( "{:padding$}{} {}", "", config.color.stdout().doc().paint("#"), config.color.stdout().doc().paint(&doc), padding = max_signature_width.saturating_sub(signature_widths[name]) + 1, ); } } println!(); } } } for submodule in module.modules(config) { println!("{}{} ...", config.list_prefix,,); } Ok(()) } fn show<'src>( config: &Config, mut module: &Justfile<'src>, path: &ModulePath, ) -> Result<(), Error<'src>> { for name in &path.path[0..path.path.len() - 1] { module = module .modules .get(name) .ok_or_else(|| Error::UnknownSubmodule { path: path.clone() })?; } let name = path.path.last().unwrap(); if let Some(alias) = module.get_alias(name) { let recipe = module.get_recipe(; println!("{alias}"); println!("{}", recipe.color_display(config.color.stdout())); Ok(()) } else if let Some(recipe) = module.get_recipe(name) { println!("{}", recipe.color_display(config.color.stdout())); Ok(()) } else { Err(Error::UnknownRecipes { recipes: vec![name.to_owned()], suggestion: module.suggest_recipe(name), }) } } fn summary(config: &Config, justfile: &Justfile) { let mut printed = 0; Self::summary_recursive(config, &mut Vec::new(), &mut printed, justfile); println!(); if printed == 0 && config.verbosity.loud() { eprintln!("Justfile contains no recipes."); } } fn summary_recursive<'a>( config: &Config, components: &mut Vec<&'a str>, printed: &mut usize, justfile: &'a Justfile, ) { let path = components.join("::"); for recipe in justfile.public_recipes(config) { if *printed > 0 { print!(" "); } if path.is_empty() { print!("{}",; } else { print!("{}::{}", path,; } *printed += 1; } for (name, module) in &justfile.modules { components.push(name); Self::summary_recursive(config, components, printed, module); components.pop(); } } fn variables(justfile: &Justfile) { for (i, (_, assignment)) in justfile.assignments.iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { print!(" "); } print!("{}",; } println!(); } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn init_justfile() { testing::compile(INIT_JUSTFILE); } }