{ stdenv, fetchurl, pkgconfig, autoreconfHook, openssl, db48, boost, zeromq , zlib, miniupnpc, qtbase ? null, qttools ? null, utillinux, protobuf, python3, qrencode, libevent }: with stdenv.lib; stdenv.mkDerivation rec{ name = "liquid-" + version; version = ""; src = fetchurl { urls = [ "https://github.com/Blockstream/liquid/releases/download/liquid.${version}/liquid-${version}.tar.gz" ]; sha256 = "0fb17de2ac7169a69980f0417007263d439f6bd7045549621c1877178bac8b23"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig autoreconfHook ] ++ optionals doCheck [ python3 ]; buildInputs = [ openssl db48 boost zlib zeromq miniupnpc protobuf libevent] ++ optionals stdenv.isLinux [ utillinux ]; configureFlags = [ "--with-boost-libdir=${boost.out}/lib" "--disable-bench" ] ++ optionals (!doCheck) [ "--disable-tests" "--disable-gui-tests" ]; doCheck = true; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = { description = "An inter-exchange settlement network based on Bitcoin"; longDescription= '' Liquid is an inter-exchange settlement network linking together cryptocurrency exchanges and institutions around the world, enabling faster Bitcoin transactions and the issuance of digital assets. ''; homepage = http://www.github.com/blockstream/liquid; license = licenses.mit; # liquid needs hexdump to build, which doesn't seem to build on darwin at the moment. platforms = platforms.linux; }; }