Move eval tests

This commit is contained in:
greg 2019-08-16 10:39:21 -07:00
parent cd20afc3c7
commit 3caf9c763c
2 changed files with 254 additions and 254 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ use crate::reduced_ast::{BoundVars, ReducedAST, Stmt, Expr, Lit, Func, Alternati
use crate::symbol_table::{SymbolSpec, Symbol, SymbolTable};
use crate::builtin::Builtin;
mod test;
pub struct State<'a> {
values: ScopeStack<'a, Rc<String>, ValueEntry>,
symbol_table_handle: Rc<RefCell<SymbolTable>>,
@ -491,257 +493,3 @@ impl<'a> State<'a> {
mod eval_tests {
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::symbol_table::SymbolTable;
use crate::eval::State;
fn evaluate_all_outputs(input: &str) -> Vec<Result<String, String>> {
let symbol_table = Rc::new(RefCell::new(SymbolTable::new()));
let mut state = State::new(symbol_table);
let ast = crate::util::quick_ast(input);
let reduced = ast.reduce(&state.symbol_table_handle.borrow());
let all_output = state.evaluate(reduced, true);
macro_rules! test_in_fresh_env {
($string:expr, $correct:expr) => {
let all_output = evaluate_all_outputs($string);
let ref output = all_output.last().unwrap();
assert_eq!(**output, Ok($correct.to_string()));
fn test_basic_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("1 + 2", "3");
test_in_fresh_env!("let mut a = 1; a = 2", "Unit");
test_in_fresh_env!("let mut a = 1; a = 2; a", "2");
test_in_fresh_env!(r#"("a", 1 + 2)"#, r#"("a", 3)"#);
fn op_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("- 13", "-13");
test_in_fresh_env!("10 - 2", "8");
fn function_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("fn oi(x) { x + 1 }; oi(4)", "5");
test_in_fresh_env!("fn oi(x) { x + 1 }; oi(1+2)", "4");
fn scopes() {
let scope_ok = r#"
let a = 20
fn haha() {
let a = 10
test_in_fresh_env!(scope_ok, "10");
let scope_ok = r#"
let a = 20
fn haha() {
let a = 10
test_in_fresh_env!(scope_ok, "20");
fn if_is_patterns() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let x = Some(9); if x is Some(q) then { q } else { 0 }"#;
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "9");
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let x = None; if x is Some(q) then { q } else { 0 }"#;
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "0");
fn full_if_matching() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let a = None
if a { is None -> 4, is Some(x) -> x }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "4");
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let a = Some(99)
if a { is None -> 4, is Some(x) -> x }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "99");
let source = r#"
let a = 10
if a { is 10 -> "x", is 4 -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
let source = r#"
let a = 10
if a { is 15 -> "x", is 10 -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"y\"");
fn string_pattern() {
let source = r#"
let a = "foo"
if a { is "foo" -> "x", is _ -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
fn boolean_pattern() {
let source = r#"
let a = true
if a {
is true -> "x",
is false -> "y"
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
fn boolean_pattern_2() {
let source = r#"
let a = false
if a { is true -> "x", is false -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"y\"");
fn ignore_pattern() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
if Some(10) {
is _ -> "hella"
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"hella\"");
fn tuple_pattern() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 2) {
is (1, x) -> x,
is _ -> 99
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 2);
fn tuple_pattern_2() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 2) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (y, x) -> x + y
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 3);
fn tuple_pattern_3() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 5) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (1, x) -> x
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 5);
fn tuple_pattern_4() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 5) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (1, x) -> x,
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 5);
fn prim_obj_pattern() {
let source = r#"
type Stuff = Mulch(Nat) | Jugs(Nat, String) | Mardok
let a = Mulch(20)
let b = Jugs(1, "haha")
let c = Mardok
let x = if a {
is Mulch(20) -> "x",
is _ -> "ERR"
let y = if b {
is Mulch(n) -> "ERR",
is Jugs(2, _) -> "ERR",
is Jugs(1, s) -> s,
is _ -> "ERR",
let z = if c {
is Jugs(_, _) -> "ERR",
is Mardok -> "NIGH",
is _ -> "ERR",
(x, y, z)
test_in_fresh_env!(source, r#"("x", "haha", "NIGH")"#);
fn basic_lambda_syntax() {
let source = r#"
let q = \(x, y) { x * y }
let x = q(5,2)
let y = \(m, n, o) { m + n + o }(1,2,3)
(x, y)
test_in_fresh_env!(source, r"(10, 6)");
fn lambda_syntax_2() {
let source = r#"
fn milta() {
\(x) { x + 33 }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "43");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use crate::symbol_table::SymbolTable;
use crate::eval::State;
fn evaluate_all_outputs(input: &str) -> Vec<Result<String, String>> {
let symbol_table = Rc::new(RefCell::new(SymbolTable::new()));
let mut state = State::new(symbol_table);
let ast = crate::util::quick_ast(input);
let reduced = ast.reduce(&state.symbol_table_handle.borrow());
let all_output = state.evaluate(reduced, true);
macro_rules! test_in_fresh_env {
($string:expr, $correct:expr) => {
let all_output = evaluate_all_outputs($string);
let ref output = all_output.last().unwrap();
assert_eq!(**output, Ok($correct.to_string()));
fn test_basic_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("1 + 2", "3");
test_in_fresh_env!("let mut a = 1; a = 2", "Unit");
test_in_fresh_env!("let mut a = 1; a = 2; a", "2");
test_in_fresh_env!(r#"("a", 1 + 2)"#, r#"("a", 3)"#);
fn op_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("- 13", "-13");
test_in_fresh_env!("10 - 2", "8");
fn function_eval() {
test_in_fresh_env!("fn oi(x) { x + 1 }; oi(4)", "5");
test_in_fresh_env!("fn oi(x) { x + 1 }; oi(1+2)", "4");
fn scopes() {
let scope_ok = r#"
let a = 20
fn haha() {
let a = 10
test_in_fresh_env!(scope_ok, "10");
let scope_ok = r#"
let a = 20
fn haha() {
let a = 10
test_in_fresh_env!(scope_ok, "20");
fn if_is_patterns() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let x = Some(9); if x is Some(q) then { q } else { 0 }"#;
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "9");
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let x = None; if x is Some(q) then { q } else { 0 }"#;
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "0");
fn full_if_matching() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let a = None
if a { is None -> 4, is Some(x) -> x }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "4");
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
let a = Some(99)
if a { is None -> 4, is Some(x) -> x }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "99");
let source = r#"
let a = 10
if a { is 10 -> "x", is 4 -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
let source = r#"
let a = 10
if a { is 15 -> "x", is 10 -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"y\"");
fn string_pattern() {
let source = r#"
let a = "foo"
if a { is "foo" -> "x", is _ -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
fn boolean_pattern() {
let source = r#"
let a = true
if a {
is true -> "x",
is false -> "y"
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"x\"");
fn boolean_pattern_2() {
let source = r#"
let a = false
if a { is true -> "x", is false -> "y" }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"y\"");
fn ignore_pattern() {
let source = r#"
type Option<T> = Some(T) | None
if Some(10) {
is _ -> "hella"
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "\"hella\"");
fn tuple_pattern() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 2) {
is (1, x) -> x,
is _ -> 99
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 2);
fn tuple_pattern_2() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 2) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (y, x) -> x + y
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 3);
fn tuple_pattern_3() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 5) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (1, x) -> x
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 5);
fn tuple_pattern_4() {
let source = r#"
if (1, 5) {
is (10, x) -> x,
is (1, x) -> x,
test_in_fresh_env!(source, 5);
fn prim_obj_pattern() {
let source = r#"
type Stuff = Mulch(Nat) | Jugs(Nat, String) | Mardok
let a = Mulch(20)
let b = Jugs(1, "haha")
let c = Mardok
let x = if a {
is Mulch(20) -> "x",
is _ -> "ERR"
let y = if b {
is Mulch(n) -> "ERR",
is Jugs(2, _) -> "ERR",
is Jugs(1, s) -> s,
is _ -> "ERR",
let z = if c {
is Jugs(_, _) -> "ERR",
is Mardok -> "NIGH",
is _ -> "ERR",
(x, y, z)
test_in_fresh_env!(source, r#"("x", "haha", "NIGH")"#);
fn basic_lambda_syntax() {
let source = r#"
let q = \(x, y) { x * y }
let x = q(5,2)
let y = \(m, n, o) { m + n + o }(1,2,3)
(x, y)
test_in_fresh_env!(source, r"(10, 6)");
fn lambda_syntax_2() {
let source = r#"
fn milta() {
\(x) { x + 33 }
test_in_fresh_env!(source, "43");