This directory contains docs and helper scripts for developing and debugging: - [``](./ misc dev helpers - [``](./ helpers for developing specific nix-bitcoin features, like services - [`topics`](./topics) features specific topics - [`dev-scenarios.nix`](./dev-scenarios.nix): extra test scenarios used in the above scripts See also: [test/](../test/ ## Run a dev shell There are two ways to run a dev shell: ### 1. Run command `nix develop` This starts a shell with [`test/`](../test/ and the scripts in dir [`helper`](../helper) added to `PATH`. ### 2. Setup and start the `direnv` dev env This is an opinionated, [direnv]( dev env, optimized for developer experience. [`dev-env/`](./dev-env/ creates a git repo with the following contents: - Dir `src` which contains the nix-bitcoin repo - Dir `bin` for helper scripts - File `scenarios.nix` for custom test scenarios - File `.envrc` that defines a [direnv]( environment, mainly for adding nix-bitcoin and helper scripts to `PATH` #### Installation 1. [Install direnv](\ If you use NixOS (and Bash as the default shell), just add the following to your system config: ```nix environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.direnv ]; programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = '' eval "$(direnv hook bash)" ''; ``` 2. Create the dev env: ```bash # Set up a dev environment in dir ~/dev/nix-bitcoin. # The dir is created automatically. ./dev-env/ ~/dev/nix-bitcoin cd ~/dev/nix-bitcoin # Enable direnv direnv allow ``` 3. Optional: Editor integration - Add envrc support to your editor - Setup your editor so you can easily execute lines or paragraphs from a shell script file in a shell.\ This simplifies using dev helper scripts like [`./`](./ #### Explore the dev env ```bash # The direnv is automatically activated when visiting any subdir of ~/dev/nix-bitcoin cd ~/dev/nix-bitcoin ls -al . bin lib # The direnv config file cat .envrc # You can use this file to define extra scenarios cat scenarios.nix # Binary `dev-run-tests` runs nix-bitcoin's `` with extra scenarios from ./scenarios.nix # Example: # Run command `nodeinfo` in `myscenario` (defined in ./scenarios.nix) via a container dev-run-tests -s myscenario container --run c nodeinfo # Equivalent (shorthand) te -s myscenario container --run c nodeinfo # Run the tests for `myscenario` in a VM te -s myscenario # Start an interactive shell inside a VM te -s myscenario vm ``` See also: [test/](../test/ ## Adding a new service It's easiest to use an existing service as a template: - [electrs.nix](../modules/electrs.nix): a basic service - [clightning.nix](../modules/clightning.nix): simple, but covers a few more features.\ (A `cli` binary and a runtime-composed config to include secrets.) - [rtl.nix](../modules/rtl.nix): includes a custom package, defined in [pkgs/rtl](../pkgs/rtl).\ Most other services use packages that are already included in nixpkgs. ## Switching to a new NixOS release - [flake.nix](../flake.nix): update `nixpkgs.url` - [cirrus.yml](../.cirrus.yml): update toplevel container -> image attribute - [examples/configuration.nix](../examples/configuration.nix): update `system.stateVersion` - Treewide: check if any `TODO-EXTERNAL` comments can be resolved