2020-10-18 13:42:58 +02:00

51 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# This script demonstrates how to setup a VirtualBox nix-bitcoin node with nixops.
# Running this script leaves no traces on your host system.
# This demo is a template for your own experiments.
# Feel free to modify or to run nix-shell and execute individual statements of this
# script in the interactive shell.
if [[ ! -v IN_NIX_SHELL ]]; then
echo "Running script in nix shell env..."
cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}"
exec nix-shell --run "./${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/} $*"
# Cleanup on exit
cleanup() {
set +e
if nixops list | grep -q bitcoin-node; then
nixops destroy --confirm -d bitcoin-node
rm -rf $tmpDir
trap "cleanup" EXIT
mkdir -p $tmpDir
# Don't write nixops and VirtualBox data to the $USER's home
export HOME=$tmpDir
# Disable interactive queries and don't write to the $USER's known_hosts file
export NIXOPS_SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
nixops create nixops/node.nix nixops/node-vbox.nix -d bitcoin-node
nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node
# Connect to node
nixops ssh bitcoin-node systemctl status bitcoind
c() { nixops ssh bitcoin-node "$@"; }
case ${1:-} in
# Cleanup happens at exit (see above)