2021-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00
2021-03-22 13:19:47 +01:00
makeVM = import ./make-test-vm.nix pkgs;
2021-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00
inherit (pkgs) lib;
2021-03-22 13:19:47 +01:00
2021-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00
2021-03-22 13:19:47 +01:00
name: testConfig:
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
2021-03-22 13:19:47 +01:00
vm = makeVM {
name = "nix-bitcoin-${name}";
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
2022-06-13 07:08:09 +00:00
nodes.machine = {
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
imports = [ testConfig ];
2021-03-22 13:19:48 +01:00
virtualisation = {
# Needed because duplicity requires 270 MB of free temp space, regardless of backup size
diskSize = 1024;
# Min. 800 MiB needed to avoid 'out of memory' errors
memorySize = lib.mkDefault 2048;
cores = lib.mkDefault 2;
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
testScript = nodes: let
cfg = nodes.nodes.machine.config;
data = {
data = cfg.test.data;
tests = cfg.tests;
2020-11-19 03:01:44 +01:00
dataFile = pkgs.writeText "test-data" (builtins.toJSON data);
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
initData = ''
import json
with open("${dataFile}") as f:
data = json.load(f)
enabled_tests = set(test for (test, enabled) in data["tests"].items() if enabled)
test_data = data["data"]
builtins.concatStringsSep "\n\n" [
(builtins.readFile ./../tests.py)
2021-10-01 11:52:05 +02:00
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00
# Don't run tests in interactive mode.
# is_interactive is set in ../run-tests.sh
if not "is_interactive" in vars():
2021-03-22 13:19:47 +01:00
2020-09-27 12:43:28 +02:00
container = {
# The container name has a 11 char length limit
2020-12-11 13:26:05 +01:00
containers.nb-test = { config, ... }: {
2022-01-06 12:40:52 +00:00
imports = [
config = {
extra = config.config.test.container;
config = testConfig;
# Enable FUSE inside the container when clightning replication
# is enabled.
# TODO-EXTERNAL: Remove this when
# https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/17607
# has been resolved. This will also improve security.
clightning = config.config.services.clightning;
lib.mkIf (clightning.enable && clightning.replication.enable) {
bindMounts."/dev/fuse" = { hostPath = "/dev/fuse"; };
allowedDevices = [ { node = "/dev/fuse"; modifier = "rw"; } ];
2020-09-27 12:43:28 +02:00
2020-12-11 13:26:05 +01:00
2021-03-26 23:23:22 +01:00
# This allows running a test scenario in a regular NixOS VM.
# No tests are executed.
2022-07-05 10:12:54 +02:00
vmWithoutTests = (pkgs.nixos ({ config, ... }: {
2021-03-26 23:23:22 +01:00
imports = [
"${toString pkgs.path}/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix"
virtualisation.graphics = false;
2021-08-05 00:48:58 +02:00
services.getty.autologinUser = "root";
2021-03-26 23:23:22 +01:00
# Provide a shortcut for instant poweroff from within the machine
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(lowPrio (writeScriptBin "q" ''
echo o >/proc/sysrq-trigger
2022-07-05 10:12:54 +02:00
2022-07-05 12:19:01 +02:00
system.stateVersion = lib.mkDefault config.system.nixos.release;
2022-07-05 10:12:54 +02:00
2021-03-26 23:23:22 +01:00
2020-12-11 13:26:05 +01:00
config = testConfig;
2020-09-27 12:43:20 +02:00