Brian Barto
Added option to show cursor during "type" and "jumble" loops.
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
2016-04-20 18:16:19 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Changed nmsexec() to nms_exec()
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
modified: src/sneakers.c
2016-04-20 17:55:07 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Changed my typedef name to proper camel case
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
modified: src/sneakers.c
2016-04-20 17:24:11 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Changes nmsexec() to accept a structure containing it's multiple arguments. This made
more sense than passing a growing list of arguments.
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
modified: src/sneakers.c
2016-04-20 17:08:35 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Added "returnOptions" parameter that limits which keys will continue execution
once the src text is revealed.
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
modified: src/sneakers.c
2016-04-20 14:52:37 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Decided I didn't need the nmsprintf() function. Instead teh main program should
build the character array however it pleases and pass it in to nmsexec().
modified: src/main.c
modified: src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
2016-04-18 18:39:56 -04:00 |
Brian Barto
Restructured the application file a bit.
modified: Makefile
renamed: src/nms.c -> src/main.c
copied: src/nms.h -> src/nms.c
modified: src/nms.h
2016-04-18 12:00:57 -04:00 |