2021-03-15 19:02:58 +01:00

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Tutorial: Moving from a NixOps to a Krops deployment

  1. Add a new ssh key to your nix-bitcoin node

    Krops doesn't automatically generate ssh keys like NixOps, instead you add your own.

    If you don't have a ssh key yet

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/bitcoin-node

    Edit configuration.nix

    users.users.root = {
      openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
        "<contents of ~/.ssh/ or existing .pub key file>"

    Deploy new key

    nixops deploy -d bitcoin-node
  2. Update your nix-bitcoin, depending on your setup either with fetch-release or git. Make sure you are at least on v0.0.41.

  3. Pull the latest nix-bitcoin source

    cd ~/nix-bitcoin
    git pull
  4. Copy new and updated files into your deployment folder

    cd <deployment directory, for example `~/nix-bitcoin-node`>
    cp -r ~/nix-bitcoin/examples/{krops,shell.nix} .
  5. Edit your ssh config

    nano ~/.ssh/config

    and add the node with an entry similar to the following (make sure to fix Hostname and IdentityFile):

    Host bitcoin-node
        # FIXME
        User root
        PubkeyAuthentication yes
        # FIXME
        IdentityFile <ssh key from step 1 or path to existing key>
        AddKeysToAgent yes
  6. Make sure you are in the deployment directory and edit krops/deploy.nix

    nano krops/deploy.nix

    Locate the FIXME and set the target to the name of the ssh config entry created earlier, i.e. bitcoin-node.

    Note that any file imported by your configuration.nix must be copied to the target machine by krops. For example, if there is an import of networking.nix you must add it to extraSources in krops/deploy.nix like this:

    extraSources = {
        "hardware-configuration.nix".file = toString ../hardware-configuration.nix;
        "networking.nix".file = toString ../networking.nix;
  7. If lnd or joinmarket is enabled on your node, run the commmand

    nix-shell --run 'nix-instantiate --eval -E "
      (import <nixpkgs/nixos> {
        configuration = { lib, ... }: {
          imports = [ ./configuration.nix ];
          nix-bitcoin.configVersion = lib.mkDefault \"0.0.31\";
          nix-bitcoin.secretsSetupMethod = lib.mkForce \"manual\";

    and follow the migration instructions from the error message.

  8. Optional: Disallow substitutes

    You may have been building nix-bitcoin "without substitutes" to avoid pulling in binaries from the Nix cache. If you want to continue doing so, you have to add the following line to the configuration.nix:

    nix.extraOptions = "substitute = false";

    If the build process fails for some reason when deploying with krops-deploy (see later step), it may be difficult to find the cause due to the missing output. In that case, it is possible to SSH into the target machine and run

    nixos-rebuild -I /var/src switch
  9. Deploy with krops

    nix-shell --run krops-deploy

    Remove the old secrets directory. For krops deployments, secrets are always located at /var/src/secrets.

    ssh bitcoin-node 'rm -rf /secrets'
  10. You can now access bitcoin-node via ssh

    ssh operator@bitcoin-node
  11. You can remove the remaining traces of nixops as follows:

    nix run -f '<nix-bitcoin>' nixops19_09 -c nixops delete -d bitcoin-node --force
    git rm -r nixops