#import "leipzig-gloss.typ": gloss, numbered_gloss, gloss_count #import "linguistic-abbreviations.typ": * #show label("leipzig-glossing-header_text"): set text(blue) #show label("leipzig-glossing-source_text"): set text(weight: "bold") = Saimiar #let sc = smallcaps From the song Tetrachromacy (_xoikesêcuxasø_) by King Gizzard. #gloss( header_text: [vath sêcubai dhiakŋo, somyxasan krexasir êsuŋo], source_text: ([vath], [sêcu-bai], [dhika-ŋo], [so-my-xas-an], [kre-xas-ir], [êsu-ŋo]), morphemes: ([three], [color-#sc[1sg]:#sc[pos]], [divide-#sc[cop]], [#sc[all]-un-see-#sc[nom]], [#sc[pot]-see-#sc[nom]], [desire-#sc[cop]]), translation: [my three shades are divisible, lust to see the invisible], ) #gloss( header_text: [vath sêcubai dhiakŋo, somyxasan krexasir êsuŋo], header_text_style: text.with(fill: green), source_text: ([vath], [sêcu-bai], [dhika-ŋo], [so-my-xas-an], [kre-xas-ir], [êsu-ŋo]), morphemes: ([three], [color-#sc[1sg]:#sc[pos]], [divide-#sc[cop]], [#sc[all]-un-see-#sc[nom]], [#sc[pot]-see-#sc[nom]], [desire-#sc[cop]]), translation: [my three shades are divisible, lust to see the invisible], ) #gloss( header_text: [This text is about eating your head.], source_text: (text(fill:black)[I'm], [eat-ing], [your], [head]), morphemes: ([1#sg.#sbj\=to.be], text(fill:black)[eat-#prog], [2#sg.#pos], [head]), translation: text(weight: "bold")[I'm eating your head!], )