add dev helper and docs

This commit is contained in:
Erik Arvstedt 2023-01-15 20:27:51 +01:00 committed by Greg Shuflin
parent 740dd666ad
commit 22e41d5c06
12 changed files with 746 additions and 1 deletions

@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ The nix-bitcoin security fund is a 2 of 3 bitcoin multisig address open for dona
security researchers who discover vulnerabilities in nix-bitcoin or its upstream dependencies.\
See [Security Fund](./ for details.
See [dev/README](./dev/
If you are having problems with nix-bitcoin check the [FAQ](docs/ or submit an issue.\

dev/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
This directory contains docs and helper scripts for developing and debugging:
- [``](./ misc dev helpers
- [``](./ helpers for developing specific
nix-bitcoin features, like services
- [`topics`](./topics) features specific topics
- [`dev-scenarios.nix`](./dev-scenarios.nix): extra test scenarios used in the above scripts
See also: [test/](../test/
## Run a dev shell
There are two ways to run a dev shell:
### 1. Run command `nix develop`
This starts a shell with [`test/`](../test/ and
the scripts in dir [`helper`](../helper) added to `PATH`.
### 2. Setup and start the `direnv` dev env
This is an opinionated, [direnv]( dev env, optimized for developer experience.
[`dev-env/`](./dev-env/ creates a git repo with the following contents:
- Dir `src` which contains the nix-bitcoin repo
- Dir `bin` for helper scripts
- File `scenarios.nix` for custom test scenarios
- File `.envrc` that defines a [direnv]( environment,
mainly for adding nix-bitcoin and helper scripts to `PATH`
#### Installation
1. [Install direnv](\
If you use NixOS (and Bash as the default shell), just add the following to your system config:
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.direnv ];
programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = ''
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
2. Create the dev env:
# Set up a dev environment in dir ~/dev/nix-bitcoin.
# The dir is created automatically.
./dev-env/ ~/dev/nix-bitcoin
cd ~/dev/nix-bitcoin
# Enable direnv
direnv allow
3. Optional: Editor integration
- Add envrc support to your editor
- Setup your editor so you can easily execute lines or paragraphs from a shell script
file in a shell.\
This simplifies using dev helper scripts like [`./`](./
#### Explore the dev env
# The direnv is automatically activated when visiting any subdir of ~/dev/nix-bitcoin
cd ~/dev/nix-bitcoin
ls -al . bin lib
# The direnv config file
cat .envrc
# You can use this file to define extra scenarios
cat scenarios.nix
# Binary `dev-run-tests` runs nix-bitcoin's `` with extra scenarios from ./scenarios.nix
# Example:
# Run command `nodeinfo` in `myscenario` (defined in ./scenarios.nix) via a container
dev-run-tests -s myscenario container --run c nodeinfo
# Equivalent (shorthand)
te -s myscenario container --run c nodeinfo
# Run the tests for `myscenario` in a VM
te -s myscenario
# Start an interactive shell inside a VM
te -s myscenario vm
See also: [test/](../test/
## Adding a new service
It's easiest to use an existing service as a template:
- [electrs.nix](../modules/electrs.nix): a basic service
- [clightning.nix](../modules/clightning.nix): simple, but covers a few more features.\
(A `cli` binary and a runtime-composed config to include secrets.)
- [rtl.nix](../modules/rtl.nix): includes a custom package, defined in [pkgs/rtl](../pkgs/rtl).\
Most other services use packages that are already included in nixpkgs.
## Switching to a new NixOS release
- [flake.nix](../flake.nix): update `nixpkgs.url`
- [cirrus.yml](../.cirrus.yml): update toplevel container -> image attribute
- [examples/configuration.nix](../examples/configuration.nix): update `system.stateVersion`
- Treewide: check if any `TODO-EXTERNAL` comments can be resolved

dev/dev-env/ Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
set -euo pipefail
scriptDir=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" && pwd)
mkdir -p "$destDir/"{bin,lib}
cd "$destDir"
if [[ ! -e src ]]; then
echo "Cloning fort-nix/nix-bitcoin"
git clone src
echo 'export root=$PWD
export src=$root/src
PATH_add bin
PATH_add src/helper' > .envrc
if [[ ! -e scenarios.nix ]]; then
cp "$scriptDir/template-scenarios.nix" scenarios.nix
install -m 755 <(
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash'
echo 'exec --extra-scenarios "$root/scenarios.nix" "$@"'
) bin/dev-run-tests
install -m 755 <(
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash'
echo 'exec $root/src/test/ --out-link-prefix /tmp/nix-bitcoin/test "$@"'
) bin/
ln -sfn dev-run-tests bin/te
## nix-bitcoin-firejail
echo '# Add your shell config files here that should be accessible in the sandbox
whitelist ${HOME}/.bashrc
read-only ${HOME}/.bashrc' > lib/nix-bitcoin-firejail.conf
install -m 755 <(
echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash'
echo '# A sandbox for running shells/binaries in an isolated environment:'
echo '# - The sandbox user is the calling user, with all capabilities dropped'
echo '# and with no way to gain new privileges (e.g. via `sudo`).'
echo '# - $HOME is bind-mounted to a dir that only contains shell config files and files required by direnv.'
echo '#'
echo '# You can modify the firejail env by editing `lib/nix-bitcoin-firejail.conf` in your dev env dir.'
echo 'exec firejail --profile="$root/lib/nix-bitcoin-firejail.conf" --profile="$root/src/dev/dev-env/nix-bitcoin-firejail.conf" "$@"'
) bin/nix-bitcoin-firejail
echo "1" > lib/dev-env-version
## git
echo '/src' > .gitignore
if [[ ! -e .git ]]; then
git init
git add .
git commit -a -m init

dev/dev-env/dev-shell.nix Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
pkgs.mkShell {
shellHook = ''
# A known rev from the master branch to test whether `nix develop`
# is called inside the nix-bitcoin repo
if git cat-file -e $rev &>/dev/null; then
root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
export PATH=$root/test:$root/helper:$PATH
echo 'Error: `nix develop` must be called inside the nix-bitcoin repo.'
exit 1

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
include default.local
include globals.local
caps.drop all
protocol unix,inet,inet6
## Enable features
# Enable direnv configs
whitelist ${HOME}/.config/direnv
read-only ${HOME}/.config/direnv
whitelist ${HOME}/.local/share/direnv
read-only ${HOME}/.local/share/direnv

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
{ pkgs, lib, scenarios, nix-bitcoin }:
with lib;
rec {
# For more examples, see `scenarios` and `exampleScenarios` in ./src/test/tests.nix
template = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
imports = [
(nix-bitcoin + "/modules/presets/secure-node.nix")
test.container.enableWAN = true;
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
myscenario = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
services.clightning.enable = true;
nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo.enable = true;

dev/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2154
# Run tests
# See ../test/ for a tutorial
# and ../test/ for a complete documentation
# Start a shell in a container -s electrs container
# Run a command in a container.
# The container is deleted afterwards. -s electrs container --run c journalctl -u electrs
# Run a bash command -s bitcoind container --run c bash -c "sleep 1; journalctl -u bitcoind" -s '{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.electrs.enable = true;
}' container --run c journalctl -u electrs -s "{
services.electrs.enable = true;
nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo.enable = true;
}" container --run c nodeinfo
# Get generic node infos
# Start container shell -s bitcoind container
# Run commands inside the shell:
# The node's services
c systemctl status
# Failed units
c systemctl list-units --failed
# Analyze container boot performance
c systemd-analyze critical-chain
# Listening TCP sockets
c netstat -nltp
# Listening sockets
c netstat -nlp
# The container root filesystem
ls -al /var/lib/nixos-containers/nb-test
# The container root filesystem on NixOS systems with stateVersion < 22.05
ls -al /var/lib/containers/nb-test
# bitcoind -s bitcoind container
c systemctl status bitcoind
c systemctl cat bitcoind
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u bitcoind
ls -al /var/lib/nixos-containers/nb-test/var/lib/bitcoind
c bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
c bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
c bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo -s '{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.bitcoind.enable = true;
}' container
address=$(c bitcoin-cli getnewaddress)
echo $address
c bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 10 $address
# Run bitcoind with network access -s "{
test.container.enableWAN = true;
services.bitcoind.enable = true;
}" container --run c journalctl -u bitcoind -f
# clightning -s clightning container
c systemctl status clightning
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u clightning
c lightning-cli getinfo
# Plugins -s "{
services.clightning.enable = true;
test.features.clightningPlugins = true;
}" container
c lightning-cli plugin list
# Show plugin config
nix eval --raw .#makeTest --apply '
makeTest: let
config = (makeTest {
config = {
services.clightning.enable = true;
test.features.clightningPlugins = true;
# clightning-rest -s clightning-rest container
c systemctl status clightning-rest
c journalctl -u clightning-rest
c systemctl status clightning-rest-migrate-datadir
# spark-wallet -s "{
services.spark-wallet.enable = true;
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
}" container
c systemctl status spark-wallet
c journalctl -u spark-wallet
sparkAuth=$(c cat /secrets/spark-wallet-login | grep -ohP '(?<=login=).*')
curl -v http://$sparkAuth@$ip:9737
# Open in browser
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open http://$sparkAuth@$ip:9737
# electrs -s "{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.electrs.enable = true;
}" container
c systemctl status electrs
c systemctl cat electrs
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u electrs
electrs_rpc() {
echo "$1" | c nc 50001 | head -1 | jq
electrs_rpc '{"method": "server.version", "id": 0, "params": ["electrum/3.3.8", "1.4"]}'
electrs_rpc '{"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe", "id": 0}'
# fulcrum -s "{
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.fulcrum.enable = true;
}" container
c systemctl status fulcrum
c systemctl cat fulcrum
c journalctl --output=short-precise -u fulcrum
fulcrum_rpc() {
echo "$1" | c nc 50002 | head -1 | jq
fulcrum_rpc '{"method": "server.version", "id": 0, "params": ["electrum/3.3.8", "1.4"]}'
fulcrum_rpc '{"method": "blockchain.headers.subscribe", "id": 0}'
# lnd -s lnd container
c systemctl status lnd
c journalctl -u lnd
c lncli getinfo
# lightning-loop -s lightning-loop container
c systemctl status lightning-loop
c journalctl -u lightning-loop
# btcpayserver
# -s btcpayserver-regtest container
c systemctl status btcpayserver
c journalctl -u btcpayserver
c systemctl cat btcpayserver
c systemctl status nbxplorer
c journalctl -u nbxplorer
## Access the API
request() {
local type=$1
local method=$2
local body=$3
shift; shift; shift
curl -sSL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X $type --user "a@a.a:aaaaaa" \
-d "$body" "$@" "$ip:23000/api/v1/$method" | jq
post() {
local method=$1
local body=$2
shift; shift
request post "$method" "$body" "$@"
get() {
local method=$1
request get "$method"
# Create new user
post users '{"email": "a@a.a", "password": "aaaaaa", "isAdministrator": true}'
# Login with:
# user: a@a.a
# password: aaaaaa
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open http://$ip:23000
# create store
post stores '{"name": "a", "defaultPaymentMethod": "BTC_LightningNetwork"}'
post stores '{"name": "a", "defaultPaymentMethod": "BTC"}'
store=$(get stores | jq -r .[].id)
echo $store
get stores/$store
get stores/$store/payment-methods
get stores/$store/payment-methods/LightningNetwork
# Connect to internal lightning node (internal API, doesn't work)
# Lightning must be manually setup via the webinterface.
post stores/$store/lightning/BTC/setup "" --data-raw 'LightningNodeType=Internal&ConnectionString=&command=save'
nix run --inputs-from . nixpkgs#lynx -- --dump http://$ip:23000/embed/$store/BTC/ln
# liquid -s liquid container
c systemctl status liquidd
c elements-cli getpeerinfo
c elements-cli getnetworkinfo
c liquidswap-cli --help
# tor container
c cat /var/lib/tor/state
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/bitcoind
c ls -al /var/lib/tor/onion/clightning-rest
# joinmarket -s joinmarket container
c systemctl status joinmarket
c journalctl -u joinmarket
# joinmarket-ob-watcher
# This starts a container with WAN access, so that jm-ob-watcher
# can connect to the joinmarket IRC servers over Tor -s jm-ob-watcher container
c systemctl status joinmarket-ob-watcher
c journalctl -u joinmarket-ob-watcher
# Manually wait for string 'started http server, visit'
# This can take >10 minutes when the Tor network is under heavy load.
# While connecting, errors like `We failed to connect and handshake with ANY directories...`
# may be shown.
c journalctl -f -u joinmarket-ob-watcher
# Check webinterface
c curl localhost:62601
nix run --inputs-from . nixpkgs#lynx -- --dump $ip:62601
c curl -s localhost:62601 | grep -i "orders found"
# rtl
# see ./topics/

dev/dev-scenarios.nix Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Extra scenarios for developing and debugging
{ lib, scenarios }:
with lib;
btcpayserver-regtest = {
imports = [ scenarios.regtestBase ];
services.btcpayserver.enable = true;
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
# services.btcpayserver.lbtc = false;
# A node with internet access to test joinmarket-ob-watcher
jm-ob-watcher = {
services.joinmarket-ob-watcher.enable = true;
# Don't download blocks
services.bitcoind.extraConfig = ''
connect = 0;
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
test.container.enableWAN = true;
rtl-dev = { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: {
imports = [
# scenarios.netnsBase
# scenarios.regtestBase
services.rtl = {
enable = true;
nodes.clightning = {
enable = true;
extraConfig.Settings.themeColor = "INDIGO";
# nodes.lnd.enable = false;
# services.rtl.nodes.reverseOrder = true;
nightTheme = true;
extraCurrency = "CHF";
test.container.exposeLocalhost = true;
nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo.enable = true;
# test.container.enableWAN = true;

dev/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Access nix-bitcoin flake packages
function nb() {
nix build --no-link --print-out-paths --print-build-logs "$@"
# A package defined by nix-bitcoin
nb .#joinmarket
# Equivalent
nb .#modulesPkgs.joinmarket
# A nix-bitcoin python package
nb .#nbPython3Packages.pyln-client
# A pinned package from nixpkgs(-unstable)
nb .#pinned.electrs
# Equivalent
nb .#modulesPkgs.electrs
## Eval packages
# Check version
nix eval .#joinmarket.version
# Eval derivation. --raw is needed due to a Nix bug (
nix eval --raw .#joinmarket; echo
# Check the version of a package in the nixpkgs(-unstable) inputs of the nix-bitcoin flake
nix eval --inputs-from . nixpkgs#electrs.version
nix eval --inputs-from . nixpkgs-unstable#electrs.version
# Inspect test systems
# Build a test system
nix build -o /tmp/system --print-build-logs "$(nix eval --raw .#tests.default --apply '
readlink /tmp/system
# Inspect system files
cat /tmp/system/activate
cat /tmp/system/etc/system/bitcoind.service
# Evaluate a config value
nix eval .#tests.default --apply '
# Evaluate a config value in a custom test
nix eval .#makeTest --apply '
makeTest: let
config = (makeTest {
config = {
services.electrs.port = 10000;
# Evaluate a config value in a scenario defined in a file
nix eval --impure .#getTest --apply '
getTest: let
config = (getTest {
name = "default";
extraScenariosFile = builtins.getEnv("root") + "/scenarios.nix";
# Manually run a nix-bitcoin container, without the test framework.
# This allows sharing directories with the container host via option `bindMounts.`
read -rd '' src <<'EOF' || :
nix-bitcoin = builtins.getFlake "git+file://${toString ../.}";
nix-bitcoin.inputs.extra-container.lib.buildContainers {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit (nix-bitcoin.inputs) nixpkgs;
# legacyInstallDirs = true;
config = {
containers.nb-adhoc = {
# bindMounts."/shared" = { hostPath = "/my/hostpath"; isReadOnly = false; };
extra.addressPrefix = "10.200.255";
config = {
imports = [ nix-bitcoin.nixosModules.default ];
services.bitcoind.enable = true;
nix-bitcoin.generateSecrets = true;
nix-bitcoin.nodeinfo.enable = true;
nix run --impure --expr "$src"
# Run command in container
nix shell --impure --expr "$src" -c container --run c nodeinfo
# TODO-EXTERNAL: Use this instead when is fixed
# nix run --impure --expr "$src" -- --run c nodeinfo
# Show build logs from a CI test run
# If a specific test derivation was already built successfully, the test is not rerun
# and the CI logs don't show the test output.
# To view the test output:
# 1. Get the test store path at the end of the CI logs
# 2.
fetch_build_log() {
local log=$1
nix cat-store --store "$log/output.xml" |
nix shell --inputs-from . nixpkgs#html-tidy -c tidy -xml -i - > /tmp/build-output.xml
echo "Fetched log to /tmp/build-output.xml"
# Set this to your store path
fetch_build_log /nix/store/0cdjhvg84jsp47f3357812zjmj2wmz94-vm-test-run-nix-bitcoin-default
# Show runtime
grep "script finished in" /tmp/build-output.xml
# View XML with node folding
firefox /tmp/build-output.xml

dev/topics/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# Docs
# config options:
# local src: ~/s/RTL/
# Browse API docs (in container shell)
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open "http://$ip:4001/api-docs/"
# Debug the service -s rtl-dev container
c systemctl status rtl
c journalctl -u rtl
c cat /var/lib/rtl/RTL-Config.json
c systemctl status clightning-rest
# Open webinterface. Password: a
runuser -u "$(logname)" -- xdg-open "http://$ip:3000"
# Build RTL manually
# [[~/s/RTL/dockerfiles/Dockerfile][dockerfile]]
# [[~/s/RTL/package.json][package.json]]
git clone "$rtl_src"
nix build -o /tmp/nix-bitcoin-dev/nodejs --inputs-from . nixpkgs#nodejs-16_x
# Start a shell in a sandbox
env --chdir "$rtl_src" nix-bitcoin-firejail --whitelist="$rtl_src" --whitelist=/tmp/nix-bitcoin-dev/nodejs
# Install
npm ci --omit=dev --omit=optional --no-update-notifier --ignore-scripts
# Run
node rtl --help
git clean -xdf # Cleanup repo

@ -122,6 +122,8 @@
program = toString packages.runVM;
devShells.default = import ./dev/dev-env/dev-shell.nix pkgs;

@ -315,7 +315,9 @@ let
services.lnd.enable = true;
services.bitcoind.prune = 1000;
} // (import ../dev/dev-scenarios.nix {
inherit lib scenarios;
## Example scenarios that showcase extra features
exampleScenarios = with lib; {