Split `enforceTor` into `tor.proxy` and `tor.enforce`.
By enabling `tor.proxy` without `tor.enforce`, a service can accept
incoming clearnet connections.
E.g., this allows setting up a Tor-proxied bitcoind node that accepts
RPC connections from LAN.
This greatly improves readability and makes it easier to discover options.
This commit was genereated by running the following script inside the
repo root dir:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
def transform(src)
return false if src.include?('inherit options;')
success = false
options = nil
src.sub!(/^ options.*?^ }.*?;/m) do |match|
options = match
" inherit options;"
return false if !options
src.sub!(/^with lib;\s*let\n+/m) do |match|
success = true
with lib;
Dir['modules/**/*.nix'].each do |f|
src = File.read(f)
if transform(src)
puts "Changed file #{f}"
File.write(f, src)
Due to a possible NixOS bug, this commit has no effect on NixOS 20.09
where `RestrictAddressFamilies` is a no-op.
It's only relevant for NixOS unstable with cgroups v2.
bitcoind+zmq: instead of allowing all address families, only add the required
AF_NETLINK family.
lnd: lnd only runs a zmq client, not a server, therefore it requires
no additional address families.
lightning-pool, clightning-plugin-zmq: add AF_NETLINK.