extern crate tempdir; use super::{ErrorKind, Justfile}; fn expect_error(text: &str, line: usize, expected_error_kind: ErrorKind) { match super::parse(text) { Ok(_) => panic!("Expected {:?} but parse succeeded", expected_error_kind), Err(error) => { if error.line != line { panic!("Expected {:?} error on line {} but error was on line {}", expected_error_kind, line, error.line); } if error.kind != expected_error_kind { panic!("Expected {:?} error but got {:?}", error.kind, expected_error_kind); } } } } fn check_recipe( justfile: &Justfile, name: &str, line: usize, leading_whitespace: &str, commands: &[&str], dependencies: &[&str] ) { let recipe = match justfile.recipes.get(name) { Some(recipe) => recipe, None => panic!("Justfile had no recipe \"{}\"", name), }; assert_eq!(recipe.name, name); assert_eq!(recipe.line, line); assert_eq!(recipe.leading_whitespace, leading_whitespace); assert_eq!(recipe.commands, commands); assert_eq!(recipe.dependencies.iter().cloned().collect::>(), dependencies); } fn expect_success(text: &str) -> Justfile { match super::parse(text) { Ok(justfile) => justfile, Err(error) => panic!("Expected successful parse but got error {}", error), } } #[test] fn circular_dependency() { expect_error("a: b\nb: a", 1, ErrorKind::CircularDependency{circle: vec!["a", "b", "a"]}); } #[test] fn duplicate_dependency() { expect_error("a: b b", 0, ErrorKind::DuplicateDependency{name: "b"}); } #[test] fn duplicate_recipe() { expect_error( "a:\na:", 1, ErrorKind::DuplicateRecipe{first: 0, name: "a"} ); } #[test] fn tab_after_paces() { expect_error( "a:\n \tspaces", 1, ErrorKind::TabAfterSpace{whitespace: " \t"} ); } #[test] fn mixed_leading_whitespace() { expect_error( "a:\n\t spaces", 1, ErrorKind::MixedLeadingWhitespace{whitespace: "\t "} ); } #[test] fn inconsistent_leading_whitespace() { expect_error( "a:\n\t\ttabs\n\t\ttabs\n spaces", 3, ErrorKind::InconsistentLeadingWhitespace{expected: "\t\t", found: " "} ); } #[test] fn shebang() { expect_error("#!/bin/sh", 0, ErrorKind::Shebang); expect_error("a:\n #!/bin/sh", 1, ErrorKind::Shebang); } #[test] fn unknown_dependency() { expect_error("a: b", 0, ErrorKind::UnknownDependency{name: "a", unknown: "b"}); } #[test] fn unparsable() { expect_error("hello", 0, ErrorKind::Unparsable); } #[test] fn unparsable_dependencies() { expect_error("a: -f", 0, ErrorKind::UnparsableDependencies); } #[test] fn bad_recipe_names() { fn expect_bad_name(text: &str, name: &str) { expect_error(text, 0, ErrorKind::BadRecipeName{name: name}); } expect_bad_name("Z:", "Z"); expect_bad_name("a-:", "a-"); expect_bad_name("-a:", "-a"); expect_bad_name("a--a:", "a--a"); expect_bad_name("@:", "@"); } #[test] fn parse() { let justfile = expect_success("a: b c\nb: c\n echo hello\n\nc:\n\techo goodbye\n#\n#hello"); assert!(justfile.recipes.keys().cloned().collect::>() == vec!["a", "b", "c"]); check_recipe(&justfile, "a", 0, "", &[ ], &["b", "c"]); check_recipe(&justfile, "b", 1, " ", &["echo hello" ], &["c" ]); check_recipe(&justfile, "c", 4, "\t", &["echo goodbye"], &[ ]); } #[test] fn first() { let justfile = expect_success("#hello\n#goodbye\na:\nb:\nc:\n"); assert!(justfile.first().unwrap() == "a"); } #[test] fn unknown_recipes() { match expect_success("a:\nb:\nc:").run(&["a", "x", "y", "z"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::UnknownRecipes{recipes} => assert_eq!(recipes, &["x", "y", "z"]), other @ _ => panic!("expected an unknown recipe error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn code_error() { match expect_success("fail:\n @function x { return 100; }; x").run(&["fail"]).unwrap_err() { super::RunError::Code{recipe, code} => { assert_eq!(recipe, "fail"); assert_eq!(code, 100); }, other @ _ => panic!("expected an code run error, but got: {}", other), } } #[test] fn run_order() { let tmp = tempdir::TempDir::new("run_order").unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("tmpdir: failed to create temporary directory: {}", err)); let path = tmp.path().to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("tmpdir: path was not valid UTF-8")).to_owned(); let text = r" a: @touch a b: a @mv a b c: b @mv b c d: c @rm c "; super::std::env::set_current_dir(path).expect("failed to set current directory"); expect_success(text).run(&["a", "d"]).unwrap(); }