312 lines
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312 lines
7.5 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017 Brian Barto
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.
* The nmstermio modules implements the terminal interface used by the
* nmseffect module. All terminal IO functionality is defined and
* implemented here.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
// Macros for VT100 codes
#define CLEAR_SCR() printf("\033[2J") // Clear Screen
#define CURSOR_HOME() printf("\033[H") // Move cursor to home position (0,0)
#define CURSOR_MOVE(y,x) printf("\033[%i;%iH", y, x) // Move cursor to x,y
#define BEEP() printf("\a"); // terminal bell
#define BOLD() printf("\033[1m") // Cursor bold
#define FOREGROUND_COLOR(x) printf("\033[3%im", x) // Set foreground color
#define CLEAR_ATTR() printf("\033[0m") // Clear bold/color attributes
#define SCREEN_SAVE() printf("\033[?47h") // Save screen display
#define SCREEN_RESTORE() printf("\033[?47l") // Restore screen to previously saved state
#define CURSOR_SAVE() printf("\033[s") // Save cursor position
#define CURSOR_RESTORE() printf("\033[u") // Restore cursor position
#define CURSOR_HIDE() printf("\033[?25l") // Hide cursor
#define CURSOR_SHOW() printf("\033[?25h") // Unhide cursor
// Color identifiers
#define COLOR_BLACK 0
#define COLOR_RED 1
#define COLOR_GREEN 2
#define COLOR_YELLOW 3
#define COLOR_BLUE 4
#define COLOR_CYAN 6
#define COLOR_WHITE 7
// Terminal IO settings
static int clearScr = 0; // clearScr flag
static int foregroundColor = COLOR_BLUE; // Foreground color setting
// Function prototypes
static void nmstermio_set_terminal(int);
* Initialize and configure the terminal for output. This usually means
* just turning off terminal echo and line buffering. If the clearScr
* flag is set, it will also save the state of the cursor and screen (so
* it can be restored) and then clear it.
void nmstermio_init_terminal(void) {
// Turn off line buffering and echo
// Save terminal state, clear screen, and home/hide the cursor
if (clearScr) {
* Restore the state of the terminal to the state prior to executing
* nmstermio_init_terminal(). This usually means turning on line buffering
* and echo. If the clearScr flag is set, it will also restore the
* terminal content and cursor position.
void nmstermio_restore_terminal(void) {
// Restore screen and cursor is clearSrc is set
if (clearScr) {
// Turn on line buffering and echo
* Get and return the number of rows in the current terminal window.
int nmstermio_get_rows(void) {
struct winsize w;
return w.ws_row;
* Get and return the number of cols in the current terminal window.
int nmstermio_get_cols(void) {
struct winsize w;
return w.ws_col;
* Move terminal cursor to the given x/y coordinates.
void nmstermio_move_cursor(int y, int x) {
* Print the given character string to the terminal output.
void nmstermio_print_string(char *s) {
printf("%s", s);
* Refresh the screen. Display all pending output that has not been
* displayed yet.
void nmstermio_refresh(void) {
* Clear all input pending in STDIN. This is used prior to getting user
* input to clear the input queue in case of any prior errant keystrokes.
void nmstermio_clear_input(void) {
int i;
while (i-- > 0) {
* Get a single character of input from the user. Given that line buffering
* is turned off, we must constantly loop until we get a character other
* than EOF.
char nmstermio_get_char(void) {
struct timespec ts;
int t = 50;
char c;
ts.tv_sec = t / 1000;
ts.tv_nsec = (t % 1000) * 1000000;
while ((c = getchar()) == EOF) {
nanosleep(&ts, NULL);
return c;
* Print the character string that represents the decrypted data. We
* apply the bold and color attributes (if colorOn flag is set) to this
* string.
void nmstermio_print_reveal_string(char *s, int colorOn) {
// Set bold and foreground color
if (colorOn) {
// print string
printf("%s", s);
// Unset bold and foreground color
* Display the cursor that have been turned off by nmstermio_init_terminal().
void nmstermio_show_cursor(void) {
* Make the terminal beep. Used when the returnOpts setting is set in the
* nmseffect module.
void nmstermio_beep(void) {
* Return the status of the clearScr flag. This is used by the nmseffect
* module to make certain decisions based on its value.
int nmstermio_get_clearscr(void) {
return clearScr;
* Sets the clearScr flag according to the true/false value of the 's' argument.
void nmstermio_set_clearscr(int s) {
if (s)
clearScr = 1;
clearScr = 0;
* Set the desired foreground color of the unencrypted characters as they
* are revealed by nmstermio_print_reveal_string(). Valid arguments are
* "white", "yellow", "magenta", "blue", "green", "red", and "cyan".
void nmstermio_set_foregroundcolor(char *c) {
if(strcmp("white", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_WHITE;
else if(strcmp("yellow", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_YELLOW;
else if(strcmp("black", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_BLACK;
else if(strcmp("magenta", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_MAGENTA;
else if(strcmp("blue", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_BLUE;
else if(strcmp("green", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_GREEN;
else if(strcmp("red", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_RED;
else if(strcmp("cyan", c) == 0)
foregroundColor = COLOR_CYAN;
foregroundColor = COLOR_BLUE;
* Get and returns the current row position of the cursor. This involves
* sending the appropriate ANSI escape code to the terminal and
* reading/parsing its response.
int nmstermio_get_cursor_row(void) {
int i, r = 0;
int row = 0;
char buf[10];
char *cmd = "\033[6n";
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
write(STDOUT_FILENO, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
r = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf));
for (i = 0; i < r; ++i) {
if (buf[i] == 27 || buf[i] == '[') {
if (buf[i] >= '0' && buf[i] <= '9') {
row = (row * 10) + (buf[i] - '0');
if (buf[i] == ';' || buf[i] == 'R' || buf[i] == 0) {
return row;
* Turn off terminal echo and line buffering when passed an integer value
* that evaluates to true. Restore the original terminal values when passed
* an integer value that evaluates to false.
static void nmstermio_set_terminal(int s) {
struct termios tp;
static struct termios save;
static int state = 1;
if (s == 0) {
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &tp) == -1) {
save = tp;
tp.c_lflag &=(~ICANON & ~ECHO);
if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &tp) == -1) {
} else {
if (state == 0 && tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &save) == -1)
state = s;