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\item Network programming and troubleshooting (OSI model layer 2-4, TCP/IP, IPv6, Ethernet), hardware and software packet processing, embedded Linux hardware bringup, writing clear and maintainable C and C++. Can solder if necessary.
\item Full-stack web development, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, Django (Python), modern Javascript (frontend and Node.js)
and Javascript tooling (grunt/webpack/npm). I'm a fan of React.js.
\item Linux system administration in production cloud environments, Docker containerization, AWS/Terraform experience. I have a running 4U VM server on a shelf in my apartment.
\resitem{Updated old Python codebase to modern typed Python + Rust execution core for improved performance and maintainability. Frequent Rust/Python FFI and Python metaprogramming.}
\resitem{Routinely collaborated with external contributors in a spirit of good open-source citizenship.}
\resitem{Contributed to internal React/Typescript frontend work, Django/AWS backend work at early-stage startup (\textless 10 employees) when all hands needed on deck. }
\resitem{One of two members of the backend/devops team. Primarily responsible for feature development for API microservices in Scala (Akka/Couchbase NoSQL),
and AWS provision of the same (Docker, Terraform).}
\resitem{Built systems for processing GDAL geospatial data, efficiently running TensorFlow/OpenCV ML workflows on quadrotor drone photos.}
\resitem{One time I grabbed a Windows laptop and set up a
Visual C++ environment so I could apply a 10-line bugfix patch
to some Autodesk software we depended on. Only time so far I've needed to do that.}
\resitem{Primarily responsible for feature development and support of several different models of cloud-managed Ethernet switches and WiFi access points.}
\resitem{Healthy mix of embedded Linux firmware development on networking hardware (C++) and full stack web development (Ruby on Rails/PostgreSQL + a little Scala).}
\resitem{Designed and built WiFi statistics monitoring widget with d3 and React, looks cool in demos and saved at least one deal.}
\resitem{Regular troubleshooting and debugging of hardware and software in production network environments. The 802.1Q protocol identifier value 0x8100 is burned into my memory