# Leipzig Glossing in Typst `leipzig-glossing` is a [Typst](https://github.com/typst/typst) library for creating interlinear morpheme-by-morpheme glosses according to the [Leipzig glossing rules](https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/pdf/Glossing-Rules.pdf). # Documentation Run `typst compile documentation.typ` in the root of the repository to generate a pdf file with examples and documentation. This command is also codified in the accompanying [justfile](https://github.com/casey/just) as `just build-doc`. The definitions intended for use by end users are the `gloss` and `numbered-gloss` functions, and the `abbreviations` submodule. # Contributing The canonical repository for this project is on the [Gitea instance](https://code.everydayimshuflin.com/greg/typst-lepizig-glossing). The repository is also [mirrored on Github](https://github.com/neunenak/typst-leipzig-glossing/). Bug reports and code contributions are welcome from all users. ## License This library uses the MIT license; see `LICENSE.txt`. ## Contributors Thanks to [Bethany E. Toma](https://github.com/betoma) for a number of suggestions and improvements. Thanks to [Maja Abramski-Kronenberg](https://github.com/rwmpelstilzchen) for the labeling functionality.