Updating --- In your deployment directory, enter the nix shell with `nix-shell` and run ``` fetch-release > nix-bitcoin-release.nix ``` Nodeinfo --- Run `nodeinfo` to see onion addresses and local addresses for enabled services. Connect to spark-wallet --- ### Requirements * Android phone * [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/) installed from [F-Droid](https://guardianproject.info/fdroid) (recommended) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android&hl=en) * [Spark-wallet](https://github.com/shesek/spark-wallet) installed from [direct download](https://github.com/shesek/spark-wallet/releases) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spark.wallet) 1. Enable spark-wallet in `configuration.nix` Change ``` # services.spark-wallet.enable = true; ``` to ``` services.spark-wallet.enable = true; ``` 2. Deploy new `configuration.nix` 3. Enable Orbot VPN for spark-wallet ``` Open Orbot app Turn on "VPN Mode" Select Gear icon under "Tor-Enabled Apps" Toggle checkbox under Spark icon ``` 4. Get the onion address, access key and QR access code for the spark wallet android app ``` journalctl -eu spark-wallet ``` Note: The qr code might have issues scanning if you have a light terminal theme. Try setting it to dark or highlighting the entire output to invert the colors. 5. Connect to spark-wallet android app ``` Server Settings Scan QR Done ``` Connect to LND with Zeus --- ### Requirements * Android phone * [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/) installed from [F-Droid](https://guardianproject.info/fdroid) (recommended) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android&hl=en) * [Zeus](https://zeusln.app/) installed from [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/app.zeusln.zeus/) (recommended) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.zeusln.zeus) 1. Enable `restOnionService` in `configuration.nix` Change ``` # services.lnd.restOnionService.enable = true; ``` to ``` services.lnd.restOnionService.enable = true; ``` 2. Deploy new `configuration.nix` ``` nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node ``` 3. Run command `lndconnect-rest-onion` (under `operator` user) to create a QR code for connecting to LND via the REST onion service. 4. Enable Orbot VPN for Zeus ``` Open Orbot app Turn on "VPN Mode" Select Gear icon under "Tor-Enabled Apps" Toggle checkbox under Zeus icon ``` 5. Scan the QR code with your Zeus wallet and start sending Satoshis privately Connect to electrs --- ### Requirements Android * Android phone * [Orbot](https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/) installed from [F-Droid](https://guardianproject.info/fdroid) (recommended) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.torproject.android&hl=en) * [Electrum mobile app](https://electrum.org/#home) 4.0.1 and newer installed from [direct download](https://electrum.org/#download) or [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.electrum.electrum) ### Requirements Desktop * [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/) installed from [source](https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en) or [repository](https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en) * [Electrum](https://electrum.org/#download) installed 1. Enable electrs in `configuration.nix` Change ``` # services.electrs.enable = true; ``` to ``` services.electrs.enable = true; ``` 2. Deploy new `configuration.nix` 3. Get electrs onion address with format `:` ``` nodeinfo | jq -r .electrs.onion_address ``` 4. Connect to electrs Make sure Tor is running on Desktop or as Orbot on Android. On Desktop ``` electrum --oneserver -1 -s ":t" -p socks5:localhost:9050 ``` On Android ``` Three dots in the upper-right-hand corner Network > Proxy mode: socks5, Host:, Port: 9050 Network > Auto-connect: OFF Network > One-server mode: ON Network > Server: :t ``` Connect to nix-bitcoin node through the SSH onion service --- 1. Get the SSH onion address (excluding the port suffix) ``` ssh operator@bitcoin-node nodeinfo | jq -r .sshd.onion_address | sed 's/:.*//' ``` 2. Create a SSH key ``` ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ``` 3. Place the ed25519 key's fingerprint in the `configuration.nix` `openssh.authorizedKeys.keys` field like so ``` # FIXME: Add your SSH pubkey services.openssh.enable = true; users.users.root = { openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "" ]; }; ``` 4. Connect to your nix-bitcoin node's SSH onion service, forwarding a local port to the nix-bitcoin node's SSH server ``` ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -L :localhost:22 root@ ``` 5. Edit your deployment tool's configuration and change the node's address to `localhost` and the ssh port to ``. If you use krops as described in the [installation tutorial](./install.md), set `target = "localhost:";` in `krops/deploy.nix`. 6. After deploying the new configuration, it will connect through the SSH tunnel you established in step iv. This also allows you to do more complex SSH setups that some deployment tools don't support. An example would be authenticating with [Trezor's SSH agent](https://github.com/romanz/trezor-agent), which provides extra security. Initialize a Trezor for Bitcoin Core's Hardware Wallet Interface --- 1. Enable Trezor in `configuration.nix` Change ``` # services.hardware-wallets.trezor = true; ``` to ``` services.hardware-wallets.trezor = true; ``` 2. Deploy new `configuration.nix` 3. Check that your nix-bitcoin node recognizes your Trezor ``` ssh operator@bitcoin-node lsusb ``` Should show something relating to your Trezor 4. If your Trezor has outdated firmware or is not yet initialized: Start your Trezor in bootloader mode Trezor v1 ``` Plug in your Trezor with both buttons depressed ``` Trezor v2 ``` Start swiping your finger across your Trezor's touchscreen and plug in the USB cable when your finger is halfway through ``` 5. If your Trezor's firmware is outdated: Update your Trezor's firmware ``` trezorctl firmware-update ``` Follow the on-screen instructions **Caution: This command _will_ wipe your Trezor. If you already store Bitcoin on it, only do this with the recovery seed nearby.** 6. If your Trezor is not yet initialized: Set up your Trezor ``` trezorctl reset-device -p ``` Follow the on-screen instructions 7. Find your Trezor ``` hwi enumerate hwi -t trezor -d promptpin hwi -t trezor -d sendpin hwi enumerate ``` 8. Follow Bitcoin Core's instructions on [Using Bitcoin Core with Hardware Wallets](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI/blob/master/docs/bitcoin-core-usage.md) to use your Trezor with `bitcoin-cli` on your nix-bitcoin node JoinMarket --- ## Diff to regular JoinMarket usage For clarity reasons, nix-bitcoin renames all scripts to `jm-*` without `.py`, for example `wallet-tool.py` becomes `jm-wallet-tool`. The rest of this section details nix-bitcoin specific workflows for JoinMarket. ## Wallets By default, a wallet is automatically generated at service startup. It's stored at `/var/lib/joinmarket/wallets/wallet.jmdat`, and its mnmenoic recovery seed phrase is stored at `/var/lib/joinmarket/jm-wallet-seed`. A missing wallet file is automatically recreated if the seed file is still present. If you want to manually initialize your wallet instead, follow these steps: 1. Enable JoinMarket in your node configuration ``` services.joinmarket.enable = true; ``` 2. Move the automatically generated `wallet.jmdat` ```console mv /var/lib/joinmarket/wallet.jmdat /var/lib/joinmarket/bak.jmdat ``` 3. Generate wallet on your node ```console jm-wallet-tool generate ``` Follow the on-screen instructions and write down your seed. In order to use nix-bitcoin's `joinmarket.yieldgenerator`, use the password from `/secrets/jm-wallet-password` and use the suggested default wallet name `wallet.jmdat`. If you want to use your own `jm-wallet-password`, simply replace the password string in your local secrets directory. ## Run the tumbler The tumbler needs to be able to run in the background for a long time, use screen to run it accross SSH sessions. You can also use tmux in the same fashion. 1. Add screen to your `environment.systemPackages`, for example ``` environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim screen ]; ``` 2. Start the screen session ```console screen -S "tumbler" ``` 3. Start the tumbler Example: Tumbling into your wallet after buying from an exchange to improve privacy: ```console jm-tumbler wallet.jmdat ``` After tumbling your bitcoin end up in these three addresses. You can now spend them without the exchange collecting data on your purchases. Get more information [here](https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver/blob/master/docs/tumblerguide.md) 4. Detach the screen session to leave the tumbler running in the background ``` Ctrl-a d or Ctrl-a Ctrl-d ``` 5. Re-attach to the screen session ```console screen -r tumbler ``` 6. End screen session Type exit when tumbler is done ```console exit ``` ## Run a "maker" or "yield generator" The maker/yield generator in nix-bitcoin is implemented using a systemd service. See [here](https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver/blob/master/docs/YIELDGENERATOR.md) for more yield generator information. 1. Enable yield generator bot in your node configuration ``` services.joinmarket.yieldgenerator = { enable = true; # Optional: Add custom parameters txfee = 200; cjfee_a = 300; }; ''; ``` 2. Check service status ```console systemctl status joinmarket-yieldgenerator ``` 3. Profit clightning --- ## Plugins There are a number of [plugins](https://github.com/lightningd/plugins) available for clightning. Currently `nix-bitcoin` supports: - helpme - monitor - prometheus - rebalance - summary - zmq You can activate and configure these plugins like so: ```nix services.clightning = { enable = true; plugins = { prometheus.enable = true; prometheus.listen = ""; }; }; ``` Please have a look at the module for a plugin (e.g. [prometheus.nix](../modules/clightning-plugins/prometheus.nix)) to learn its configuration options.